new to myfitnesspal need some support

I am a 45 yr old mom and grandma and if thats not issue enough i am also insulin reselrent and recently broke my arm wrist and fingers on my dominant hand. I would like to lose quite a bit of weight, and obviously not looking for super tough workouts just moving is enough of a workout for this couch potatoe


  • bghere
    bghere Posts: 42
    This sounds like a smart alec reply, but I dont mean to be. First things first. Your arm, and fingers must heal. considering you insulin situation that is especially true, as any addition of excersice will change you current scenario. After your arm, and fingers are all better, go back to your doctor, and go through your plans with them, and they will be able to inform you of risks, and ways to minimize risk. The key , I think, to regaining your health is the steady Eddie approach. Crash diets are just too detrimental to you body as a WHOLE. Hope you find my diatribe helpful :happy:
  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 39 Member
    It's true you need to heal, but diet is just as important. You will find great tips for that on here. Feel free to add me if you'd like. P.s check out people's food diaries if they allow it and you will get a bunch of ideas how you want your diet to go. Good luck!
  • sarahwls100609
    sarahwls100609 Posts: 38 Member
    I had gastric bypass which is only a tool for weight loss. I just had my two year surgeriversary this past Oct. I was on 5 insulin shots and 2,000 mg of metformin. I have lost over 100 lbs without exercise due to a fractured spine from a car accident. I can relate with you. It took me 5 mo after my GB to come off my diabetes meds. I have struggled and wish I had known about MFP before surgery.
    I commend anyone who loses weight on their own. It is hard. MFP is a great support system for me and I have met quite a few wonderful people here. We all need support, words of encouragement and I love sharing new ideas with people. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey, Feel free to add me if you would like. :):flowerforyou: