Struggling with calorie goal

hi guys,
So I've been on holidays from work and
I'm struggling to keep my calories under 1200
Seems although everything healthy I go to eat
Ends up being a $400+ cal meal..
Any1 got any tips on meals?


  • colinmcp
    colinmcp Posts: 88 Member
    Is ramping up your excercise an option? I buy myself around 800 cal extra per day by walking.
  • I cud try but I do work out for an hr a day and I struggle to even fit this in cause of work :-(
  • rkteal
    rkteal Posts: 29 Member
    Try using a protein shake for breakfast. I just started using Healthsmart Chocolate Supreme. Full of vitamins, fiber, protein and probiotics and 150 calories per 12 oz. serving.

    I can make to lunch if I drinks lots of water and maybe have a coffee.

    Has knocked my calorie count down almost 400 calories a day. Also PB2 powdered peanut butter has 45 calories compared to regular peanut butter at 190 calories per serving.

    Good luck!
  • hock87
    hock87 Posts: 2 Member
    try cutting out unnecessary things like cheese on a sandwich or it could be as simple as checking the calories between your snack- like some yogurts are 200 cal and some are only 80- maybe try and have less carbs? Hope this helps! (I would start with a small breakfast larger size lunch and finish with a medium size dinner) GOOD LUCK
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    I'm struggling with my calorie goal as well and workout an hour a day minimum, but I've recently starting packing part of my meal right away and drinking at least a glass, sometimes two glasses of water before my meal arrives. The holidays are difficult and it's hard to remain conscious of your choices when surrounded by people you like and you're having a good time and at a restaurant that you like.
  • I noticed that if I can get though breakfast by eating a low calorie meal, then the rest of the day seems to be easier as far as finding something to eat and not worrying too much about how many calories. Try Special K cereal in the morning and try to drink one glass of water. This will hold you over until lunch. Good luck!!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    If you're only eating 1200 calories and working out, you're not eating enough.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If your diary was open, it might be easier for people to give you insight as to how to make your meals with fewer calories.

    Also, is 1200 what MFP recommends? What weight loss per week goal did you select? Are you working out?
  • I drink between 2-3 litres of water a day, I have breakfeast,
    A snack and then lunch then another snack and then dinner,
    My snacks usually are fruit and a healthy snack bar.

    Mfp recoomends 1200 cal and I did put my fitness into it.
  • hbaby2
    hbaby2 Posts: 34 Member
    Mfp suggests 1200 for me as well. Obviously I get more calories if I workout. I eat egg whites and toast in the am or Quaker weight control oatmeal. It fils me up but has very little calories. I try to eat lighter for breakfast because I'm not as hungry, ea more for lunch and something low carb for dinner. Chewing gum and brushing your teeth helps get my mind off of food. :). Keep experimenting with meals. Youll get there.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I drink between 2-3 litres of water a day, I have breakfeast,
    A snack and then lunch then another snack and then dinner,
    My snacks usually are fruit and a healthy snack bar.

    Mfp recoomends 1200 cal and I did put my fitness into it.

    What do you mean you put your fitness into it? MFP does not account for exercise activity, which is why it suggests you eat back any calories burned through exercise.
    When you set up your account and chose your activity level, that was your daily activity level without exercise. Like if you are a waitress, you can select active. If you sit at a desk, you chose less active (or whatever they are I don't quite remember).
  • Yep when I set up my acc I put in that I have a desk job,
    Which it gave me the 1200 cal a day and then daily I place in
    My excersise routine which does give me more calories yes but
    I'm still struggling. I burn about 200cal a day I work out anywhere from
    30min to 60min and I do shake it up.
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    Protein and fiber, protein and fiber (especially at breakfast!). And water. And healthy fats. Basically if you cut most or all of the processed carbs/simple starches/added sugars out of your diet, you will probably find that you get full and stay full earlier and longer. Also, take small bites, chew each bite twice as long as you normally would, and drink water while you eat. Use small plates, bowls, and glasses and large forks and spoons. Don't eat while you're doing something else (i.e. reading or watching TV) or at your desk.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    veggies, veggies, veggies......they help fill me up with very few calories, especially green veggies
  • bnbradfo
    bnbradfo Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with what this person is trying to say...Mfp recommends about 1200 for me as well, but I get at least 400 extra calories a day because of my workouts. If I don't really workout (and I feel like I still burn about 150 calories throughout the day if I don't), it definitely is harder to stay at that minimum, like it was for me today! I think it's your workouts that you need to maximize and change up a bit so that it can allow you to eat more. In an hour you should definitely be able to burn at least 400 calories, if not more, especially if it's a cardio workout. What kind of strength training/cardio activities are you doing? Do you think you could find ones that get more of those calories burning?
    I drink between 2-3 litres of water a day, I have breakfeast,
    A snack and then lunch then another snack and then dinner,
    My snacks usually are fruit and a healthy snack bar.

