Before and During - 80 lbs later

Losing weight is hard. HARD. In January 2011, I decided enough was enough I was going to work toward losing 120-130 lbs. I have lost 80 lbs so far. Actually, I lost 80 lbs very quickly, found a love of running and the weight has been coming off more slowly. Much more slowly. And I am okay with that because I absolutely love to run. This next year I am committed to losing the next 20-25 lbs and I have some really fun goals in running I am looking forward to (Tahoe Trifecta, baby!). Today is one of those days where the slower weight loss is a little more frustrating (mostly because I have been grounded from running for several days due to a really nasty case of bronchitis) so I started looking for some motivation. I found it in these two photos from two different New Year's Eves. I am on the right.

New Year's Eve 2009

New Year's Eve 2011

Can't wait to see this pic in 2012. Motivation accomplished.


  • giantsfaninvt
    giantsfaninvt Posts: 26 Member
    80 pounds gone, you look great! Congrats!
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    SO awesome!!!! Keep up the great work!!! It IS hard!! But, worth it in a million ways! I've just started running - training for a haf-marathon right now! It's starting to get a little daunting....I run 7 miles this Sunday!!!

    Thanks for sharing - you found your motivation and will inspire others, too!
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