I hate vegetables



  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    Grains and beans have protein, dairy has protein, gosh, read the labels, lots of things have protein so don't feel like you have to eat chicken for protein. Ask for 1/2 the cheese on your pizza. Switch to low fat and fat-free dairy. Greek yogurt (watch the labels) has 0 fat and twice the protein as regular yogurt. Do you like eggs? EggBeaters are great to replace eggs in almost everything. Yogurt? You eat sauce on your pasta, right? Baby food purees are so easy to sneak into pasta/pizza sauce. Don't waste the money on the cookbooks; you need easy to stick with it and the Seinfeld cookbook is not. Allrecipes.com is awesome and free.

    Feel free to friend me if you want more ideas or want to share your part of the country; I have several speech pathologist friends I can hook you up with.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Sarah, can you eat things like fried rice that has small amounts of veg in it?
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    You could try some recipes where you can replace pastas with veggies, like some fried acorn squash with spaghetti sauce, you can even add a little bit of spaghetti noodles, and you can make lasagna with eggplant instead of noodles
  • kybrandyb
    kybrandyb Posts: 52 Member
    nuts eggs cheese n crackers cottage cheese yogurt beef jerky dif ways of chicken tuna good fat/protien helps me . wheat bread or whole grain pasta
  • I am the same way! I can't eat a smoothie though. I only like the apple without the skin, and I like bananas in pb sandwich. Sometimes I will eat strawberries though. I only like del monte corn, no corn on the cob or any other brand. I do not eat any meat besides chicken. I eat white turkey breast from holidays. I do not eat hotdogs, hamburgers, steak or any other red meat. I will eat raw baby carrots every 2-3 months. I have recently tried celery and broccoli but just can not do it. I do not eat salads. I don't eat spinach, zucchini, cabbage or anything along those lines. I am trying to change my diet and try new things because I have such a difficult time finding anything to eat, let alone something healthy. I can not imagine hiding foods in foods that I like because I think that I will start to dislike that food as well. Its hard just to suck it up and eat it!
  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member
    This sounds so bad, but I have to hide veggies in my food. You know how you give meds to a dog by hiding it in cheese? That's me. When I make a sandwich, I hide a few pieces of spinach in between pieces of meat. I HAVE to eat beans/peas/basically anything with a bite of meat or just something else. It's how I've always been. I only eat a few fruits (green apples, green grapes, pineapple). It's hard. I really do hate it. I can usually force myself to slam a low sodium V8 once, sometimes even twice a day. I'm just not a fruit or veggie person.

    So my suggestion is to hide it. It's sounds horrible but it's better than forcing it down straight.
  • kybrandyb
    kybrandyb Posts: 52 Member
    If you want to loose the weight you want, you can't make excuses. You really need to cut a lot of you diet, and eat more of the fruits and veggies, and make yourself like at least some of it. There are some foods I cannot stand, but sometimes I eat it over the junk because I know it is good for my body. I don't even buy the junk or keep it in my house, but you do have to treat yourself some of the time or you will binge. I am not trying to be offensive at all, but at your weight you are going to have to change a lot to lose the weight you say you want to lose. A long time ago, I said I would never consume raw veggies, but here I am, eating veggies with no dressing, and I actually like the taste of it now. It takes time, persistence, and hard work. You can do it, I promise, but you have to tell yourself you can do it.

    i actually prefer healthier choices now and get to eat more and stay full as all...... i was 332 pounds less than a year ago. it takes timw but ur preference WILL change if you put effort into trying new things
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    @ sarackr The only fruit I can eat whole is an apple...without the skin. I cant eat anything else whole. Bananas are too mushy, strawberries have seeds and hair on them. Blueberries are rubbery. I wish I didnt have this problem. You dont know how many times I have sat at the table WANTING to eat these things and gagging on my plate.

    Yay! you like apples! Eat at least one apple a day! It's a start!
  • amarneu
    amarneu Posts: 164 Member
    @shoechick5 I have had this issue since I was a kid. My parents tried all kind of things with me since I was little. Cooking it different ways, hiding it in food, trying TONS of fruits and vegetables. I cant even put them in my mouth. I start chewing and I immediately start gagging. I dont know if its a mental thing or what but its that nasty texture of fruits and vegetables that I dont like. Some are slimey, chewy, rubbery, crunchy with skin. Just all gross. Even when I blend up the fruit, I cant stand strawberries because of the seeds. Its that bad. Ive considered seeing a hypnotist. I WANT to like vegetables. Trust me I do, it would be alot easier to loose weight.
    It is mental, you're gagging at the thought of the texture, try small amounts at a time and force yourself not to spit it out, keep doing this until you have retrained your brain so that you don't have the same reaction of gagging at the thought of fruit or veg
  • DrNicoleRed
    DrNicoleRed Posts: 52 Member
    @shoechick5 I have had this issue since I was a kid. My parents tried all kind of things with me since I was little. Cooking it different ways, hiding it in food, trying TONS of fruits and vegetables. I cant even put them in my mouth. I start chewing and I immediately start gagging. I dont know if its a mental thing or what but its that nasty texture of fruits and vegetables that I dont like. Some are slimey, chewy, rubbery, crunchy with skin. Just all gross. Even when I blend up the fruit, I cant stand strawberries because of the seeds. Its that bad. Ive considered seeing a hypnotist. I WANT to like vegetables. Trust me I do, it would be alot easier to loose weight.