    Mfp recoomends 1200 cal and I did put my fitness into it.

    What do you mean you put your fitness into it? MFP does not account for exercise activity, which is why it suggests you eat back any calories burned through exercise.
    When you set up your account and chose your activity level, that was your daily activity level without exercise. Like if you are a waitress, you can select active. If you sit at a desk, you chose less active (or whatever they are I don't quite remember).
  • dar4765
    dar4765 Posts: 12 Member
    My suggestion is to rev up your exercise. Those trainers of Biggest Loser don't work those guys to death for nothing. If you are working out for an hour and only burning 200 cal it seems low. Buy a cheap heart monitor system and start doing interval training. I got to a horrible plateau of weight loss for a while and was told by a trainer that I needed to get my heart rate really pumping to really, really burn some calories. The great thing about interval training is working really, really hard for small spurts (start at 20 seconds of top heart rate and 2 mins of regular workout and increase times accordingly as you get stronger) Now I burn anywhere from 500-800 calories in an hour of working out (40 min of interval training and 20 min of strength training or just easy workout pace). The heart rate monitor really tells me how hard I'm working and keeps a great count of what I'm burning. I love checking my calorie burn for an hour prior to work out, then comparing it to the calorie burn after my workout too. It's so motivational to know that I'm burning even in a state of "rest" because of the hour I just spent working out compared to what I burn if I didn't workout. You have to admit that an extra 500-800 calories a day, is a lot to be able to eat guilt free.....heck you might even have calories left over!
  • dar4765
    dar4765 Posts: 12 Member
    My suggestion is to rev up your exercise. Those trainers of Biggest Loser don't work those guys to death for nothing. If you are working out for an hour and only burning 200 cal it seems low. Buy a cheap heart monitor system and start doing interval training. I got to a horrible plateau of weight loss for a while and was told by a trainer that I needed to get my heart rate really pumping to really, really burn some calories. The great thing about interval training is working really, really hard for small spurts (start at 20 seconds of top heart rate and 2 mins of regular workout and increase times accordingly as you get stronger) Now I burn anywhere from 500-800 calories in an hour of working out (40 min of interval training and 20 min of strength training or just easy workout pace). The heart rate monitor really tells me how hard I'm working and keeps a great count of what I'm burning. I love checking my calorie burn for an hour prior to work out, then comparing it to the calorie burn after my workout too. It's so motivational to know that I'm burning even in a state of "rest" because of the hour I just spent working out compared to what I burn if I didn't workout. You have to admit that an extra 500-800 calories a day, is a lot to be able to eat guilt free.....heck you might even have calories left over!
  • colinmcp
    colinmcp Posts: 88 Member
    What is a 'healthy snack bar'...I'm not saying they are bad...I have a CLIF bar every day...but if you are looking for more food and you're working with about 1400 calories...

    Also maybe some low sodium vegetable soups for a snack (drink it from a cup at your desk :) )...homemade can be about 60 calories a cup or prepared might be closer to 100 calories/cup and higher in sodium.

    You can have a deli sliced turkey sandwich with dijon, tomato, lettuce, cucumber and laughing cow lite cheese on it for about 180 calories if you are using low calorie (thin sliced) breads. That fills me up much more than an equivalent calorie snack bar.
  • dar4765
    dar4765 Posts: 12 Member
    My suggestion is to rev up your exercise. Those trainers of Biggest Loser don't work those guys to death for nothing. If you are working out for an hour and only burning 200 cal it seems low. Buy a cheap heart monitor system and start doing interval training. I got to a horrible plateau of weight loss for a while and was told by a trainer that I needed to get my heart rate really pumping to really, really burn some calories. The great thing about interval training is working really, really hard for small spurts (start at 20 seconds of top heart rate and 2 mins of regular workout and increase times accordingly as you get stronger) Now I burn anywhere from 500-800 calories in an hour of working out (40 min of interval training and 20 min of strength training or just easy workout pace). The heart rate monitor really tells me how hard I'm working and keeps a great count of what I'm burning. I love checking my calorie burn for an hour prior to work out, then comparing it to the calorie burn after my workout too. It's so motivational to know that I'm burning even in a state of "rest" because of the hour I just spent working out compared to what I burn if I didn't workout. You have to admit that an extra 500-800 calories a day, is a lot to be able to eat guilt free.....heck you might even have calories left over!
  • Leah_Nicole219
    Leah_Nicole219 Posts: 63 Member
    My goal is 1200 and I am having a hard time too. But everytime I go over I workout to earn some calories. If I didn't do that, there would be no way. I would be going over every day!