
Hello everyone, I'm new to the site.
I need to lose about 100 lbs (eek) and am just starting out recording my calories. MFP allows me 1200 a day and I haven't managed to stick to it yet, because I had no idea how high in calories the things I eat are! I guess it will take a short while to re-educate myself as to the values of different foods but when I am more familiar with them, it wil be easier to stick to. I am relly motivated to lose this weight for the sake of my health and I am sure I can do it.
I have bought the Shred although trying to build the courage to do it is anoter story!

Hopefully I can support other people on their weight loss journey and we can do this together :)



  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    Hi there and welcome to MFP. If you enter what you eat in your diary on here and do a search it will give you a calorie value for most things. That way you can get a pretty accurate idea of what you are eating. Welcome and please feel free to add me as a friend, it would be a pleasure.
  • hello!!

    i am new to MFP too (it's only my 4th day) but i am already loving the site and the interactions with others. i am looking to drop (and keep off, haha) 50 lbs within the next 12-15 months. my short term goal is to run a 5K soon and simply to just get back into shape! i wish you luck on your journey and hope 2012 is a positive year for you!!

    feel free to add me if you would like!!

    take care,

  • Stripeymitten
    Stripeymitten Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you :)

    I'm not sure what this friend thing is about but I'm hapy to add people/be added! Is it like Facebook?

    Have terrified myself by eating a breakfast that has left me with 104 calories for the rest of the day and it's only noon! Might get to break that shred open to earn my dinner!

  • Hello and welcome to MFP

    If you incorporate some exercise into your day your calorie allowence will rise making it a little easier to stay within your calorie target.

    Hope this help :-)
  • tnteach93
    tnteach93 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm new today, so I'm looking for support too! I lost 34 pounds on WW (with the help of phentermine, which helped me with my energy level-but caused me to scratch my scalp until I gave myself staph-so I went off it), but have gained 5 LBS over Christmas. I started eating candy, unhealthy snacks, and soda, so I have GOT to get back on a plan. I am NEVER ready to exercise, so I need to find friends to encourage me (dancing with the Wii is my fav way to workout). I teach 2nd grade, so at 52 years old, my energy level is shot usually with the many extra pounds that I'm carrying. I've been over 200 lbs. since my daughter was born 25 years ago, with my highest level beng 265. I know that this will need to be a lifetime commitment, so I'm looking for friends to help me LONG TERM. Thanks for listening and any help is appreciated! I have a teacher friend at school that is trying to help me stay motivated, but I know I need more encouragement. I want my daughter to see me at a normal weight someday, so I need to lose about 80 more pounds. Come on, be a friend, and I'll try to help too!
  • tnteach93
    tnteach93 Posts: 9 Member
    If you figure out the friend thing, let me know I would love to help and be a friend, if I figure this out! You know, old dogs, new tricks. LOL
  • PeeTeePee
    PeeTeePee Posts: 235 Member
    To add someone as a friend, click on their picture, then click on the green ADD AS FRIEND button. That person is then sent a message to say you would like to add them, which they can accept or decline. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • Welcome! Feel free to send a request my way! I would love to help you on your journey! This goes for anyone on this forum! I take time every night to look at everyones diaries and comment on what you did well on or not so well on. I am truly dedicated to everyone on my friends list, all I ask is you do the same for me!

    Good luck on your journey!