Hello MFP Family,

So I'm thinking about doing the 30 day shred. Do I have to buy anything else other than the DVD? Weights? I dont have any of that stuff right now and jus didnt want to buy the DVD and then dont have the things to do it!.

Any advice?........also anyone done it yet? what all does the dvd have u doing? Squats? ...etc?


  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Weights.....at first I couldn't use any, then worked my weight to 2.5 pound weights......now doing it for the second time ( first time was a year ago) I'm using 5 pound weights
  • elyssaxo
    I just started and I already had some hand weights but I do think they would benefit your progress! A lot of the workout has you using weights. You do abs, cardio, strength, and you WILL feel the burn on day 1. I was nauseous for 30 mins afterwards. But I can't wait for day 2!