Any other Nurses or 12 hour work people?



  • burrell757
    burrell757 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all.. I'm a nursing student on the way to my RN graduating this year and l also work 12hr shifts 7p - 7a ... Difficult to function normally on this schedule. I've been gaining weight due to stress and eating on the run but I'm determined to change that now! My goal is to lose about 40 lbs by summer, so far I've lost 7lbs in 2 weeks. Doing this by counting calories and cardio 5-6 times a week. I hope to stay motivated by using MFP and keeping in touch with others who have similar goals!! Good luck to everyone
  • newkate1234
    I am a trauma and bereavement counsellor at a large hospital. I have only just started here and used to work in another area of health, ( still trauma). Its hard to take meal breaks when you work in a hospital setting and then its hard to eat the healthy stuff. I know I comfort eat but I am feeling positive now that I have changed jobs and work with a supportive team.
    I have about 20kg to lose but I am aiming to go overseas in six months so really want to be looking and feeling better.
    I was quite depressed in my old job but now I feel positive that things can change.
    Good luck with your journey and keep in touch. I am just figuring out some menues but stirfiry seems to be my thing at the moments with lots of vegies. I steam the vegies and maranaide the meat in ginger, garlic and soy sauce. I just add the vegies at the last minuet but I don't use any oil at all. I like lots of ginger in it.
    Keep going, you can do it!
  • ativanprn2006
    i am 12 hour nights 7-7 at Reading hosptial in LDRP. Loving it! so much so i just had my 4th child 3 months ago (we make the best patients). now i need to loose the baby weight x 4
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    I'm not a nurse but I'm a CNA at a geri-psych unit and I work 12 hour shifts 7p-7:30a 3 days a week. Been doing it for 3 and a half years. It's so challenging to eat right and exercise because I tend to snack more when I'm at work and the exercise part...It's either exercise right when I get home when I'm dead on my feet or wake up earlier to squeeze it in when I work my nights in a row. It's a learning experience and I'm slowly getting there. I still have about 50 pounds I'd like to lose, I find that it's better for me personally to just not exercise on the days I work. Less stress on me from worrying about squeezing it in but I still feel guilty if I don't exercise so sometimes I do it anyway. The idea of looking ahead and scheduling workouts is a great idea! Definitely gonna have to put that one to use. I also have 2 children , a 4 year old and a 6 month old. Feel free to add me! :)
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    RN here!!!! I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends...and that is when I fall off track most often!!! Anyway, I have plenty of support for you if you need it!!
  • Lp80
    Lp80 Posts: 29
    Hiya! I do night and day 12.5 hr shifts! Nights are horrid and my unit is so busy!! Plan plan and plan again is how I manage it. And I exercise on my days off :)
  • jquick823
    Not a nurse but I work about 14 hours a day in a 3 on 1 day off schedule. I exercise 5-6 days a week and have a limited healthy food selection as all food is provided for me.
  • sailorpizza
    Howdy all you nurses and 12hr workers out there. I have wondered the same thing about long shifts and exercising. I can't say that I have a fancy job, but I do work ALOT of hours. I own two pizza restaurants. I am often at my stores one or the other or both from open to close 8am to 10pm. Not all days, an 8 hour shift has become my new day off. Problem I face is , I'm sooo tired on my off time, how do I start to fit in exercise? How is being on my feet working for 14 hours without a break NOT exercise? I do stay away from the pizza, I have a lovely salad bar, and I recently dropped the soda pop, but the pounds are not comming off easy, and I still have to manage my family and housework (we won't discuss the housework) Right now I'm sitting here Legs aching, arms aching and I have another very long day ahead of me. Exercise is the last thing I want to do right now.
  • brentlightle
    This website is very helpful in seeing exactly what you put in what you take away from excercise. Salads "can" be healthy, the greens and vegetables are very healthy but then we typically smother them in fattening dressings because we need "flavor". Take a look at most salad dressings and you will honestly be shocked at what you are actually putting in. A good rule of thumb is the thinner the dressing or the more translucent ( see through ) it is the better. Portion of the salad dressing also. And if pounds are coming off slowly that is still better than the pounds just sitting there, or adding. I keep lots of 100 calorie pack types of snacks at my work./ This has truly helped. Just 1 every 2-3 hours really helps me stay low on calories but full in tummy. =)
  • bigsicklittlesick
    bigsicklittlesick Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone! I work 12 hour nights in the ER. I'm an LPN and in school for my RN. I used MFP in the past and I was very successful--MFP food tracking, hard work, and heavy lifting got me down to a size 2. I got off track when I started school, so here I am again! I'm a little busy at the moment but I wanted to get in on this thread... I don't have any "friends" since I started a new account. Feel free to send me a request!!! I will come back and read through this later. :drinker:

    Edit: I just noticed this is an old thread.....ha
  • luan999
    luan999 Posts: 87 Member
    Paramedic in the UK who works 12hr day and night shiffts....find it difficult to get my exercise done and eat healthy when am days ( long as i do get finished at 7pm but can be up to 10pm before i finish some days!)....get up at 5am and make my healthy smoothies for breakfast at work and lunch...take things i can store in my backpack to snack on if away for whole shift, such as rice cakes, ryvita, apples, nuts/seeds,quest protein bars etc and plenty water....dont have time to exercise before work and usually too tired or late before i get home.
    when i am nights i can usually come home and do my hour of exercise before bed or if i am particularly tired i will have some oatmeal and sultanas or a smoothie (spinach, frozen berries, almond milk, greek fat free yoghurt, almonds ,ginger, chia seeds and a spoon of oats) go to bed for a few hours, get up and do my hour of exercise and go back to bed!:wink: