Help! I am gaining, what am I doing wrong?



  • countrygirl812
    Ditch the Slim Fast and eat real food.
  • camayallover
    camayallover Posts: 20 Member
    I've tried things like Slim "Slow" we called it in the past. I really is not a great way to get off the weight because you learn so little about how to really eat in the "real" world. Slim Fast shake here and there as a meal replacement might be okay say if you are traveling and can't get to a real meal, but trust me - someone who has spent a lot of time test driving these things - they aren't good long-term solutions.

    I've found success in eating 5 balanced meals a day. It takes planning - but it is not impossible. I travel Monday through Friday and have no access to a kitchen - yet I eat "real" food without issue. And it is yummy.

    5 balanced meals are in my world inclusive of protien, slow carb and fast carb - at each meal. Snacks too. Special K Protien bars are a good snack with a piece of small fruit for me. I'm large so you have to scale. I avoid peanuts due to calories and fat, but some other nuts work as snacks.

    I sat down with a pen and paper and looked at each meal and what seemed to be feasible in my schedule, budget, taste, and calorie/balance. Then I pack my entire day in one insulated bag and bring it to work - I include dinner because sometimes I work late.

    I don't know if this is helpful but by keeping my blood sugar steady all day - I hardly have to work out and the weight is pouring off. I feel like I am eating all the time and I"m never hungry.

    Plateaus happen - push through and keep up the hydration. Water, eating, working out and attitude are tough to keep up all at the same time but I think just switching away from a diet of Slim Fast might give you the boost you need to get more weight off.

    Hope this helps...
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Your starvation diet has stifled your metabolism.
    Classic case.



    I had a friend at 320lbs who ate once a day. She netted appx 900calories.
    She had hormonal damage and ovarian cysts etc...

    Have your numbers run and do this the right way.

    If you need help running numbers you could google "Flex Diaz Calculate BMR" and post on his forum on
    He has fantastic results.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    If your BMR is just shy of 1500 you should NOT be eating only 1200
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you! I think I am going to start over and plan out a full week of 5 small, balanced meals. I am also going to add in some fruits and vegetables and ditch some of the fatty foods I have been eatting.

  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    Thanks for opening your diary. It seems you are definitely interested in learning how to be healthier, which is great. You definitely need to get off the slim fast and start putting whole, healthy, wonderfully delicious foods in your body for fuel to burn! Find yourself soon good friends on here to help you along, give you tips, encouragement and not afraid of calling you out when your calories are too low and help you celebrate when you see things start moving along with the changes you make! You'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it can be! :)
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    If my BMR is 1494 and I am burning 200 calories with exercise would 1350 be enough? Thank you!

  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Your BMR is how much your body needs to carry out all it's basic functions if you were doing nothing at all. Like in a coma.

    You need to work out how much you need to maintain your weight, and eat somewhere in the middle of that and your BMR. 1200 may work for some people but not everyone, and when you eat too little your body can start holding onto weight.

    I'd also advise not to carry on the slim fast, it's not real food and you'd be better off eating proper satisfying meals. Slim fast doesn't teach you about what to eat, how big portions should be etc so when you come off it (which you will at some point) most people still don't know how to eat properly and gain all the weight back.

    What you recently said about 5 small balanced meals a day sounds great. Good luck! :)
  • missfluffyuk
    If you put in your activity level, MFP will give you a rough estimate of how much you should be eating. Compare that against your BMR and come up with a figure that's about right. Try not to go too far under this -- you'll put yourself into starvation mode. :)
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I know part of my problem is the types of food I am Eatting. My plan is to find the right number of calories and then start changing the types of things I eat. If I switch too fast I know I won't stick to it. How do I figure out how many calories I need to eat? I know Slim Fast can work for me, I used it a few years ago and lost over 40 pounds.
    Slim Fast didn't work for you if you need to lose it again. the good thing about MFP is you learn how to eat to make it a life long plan for yourself.
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    I know part of my problem is the types of food I am Eatting. My plan is to find the right number of calories and then start changing the types of things I eat. If I switch too fast I know I won't stick to it. How do I figure out how many calories I need to eat? I know Slim Fast can work for me, I used it a few years ago and lost over 40 pounds.

    start with the basics, eat plenty ofved and fruit and add some lean protein and complex carbs. Try changing to wholegrain pasta, brown rice, etc, it will fill you up quickly. Slimfast is bad news generally imho.
    There are some great suggestions on here for foods,

    typical day for me will be
    yogurt and muesli for breakfast
    wholewheat pitta with salad and a bit of protien such as tuna or chicken for lunch or veggie soups or scrambled eggs on toast
    loads of veggies with some lean meat for dinner
    snacks are yogurts or bananas or oatcakes wich give you a slow burn
    and my diary would tell you that i love my wine! I usuallly come in at a few cals under my target or just over - I dont make myself a slave to it all.

    try asking your mfp friends for suggestions or check out thier diaries.
    good luck, feel free to add me
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I did notice that yesterday the app said I had 549 calories remaining and that I needed to eat more. That would put me at 1749 calories for the day and that seems like a lot! I had a hard time eating 1175, there is no way I could eat 1749. I think this week I am going to try to up my calories to 1400 and see what happens.

