Ripped in 30 - January



  • himel13
    himel13 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm a bit late in joining the thread but am glad it exists..i really need the accountability!
    I've been trying to do this since November but for some reason I do a few days of Week 1 and then something comes up and I feel like I need to start all over again. so far I haven't made any progress!
    I started this time on the 2nd Jan, did cardio the day after and then Day 2 of Week 1 yesterday. I haven't really figured out what my plan is, I'm thinking 'rest days' will automatically pop up throughout the week when I get home late, so I'm basically going to try do 7 days of each week!
    I've been on a plateau for the the last 3 months and am hoping this will break it. Will take measurements and post them later.
    I can't do any of the ab exercises..don't know why, feels like I'll die! :P will try to work my way through it. I get tired really easily, so I have a lot of stamina building to do!
  • acdeed
    acdeed Posts: 36 Member
    Oh yes, I started on Monday, it's great. I also joined the RI30 janurary 2012 group. My hamstrings really hurt too, but I am fired up and ready to see results.
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Day 5 done! It seems to be going super quick this week!

    I must say today I really struggled like I felt unfit today which was strange, im not sure if its because im actually getting fitter so im putting more effort in? I dunno. But I sweated tonnes today!

    also I just realised, if this dvd has 4 weeks of workouts, and you move up a level each week/ 7 days then there is only 28 days work of work outs?

    7 x 4 = 28...

    means I best get another dvd to move onto sooner than I though! I know its early days but has anyone else though about what they will move on to after this?
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    I'm considering her banish fat boost metabolism DVD. Plus I was excited to see that she is putting out at kickboxing DVD in march so that is defiantly on my to get list. It would be nice if we could all agree to the next DVD and all stick together :) maybe that's just wishful thinking.
    I am only doing 5 days a week for this DVD as my body Is sore and I think rest days are good. I'm going to actually miss Fridays workout because i will be out of town but I'm going to get tonights in.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 3 done! Today was not very good for me. As soon as I started my right knee hurt. It is strange that it was my right knee as usually my left one is a bit weak. I normally wear knee support while I am exercising. I could not get to it today. So I had to modify on the squats etc. So I feel I got less of a workout. Better than nothing I suppose. I will see how it feels tomorrow. If it hurts I will have my rest day tomorrow.

    Already half way trough week one :wink:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I have to say that first time I was so scared of level 3. I always read how hard it is and so on. Then when I did it I was pleasantly surprised. Yes of course it was hard but I really enjoyed it. I did not make it to level 4 but out of the 3 I think 3 is my favourite...

    You're BADASS!!! :) I hope to be able to claim that level 3 is my favorite after completing it this time around. Glad you're sticking with it!

    He he! Sounds very good but I am surely not :smile: I just liked the individual exercises in level 3! We'll see if it is still the case this time around. :smile:
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Just started this yesterday. Look forward to Day 2
  • mszimmerman76
    Completed Level 1 Day 3 last night, gonna do day 4 tonight. Just a couple of pieces of advice in response to some comments I have seen on this thread. Totally not trying to push my ways on anyone else, just suggestions. I have a BS in Kinesiology so I am educated on the subject.

    1) The cool-down IS NOT adequate stretching/cool-down to ease soreness. I do a 29 minute Yoga routine on my wii Fit after I do RI30. You don't necessarrily have to go that far but I definitely suggest additional stretching.

    2) Yes, this is a 4 week workout plan, but it doesn't have to be. Try doing all 4 weeks, then going back to start over doing the crazy hard versions! Or, rotate between the workouts after the initial stint! Kick up the speed and the weights!

    3) You are not supposed to do this for 28 days straight. I do 2 days RI30, then 1 rest, 3 days RI30, 1 day rest. Your muscles need time to repair and rebuild or you risk injury. On the rest days, you don't have to just rest. You can do Cardio, running, walking, biking, dancing, just no hard core strength. You do need to do this program for at least 4, if not 5 days in a week if you want to move onto the next level, unless you're super-fit already.

    Just my suggestions! Hope it helps someone!
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    I'm a liscened physical therapist assistant and incompletely agree with you and both if your points. I think the problem with keeping with a program like this (atleast for me) Is that it's easier to get it in during the week doing it every day then breaking it up and doing it one or two sessions during the weeked. Yes more stretching is required. I hate that majority of the time people really stress stretching hamstrings but no hip abductors or adductors. Hardly any quads either.

