17-day diet

anyone heard of this diet? Tried it?


  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    I have not heard of it. Since I don't eat meat, I never pay much attention to different diets though. They almost always have menus that I could never do.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Yes, I am currently doing the diet and I really like it! Let me know if you have any questions :0)
  • ImaLadyBiker
    That's how I lost my weight. It taught me to do things differently. I'm at my goal. I started last January, and it was probably September when I hit my goal. My doc loves my blood work numbers, and he told me I'd lost 11 more pounds than I thought. (I thought I started at 231, but his records showed 242.) I highly recommend it for people who don't like to count calories or want something different. I took about five vacations during the past year and managed to continue losing throughout. It is something I will continue always.
  • starskita
    starskita Posts: 54 Member
    what is this diet you all speak of?
  • samrybarczyk
    samrybarczyk Posts: 32 Member
    This is the diet I have been using and I like it a lot. It's really not so much a diet as a road map of how you should be eating and re-traing yourself how to do so. It was also a way for me to kick my white flour, sugar, crazy simple carbohydrate addiction!
  • countingitall
    countingitall Posts: 59 Member
    can someone post the diet details.
    or message us who are intrested.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    can someone post the diet details.
    or message us who are intrested.

    Here is the official website: www.17daydiet.com

    My doctor said that he was fine with this diet because it was going to teach me the right way to be eating. Anyone feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Oh and Walmart carries this book if you are interested in buying it and reading it!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    The 17 day diet makes some pretty substantial claims. The 17 day diet consists of switching your food intake every 17 days in an effort to prevent your body from hitting the dieter plateau.

    The 17 day diet starts off by allowing you to consume 1200 calories a day for 17 days. for the vast majority of people 1200 calories is not enough to maintain your health. The miracle of this 17 day diet is that you lose 10-15 pounds in those first 17 days of the diet. This sounds appealing to most people, but this is not to mention that you will not be getting enough nutrients during those 17 days to function normally. Well unless you go into an induced coma for the 17 days. That would be a really great diet. the 17 days induced coma diet.

    People might buy into it, but only 1200 calories per day is not going to be enough energy for you to perform any exercise and you will fell really bad. The psychological aspect of this is the you will likely quite just like all the other diets you’ve tried or you would not still be looking for this sort of information on the internet. Losing weight does not have to be hard, just eat sensibly and get a good exercise routine to follow. As long as you are burning more calories than you take in then you will lose weight and build you metabolism at the same time so once you lose the weight you will keep it off.

    This is where a lot of people fail at diets including the 17 day diet. Its not the diet that allows you to shed those pounds its your will power that allows it. The diet is just a vessel, its you that must do the work. Eating correctly is a big part but its not all. You can eat 5000 calories a day, but if you burn 6000, then you must lose weight. Try to find a diet that gives you between 1400-2000 calories a day depending upon your current size and just workout. You will achieve your goals.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Yes, it's a very low calorie diet, but what I've been doing and is allowed by the diet, is to have as much lean protein as I want during the day like some scrambled eggs with parmesan cheese substantially raises the calorie intake. MFP recommends I eat slightly over 1700 calories a day and I'm getting between 1400 and the 1700 every day. So don't let yourselves be discouraged by what others feel about the diet. It was designed by a general practitioner doctor in San Diego, CA and like I said earlier, my doctor gave it his stamp of approval!

    Oh and the other reason I really like this diet is because it is structured and I personally need it to succeed!
  • starskita
    starskita Posts: 54 Member
    1200 calories is not very much for a jelly belly like me :S
    I have just started to go to the gym while losing weight.... will this help me or make me bulk up instead of toned?
  • ImaLadyBiker
    The diet never makes caloric requirements. The author, Dr Mike Moreno, asks people to eat according to their "fullness meter." In the first cycle of 17 days, he suggests no more than 30 minutes of exercise a day 3 days a week due to the low caloric intake. But over the course of the plan, he suggests increasing.

    This is not for everyone. It assumes a total sedentary lifestyle initially and increases exercise. It is a whole health program, incorporating probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids. For me, it allowed a total return to health.
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    While for some 1200 isnt enough for me it is....The diet is sound as far as nutrition though. I liked it cause it basically follows my eat clean lifestyle and is all wholesome foods.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    The diet never makes caloric requirements. The author, Dr Mike Moreno, asks people to eat according to their "fullness meter." In the first cycle of 17 days, he suggests no more than 30 minutes of exercise a day 3 days a week due to the low caloric intake. But over the course of the plan, he suggests increasing.

    This is not for everyone. It assumes a total sedentary lifestyle initially and increases exercise. It is a whole health program, incorporating probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids. For me, it allowed a total return to health.

    I agree! I started out on my healthy journey using the 17 Day Diet. I only made it thru phase 2 , but I learned a lot about eating more healthy! It was a springboard for me. Then I found MFP and began counting calories and watching my fat, protein, sugar, sodium, etc!
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    Just got the 17 day diet sent to my Kindle... Hopefully plan on starting tomorrow! If anyone else is planning on doing it or has previously, friends are always helpful with new things for me! :) Just make sure to put 17 day diet when adding me.
  • ljcatch22
    ljcatch22 Posts: 42 Member
    I just started this a week ago and it has helped me tremendously cut out sugar, candy, and crap. I'm not sure if its the lean protein and veggies or what, but it practically killed all of my junk food cravings. I'm eating around 1200 calories and any exercise calories, but that's only because that's the calorie amount I get full on and stay full on. It's hard to be hungry on unlimited lean protein and veggies.

    Because I was so motivated about how easily I've cut my killer cravings, I've even quit cold turkey on diet sodas and am drinking plain water now. (Day 3!)

    I feel amazingly better. I used to sleep around 10 hours a day and still feel draggy, now I'm sleeping a normal amount and feel fine. I suspect I may have a gluten allergy which may have contributed to that, so a diet pretty much free of bread helped out a lot (Note: you only cut out most starches on the first circle, then slowly add them back in). The trick is to really spend some time looking for recipes. I can't cook worth a crap, but I've made some pretty tasty things because these recipes are so simple.

    Koosdel, I can tell you haven't actually read the book or looked at the website. The 17 day diet is just a gimmicky name for what is essentially a clean eating diet. There is no calorie restriction, and if you are already active, it suggests you move onto one of the later "cycles," which include more complex carbs. The book even will straight out tell you that the large weight loss is mostly water weight that you lose from eating less sodium, etc.

    I actually bought the book, since I prefer them for reference, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to message me.
  • ljcatch22
    ljcatch22 Posts: 42 Member