weirdest thing youve seen logged as exercise?



  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    I agree about the sex thing, it really only burns between 80-140 calories per half hour which really is not that much, I read once that you have to be a pretty acrobatic and wild for sex to make any real difference so for most people I definitely do not its worth logging, although I usually do not log any single exercise where I burn under 100 calories if that is the only thing I did that day.
  • KathPearce
    KathPearce Posts: 146 Member
    I would say thats according to what kind of cleaning. My daily cleaning NO def not an exercise, now weeked cleaning includes climbing up and down out of chairs scrubbing walls baseboards ect, and moving lots of furniture. By the end of the day, i am sweaty and very tired.:smile:

    *sends her the address to my house*:smile:

    LOL! Love this :)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I used to have someone log their.purging as a burn, and every time they went up or down stairs.
  • CrystalMarie253
    One of my MFP buddies posted hers as "2 calories burned sitting around listening to boring stories with relatives" once...

    I have another MFP friend who posts his calories burned "building the body of a GOD"

  • tproctor
    tproctor Posts: 90 Member
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I would say thats according to what kind of cleaning. My daily cleaning NO def not an exercise, now weeked cleaning includes climbing up and down out of chairs scrubbing walls baseboards ect, and moving lots of furniture. By the end of the day, i am sweaty and very tired.:smile:

    *sends her the address to my house*:smile:

    LOL! Love this :)

    Me too :)
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    Now I want to get a HRM and wear it during sex to find out. I feel like I sweat more while boning than I do at the gym!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    "shopping at the mall"- LMAO
  • smithjol74
    Yeah but they also have articles on the internet that say Elvis is still alive, and that cystic fibrosis has a cure!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    that is why they teach you in school(high and college) that any web sites that dont have .edu, .org, ect cannot be considered usable information and they will give you F's on papers that you quote information from any other source.
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    that is why they teach you in school(high and college) that any web sites that dont have .edu, .org, ect cannot be considered usable information and they will give you F's on papers that you quote information from any other source.

  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    One of my friends logged " 2 hours of typing" as an exercise. Wtf??!
  • mistersmithsbox
    The only calories burned calculator I use is so I end up having crazy things figured out. But I suppose my "weirdest" thing is me logging my job (food service - bus girl, backer, food runner) but I only log 1/3 of the total time I work. I like to make sure I eat enough on my work days (as compared to, for example, be doing absolutely nothing on Shabbos).
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    A couple of days ago, I saw someone posted brushing their teeth- 25 calories. Really??!! Brushing teeth??
  • cherryz
    cherryz Posts: 11
    A couple of days ago, I saw someone posted brushing their teeth- 25 calories. Really??!! Brushing teeth??

    WHAT!?! that brilliant, nagging too, my favs
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    - really, wtf?? I drive over an hour every single day and I just sit there in traffic.. not burning too much :) unless that person is a nascar driver, I dont think that counts!

    and then one of my good MFP friends added a few calories burned from...
    "folding my ridiculously obese family's clothes"

    sad, but it made me laugh :)
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Now I want to get a HRM and wear it during sex to find out. I feel like I sweat more while boning than I do at the gym!

  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    Had a friend on my old account that logged "masturbating" several times an entry almost everyday. I don't care if she masturbates,it was certainly more then I cared to know.
  • moniquelessard
    Maybe I'm the only one that finds these funny, but I logged these recently;

    Christmas eve livingroom dance party with my daughter

    3.5 k post-christmas-elephant-run <--- I felt like an elephant on the treadmill ;)
  • xxcatyxx555
    I always think people logging sex is pretty silly. I mean, you have to be having REALLY active sex for a pretty long time for the calorie count to be more the negligible in my opinion. But the again, I don't log anything other than intentional exercise, so I don't accidentally exceed my calories. So if I go window shopping for three hours, none of those walking calories will be logged.

    actually if you blast metal-core between that and your increased heart rate from being...... excited will burn a significant amount of calories about 472 calories an hour:)