    Thanks for the wonderful advice! :flowerforyou:
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    After the Slim Fast I kept the weight off 4 years until I started having health problems. I had a tear in my rotator cuff on the side I have a hand on, then a cancer scare, then diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I admit I started to turn to food when I was stressed or depressed. I spent several months barely able to walk across the living room by myself. I am stronger now, physically and emotionally. I WILL lose this weight, I just have to find the right way to go about it first.

    Thank you everyone for all of your advice!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member

    I don't claim to be an expert however I know that protein intake may have an affect. Protein builds muscle mass when working out. I would suggest looking up the minimal daily consumption of protein. Hope this helps. Don't get discouraged, your doing great!


    This is incorrect. You cannot build muscle mass on a calorie deficit, regardless of how much protein you eat. Eating less protein will lead to muscle loss, which will cause you to look less toned as you reach your goal weight.

    I wouldn't recommend less protein, in part because it can cause muscle loss, and in part because it helps you feel full for longer. That said, the previous poster is incorrect, you can gain muscle on a caloric deficit, both the weight loss and muscle gain processes will be slowed, but it can be done. Please see: At the bottom of the page there are references to articles in peer-reviewed academic/clinical journals.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I would concur with those who suggest eating actual food rather than slimfast though.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm in maintenance now, but during the entire time I was losing weight, I averaged between 1700-2000 calories. It's not a huge amount of food, it's a normal amount of food. A sustainable amount of food.

    When you only eat 1200 (or less) you're training your body to function on a small number of calories. That means when you reach your goal weight, you're still going to have to continue to eat a small number of calories to maintain your loss.

    Ditch the Slim Fast, eat real food, and you'll have no problems reaching your calorie goals. Plug in your activity level and aim for 1# a week loss, and eat the calories burned from exercise. It works. Get adequate protein, and add strength training to preserve your muscle mass. You'll probably find you reach your ideal body long before you reach what you consider your ideal weight. I'm wearing the same size clothes at 39 and ~130# as I did 20 years ago when I was 30 pounds lighter. :smile:
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Clean up your diet. Slim fast has too much sugar and makes you more hungry. Also your food intake includes a lot of process and sugary products.

    Here is a good article to transition to clean eating. Stay within your calorie goal set and exercise. You will see results.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    So, Dec 28-Jan 7 is one week and 3 days. And in that time, you have gone from 164 to 159. So in 10 days, you lost 4 pounds.

    I fail to see the problem.

    Everyone's weight fluctuates on a daily, if not hourly, basis. That is perfectly normal. To determine actual weight loss, you need to pick one day a week to measure and only use that one day's weight to decide if your plan is working. And even then, before you decide that something is not working, wait at least a month. THEN, if you are still gaining, change something.

    Weight loss requires patience. 10 days is not nearly enough.
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    The more natural you eat, the healthier your cody will be and the stronger it becomes. Make smoothies at home by blending ice and your favorite fruits like strawberries and bananas. If you HAVE to have more sweetness then add some Stevia but try not to. Maybe add some protein powder too. Get off the Slim Fast. Did mfp tell you to try to burn only 200 calories? The more you burn, the more you can eat and you are building endurance and muscle to help burn more fat quicker. What exercsise do you do? You should always do a minimum of 30 min of just cardio and keep your heart rate up! You can walk on an incline or take on the stair master, just keep it up for 30 min nonstop. I burn 11 plus calories a minute when my heart rate is above 140 so I know I will get a 300 plus calorie burn in 30 minutes on machines that push me harder. The exercise bike doesn't do the same thing for me and I only burn 200 for the same time. Try different machines and observe what machines make your heart rate go up high enough for the 30 min where you can handle it and not want to quit. As you adjust to it, change the settings and resistance to trick your body. Also, doing some core exercies are great like crunches, yoga, etc...and can keep your heart rate up and improve your balance and strength. If its not your diet, then it could be your exercise routine. Your bmr is lower then mine so you will have to burn more calories in a workout then me to be in the same deficeit. My bmr is 1600 so I have a 400 cal loss a day and you are at 200. The weight will come off eventually but it will be slower for you. If you want to lose it quicker, you need to exercise more with 30 min of cardio minimum 3 plus days a week. Try dropping the slim fast, and replacing it with some real fruit, and increase your calorie burn. If you do this already, im sorry to assume you don't. Please try to stop the slim fast, and up the cardio :)