    Also I would recommend downing some protien afterwards to give your body something to work with..hell you just burned 200+ calories doing it.
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    Great suggestions mszimmerman76!

    I find the cool down isn't long enough, same as on the 30DS, I've started to add a few more minutes and I find that is has helped.

    Day 4 is done!

    I felt so much different today, we had a party at work today and they ordered in pizza, ugh, I felt so gross after I ate it and I still don't feel that good. I should have packed my own lunch, I actually missed eating my salad today!
  • mszimmerman76
    Totally agree. It doesn't matter when you let your muscles rest as long as you let them rest. It just sounded like some people thought they HAD to do it every single day for 28 days straight. Was just trying to dispell confusion :)
  • tim_w13
    tim_w13 Posts: 101 Member
    Day 2: took rest day early bummer but back on track.
  • mszimmerman76
    Just finished Day 4 without stopping at all! Not even during the running man which kicks my @ss!!! Already getting stiff, time for Yoga! Who's still with us?
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    I understand what your all staying, but I don't feel like I need a break *yet* from doing the work out everyday. As this is the only exercising that im doing. Surely only half hour of exercise a day out of 24 hours is enough rest?

    Either day day 6 is down. Looking forward to finishing day 7 and weighing in on sunday
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    I completed day 7 yesterday but today might well be a rest day before I move on. I don't actually want one yet though but I'm going to the dentist and I'm not sure I'll be able to workout after that. Fingers crossed I still can. I'm dead excited to move on to Week 2!

    Anyone doing anything else on top of this? I know smiles4miles said she did 6W6P and Cto2K the other day as well. At the moment I'm trying to add in extra things 3 times a week (some of the other Jillian Michaels DVDs that are available in the UK - I'm slightly obsessed).

    As for the discussion of the break I feel guilty when I start taking breaks. Is one break a week enough because I'm not sure I'd really want to take more than that?
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    Great suggestions mszimmerman76!

    I find the cool down isn't long enough, same as on the 30DS, I've started to add a few more minutes and I find that is has helped.

    Day 4 is done!

    I felt so much different today, we had a party at work today and they ordered in pizza, ugh, I felt so gross after I ate it and I still don't feel that good. I should have packed my own lunch, I actually missed eating my salad today!

    Oops, I meant to put Day 5!

    LemonSocks - I'm not doing anything else on top of this right now, but on my rest days I'll probably be going on the treadmill so I'll be doing something.
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    I'm not doing anything extra..more because of time constraints then anything else. I would like to look into Zumba for the wii though.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I completed day 7 yesterday but today might well be a rest day before I move on. I don't actually want one yet though but I'm going to the dentist and I'm not sure I'll be able to workout after that. Fingers crossed I still can. I'm dead excited to move on to Week 2!

    Anyone doing anything else on top of this? I know smiles4miles said she did 6W6P and Cto2K the other day as well. At the moment I'm trying to add in extra things 3 times a week (some of the other Jillian Michaels DVDs that are available in the UK - I'm slightly obsessed).

    As for the discussion of the break I feel guilty when I start taking breaks. Is one break a week enough because I'm not sure I'd really want to take more than that?

    That was really an over the top day for me. :) That being said, I do try to do 30 minutes of something else. It's a personal goal to do about an hour of activity a day because my job is sedentary.

    Like you, I'm thinking about mixing it up. Some days I'll add a run, other days it would be a walk, or 6W6P, or another Jillian DVD. But for me 90 minutes was a little extreme to keep up with on a regular basis. ;) Good luck! Have fun!
  • Spoomsister
    Spoomsister Posts: 7 Member
    Just finished day 2! Even though it was just my second day my endurance seems much better.

    I'm really feeling it in my legs and shoulders today but it's not too bad.

    Good luck with day 2 everyone!

    Today was my day 2 also, and I thought I noticed a difference in my endurance as well. I was pretty sure that must have been in my head, until I read your post. Good luck and keep up updated!
  • tim_w13
    tim_w13 Posts: 101 Member
    day 3 here, couldn't complete the 3 scession as little one woke up. But man, this is the only DVD that is making me sweat. 30 day shread was piece of cake for me. loved the feeling so far.