What do you ladies do to say NO to BAD food when it's "that time of the month"? I have been doing rrrrrrreally good with working out and eating, but now that it's that time I can already feel myself getting weak... I WILL BE STRONG, I WILL BE STRONG!!!!



  • juliesauber13
    I feel your pain! I've been pretty good my last few cycles with eating junk. Every time I want to grab junk when I'm PMSing now, I remind myself that sugar, salt, and other junk food will only make my symptoms WORSE! It's been scientifically proven that even though we are craving sweet and salty foods, it's really water, exercise, and vitamins/minerals we need to fulfill those cravings!

    So. I'd say try this at least once: When you start getting those familiar urges to splurge on junk food, ask yourself if the food is worth it to make your PMS even worse after your done. Usually, when I tell myself that, I look for other healthier choices. Also, look for recipes for "healthy" desserts -- like chocolate chip cookies made with applesauce or even black bean brownies! You can also find savory recipes like sweet potato "fries" and stuff like that. Here are some links. You can get really creative with healthy foods that are disguised as desserts!



    Last but not least, if you are going to give in to temptation, set some limits. Eat a small part of the junk food, and then pour salt or hot sauce on the rest IMMEDIATELY, so you won't be tempted to eat the whole thing!

    Good luck!
  • danyamichele
    I am using the GNC lean shakes and added fruit or peanut butter with ice before blending. Tastes like a chocolate shake and helps me with the cravings!
  • Ameaks
    Ameaks Posts: 34 Member
    Bump. Good advice. I'm the same boat right now and wanting to eat everything in sight. Hang in there!!
  • CourtneyA1
    CourtneyA1 Posts: 10 Member
    My trainer suggested a bit of dark dark chocolate. The 70-85% dark chocolate. It's helped me. I also try and anticipate it, so I know if I'm craving something, I know why.
  • Msjat
    Msjat Posts: 9
    I try to fill up on crystal light and fat free pretzels
  • Have you looked at Chocolites? It's 35-40 calorie pieces of chocolate. Comes in a pack of two:

  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks Ladies! :)
  • GretaJane
    GretaJane Posts: 64 Member
    Low calorie hot chocolate "Options" brand in the UK is really yummy and warm and 40 cals. Kellogs Chocolate and almond fibre bars are really tasty, too. Or rice cakes or popcorn if you want something salty and low cal.

    Exercise really is good for you when pms-ing. If you don't feel like going crazy walk on a treadmill on an incline, it will warm up your body and you will have some extra calories for that kit-kat? =P

    Or just do something else to help you relax. Light some candles and read or give yourself a pedicure. If you have a gym membership just go for the sauna or hot tub. Some of those cravings might be stress-related (they are for me!) Hope this helps!
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    I actually just let it go for a bit. I try not to go TOO over the top but I am a little more lax. I do however, continue to workout since I'm just as strong just "whiny" XD

    I try to spend a few days eating well and then let myself go too far one a couple days (the worst ones). I might eat a little less on the days leading up to it or afterwards, to even things out a bit, but overall a few extra calories isn't going to kill me :)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    When my fiancee has her period, I sympathize with her cravings and join her in food excursions, without guilt. I'm a great guy.
  • CDresp
    CDresp Posts: 204 Member
    Keep repeating to yourself "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    That time of month, my cravings are chocolate and lots and lots of chocolate! My doctor has told me if I crave something to take a nibble to just satisfy the craving, however I do not do that. For me when I crave it, I look in the mirror and ask myself if I should just give up now because of 1 week or should I ignore it and keep working hard? I also go back and read about my success and see how far I've come. That always motivates me to keep going. I only find that I really crave things when my mind is free to think about things. When I'm bored, so I find something to keep my busy. I'm a busy person anyway, have 2 kids a husband, a house that needs to be cleaned all the time, I crochet orders, and now about to get a job.
  • suzieq5688
    i always just go for it...lol its ok to treat yourself once in awhile...(if you dont youll lose your mind and fall off the deep end one day)
    and p.s. i ate a little bit of chocolate everyday and still managed to loe 40 lbs :) thats the one thing i couldnt cut out completely lol

    just workout etra hard tomorrow!
  • lillsmitty
    sugar free chocolate pudding is my addiction, I get my chocolate fix with very limited calories :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Two words: Skinny. Cow.
    My mom just bought these Skinny Cow "Heavenly Delight" bars. They're 110 calories, and if they can satisfy the chocolate lover in me, they'll do the trick for you! :D They keep me from overindulging in bad foods!
  • pokerbarbie13
    Honestly, I don't say "No." I think of it like when I was in Catholic school...when they tell you you can't do it, it's all you want to do. So, I give in but in very small amounts so I never feel deprived or have the cravings. I love dark chocolate, so I buy the expensive kind that tastes wonderful and keep it in my fridge. When a craving hits, I break off a square. It's very rich so I don't feel the need to eat the whole thing and the small amount is worth the 60 calories to satisfy me. Because it's more expensive, I savor it and enjoy my treat. The key is moderation with everything. So far, I'm down 50lbs. The rest will be easy because it is a lifestyle change that is truly liveable!
  • shipwreck3
    sugar free chocolate pudding is my addiction, I get my chocolate fix with very limited calories :)

    and fat free pretzel sticks. I guess they taste pretty good cause the kids often steal my little pretzels.LOL
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Cravings only last for a few minutes at a time, so if you can distract yourself for those few minutes then you should be fine.

    That being said, I'm realistic and know that as soon as I decide I want something it won't change until I have had it.

    At the end of the day though, by denying yourself your craving you are more likely to fail. Everything in moderation. Rather than eating the whole bar of chocolate, have a few pieces. Just try not to do something that you will feel guilty for afterwards.

    Also, look for alternatives. Someone mentioned Skinny Cow. I haven't had the bars but I know the hot chocolate is tasty.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Ok, I'm a chocaholic! So I eat chocolate everyday! I eat 90 calorie fiber one bars - chocolate and chocolate peanut butter and they are awesome! I also enjoy Atkins Dark Chocolate shakes. I don't know if you have a DQ near you but they have an awesome fat free fudge bar that's only 50 calories! Fat free chocolate pudding for 60 calories is also a great option too! Also, if you have a craving for something salty, Light Lays at great (75 calories a serving) or Rold Gold pretzel sticks (100 calories for 53 sticks)!
  • mistersmithsbox
    Milk. I go thru milk like a fiend when it's cycle time. All the calcium helps, I suppose. Choco-milk powder also helps when cravings are really bad.
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