Do you get nauseous from drinking so much water?

I am trying to drink more water in general and I drank about 4 cups halfway through the day when I just started feeling nauseous. I am making it a rule of drinking 1-2 cups before each meal to feel fuller. And I just started feeling nauseous all day. Maybe just cut back to 1 cup every few hours. Am I doing something wrong, any tips? Or maybe my body is just trying to get used to that much water that it's been deprived of. I have spent a lot of time just peeing today though! :blushing:


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It could very well just be your body adjusting. As long as you aren't drinking over two gallons a day I wouldn't worry about the safety of increasing your water intake :)
  • soccerfreak47
    soccerfreak47 Posts: 4 Member
    My first day of drinking the correct amount of water made me sick. I got to the point of looking at each of the last few cups and thinking ugh no more. I have gotten to the point where i carry around a 28 oz tumbler with me all the time and refill it a few times a day and drink it all up and no more sickness feeling. so it is just a matter of getting used to it.
  • BodyUnderConstruction
    Yeah it just takes some getting used to! You're not hurting yourself unless you drink way too much.
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    I've just started drinking alot more water over the last few days. The first couple of days I was just getting sick of water, felt a little gross. I think it's the body getting used to it. It's only be a few days, but now I've been drinking my 8 cups relatively easier. I still have to go to the washroom ALOT, but it's been better.

    Also, decaf herbal tea, and decaf coffee count towards the water. I find having a little flavour helps, so Crystal light if I"m finding it really challenging, though that's a habit I don't want to into either.

    My Dr says that water will definately help with the weight lost. So keep drinking.
  • marybethhillegas
    Sometimes when I chug water on an empty stomach, like when I first wake up, I will throw it up.
  • Triciacannon
    Triciacannon Posts: 12 Member
    I just started changing my calorie intake to the recommended 1200 and drinking TONS of water. I've had massive headaches the past couple days, but was able to stave it off today with a Diet Coke and 2 excedrin. I'm not sure if it's the water, the lower calories than I'm used to, or drinking less caffeine that is causing the headaches, but I have to say, my self-prescribed cure today worked!
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    never...but i drink more then the avg. person...ill consume about 4 to 5 gal. per day. but i do work in a steel mill. i just use my protein shaker bottle and have it with me everywhere now...even on my days off full of water.
  • missfluffyuk
    If you're chugging water, than your tummy won't like that. Have a water bottle with you, and take little sips through out the whole day.

    I find, when I have a sore throat (which is nearly always), water helps it -- the action of swallowing something cool soothes it.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    This used to happen to me. I would get really bad heart burn and just feel sick. I quit drinking water about 15 minutes before eating and 15 minutes after eating, and during meals I only sip now and then if I have to. I also chew my food VERY thoroughly. And that seemed to work. But that is just me, perhaps it will work for you.

    Good Luck!
  • MsAziz
    MsAziz Posts: 71 Member
    I had the same problem at first but if add LEMON juice to your water bottle its MUCH easier to drink and it really helps with your digestion and also neutralises the acids in your stomach so you don't feel like throwing up :)
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I drink around 2L a day and slowly making the transition to water rather than Diet Coke/Pepsi Max.

    I feel nauseous if I drink more than this though. x
  • starskita
    starskita Posts: 54 Member
    Hi there...I was once on a "diet" where u had to drink 2 litres of water within 2 hours of getting up!!!! drinking water fast like that always made me throw up.
    Now i'm drinking my 8 glasses, and to be honest sometimes less than the 2 hours. I am finding it alot easier by having it in a water botter and really cold (summer here) and jus sipping all the time. I am also trying to give up smoking, and so far so good, the water is helping by drinking/sipping it all the time :)
  • adlwilmot
    adlwilmot Posts: 117
    Being sick or feeling nauseous is your body telling you it doesn't like something, usually in your stomach. Listen to your body! It will tell you when you're thirsty and it will also tell you when you're sticking too much liquid in. By all means increase your water intake to (allegedly) help with weight loss, but DON'T do things that make you feel unwell, just because the so called "experts" say to. LISTEN to your body and you won't go wrong.
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    Yes, ugh. I don't mind water if its really hot out, or if I just got finished working out, thats the only time I really crave water. I have found that when I drink water in the morning especially, I get that sick feeling. I have to sip it, and even then its <ugh>
  • alexismichelle110
    adlwilmot, if there was a Like button on here, I would have pressed it on your comment :-) I don't feel so nauseous today, but I am sipping slow and only drinking 1 cup before a meal. I think maybe I was chugging it too fast. :embarassed:
  • alexismichelle110
    never...but i drink more then the avg. person...ill consume about 4 to 5 gal. per day. but i do work in a steel mill. i just use my protein shaker bottle and have it with me everywhere now...even on my days off full of water.

    You know, my boyfriend drinks 1 gallon of water everyday and insists I should try to do the same. I feel slightly sick if I drink over a liter in a given day. But he's in the Marines and doing heavy work every single day on top of going to the gym for MMA. I'm guessing it really has to do with the person's body type and what kind of activities they do. The idea of even a gallon of water makes me feel nauseous!