    I was just thinking that you may need hypnosis or a health behaviorist to figure out this taste/texture thing. So may be worth a shot. If it works to help folks quit smoking, it may work for you to eat more veggies. It may be worth a shot since you really want to make a lifestyle change, actually get some vitamins in your body, and poop on a regular basis ( you wouldn't believe the problems irregular bowels can cause and how frequently "chronic constipation" is solved with proper water and fiber intake, but I digress). I was also thinking of a desensitization protocol…start with a single food in a microsized amount and keep increasing it until you can eat the whole thing. For example, blueberry juice, then a frozen blueberry hidden in a popsicle, then a smooshed blueberry cooked in oatmeal or muffins, then a real fresh blueberry. Then repeat for the next fruit/veggie of interest.

    Sometimes the way the food is prepared makes a difference…like I'm not a fan of cooked carrots but I prefer them raw…but the opposite for tomatoes.

    For many folks (myself included), satiety depends a large part on volume of food. Eating high volume/low calorie foods like fruits/veggies and tons of water activates our stretch receptors to tell our brain to stop eating…where as low volume/calorie dense foods like your favorite carbs will demand we eat more until we are "full"…unfortunately we are full of extra calories!

    Agree with the suggestions to juice/puree. Was gonna suggest a V8, but too much salt, much better to make your own fresh. Could try those pre-mixed drinks to get an idea of the flavors you would like, then replicate them.
  • If you like pasta, try spinach pasta. It's tasteless and you'll get your veggie serving. For your pasta sauce, take some mushrooms, some red onion or white onion and red peppers. Saute them with a tsp of taco mix seasoning. Add in your fave sauce and bam, vegetables. If you're going to be eating chips, I would suggest plantains, which are bananas, but better for you and taste pretty damn good. You can also opt for some veggie chips. If you must have bread and you refuse to eat whole wheat, then by the whole wheat in disguise bread, it's white, but whole wheat (I'm not a huge fan of bleaching), but at least it'll be a change from any regular starches you're consuming.

    A few things to keep in mind:
    - Don't diet. Make small changes that'll change your lifestyle and improve your wellness. Examples: switching from white to whole wheat (or better yet brown rice! Gluten free is always best), eating a veggie serving with each meal, opting for foods with lower sodium and sugar or even drinking more water.
    - The body can get accustomed to other foods and you can make healthy food taste delicious. Try: http://www.skinnytaste.com
    - Don't repeat meals throughout the day. They should be different! Variety is important, if your body adjusts to meals, like it may with exercise routines, it'll plateau.
    - Measure everything. So when you do log what you eat, you get the right numbers.

    Good luck
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    If you don't mind me asking--- what kind of veggies have you tried and disliked, and how were they prepared?
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    My kids were not getting enough veggies at first, and my first one was a really picky eater and underweight (wish I had this problem).

    There are two decent books, one is by Jessica Seinfeld, but I can't remember the name of it. I found the recipes were pretty good, in some cases better than the regular version, and I would often double up the recommended amounts of fruits and veggies. The other book is called the Sneaky Chef.

    You may also see if you could get someone to help you prepare some meals. I do think it's mental about the textures, but it's an issue either way. You could have someone start with the puree versions of the fruits and veggies, and slowly increase the texture without telling you. I think as you get used to more and more texture, it may help.

    Other substitutes could be 'cauliflower mash potatoe. Make mash pototoes, and then puree steamed califlower. I think taking little steps will help, so it's not so overwhelming at the though of eating something whole.

    My kids eat their veggies fine now, but I still add vegetable puree into our foods to increase the nutrition, and reduce the calories.
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't eat veggies either, never have even as a child. However I like fruits. I am not on any quick shift diet, I just elected to eat less than what I normally consume. I am Filipino, so rice is a staple. I just try to eat a fourth or half a cup instead.

    I totally understand what you're saying about WANTING to eat veggies but end up gagging. I cannot let leafy ones past my throat either. I don't even like how they feel in my mouth. My saving grace is when my mom cooks vegetable soups with chicken or whatever, I actually LIKE the taste of the liquid part of the soup itself, which I imagine would contain some of the nutritional value of the veggies. Carrots I can eat raw, but rarely do anyway. I can also eat carrots when cubed and cooked with some corn in butter. Aside from that, if potatoes are veggies I eat those too. However they are carbs and I'd stay away a little bit.

    Maybe also consult you doctor and find out with supplements or vitamins you can take to get the nutrients you need.
  • nose6
    nose6 Posts: 39 Member
    OK, so you will consume:
    - Smoothies as long as they are actually smooth
    - Apples if they are peeled
    - You mentioned a salad with cheese. Is there also lettuce?
    - Pizza and pasta usually have tomato sauce so you seem to at least like the taste of tomato. Tomato soup can be smooth and can be low calorie and easy to find.

    So that's several ways to get a few fruits and vegetables. As others have said, you could start by consuming these things regularly and reducing the amounts of some other things like bread and pasta.

    Potatoes are starchy but do have some vitamins. When I first started to eat kale, it was too strong for me and I had to mix it in with potatoes to tone it down. Maybe you could do the same with spinach to start (it's not as strongly flavored as kale). Also, I like the point that maybe you could branch out into sweet potatoes and butternut squash.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    So I am looking for those people out there who hate fruits and vegetables. The problem I am having is I HATEEEEE them. The only way I can get them in my diet is if they are in a smoothie and it has to be blended until there are no chunks. I hate a smoothie that has chunks in it. I have a texture problem. I dont eat red meat or pork. I eat chicken on occasion but I dont like to eat it every day. Loosing weight with all these food problems is the hardest thing ever. Does any one have any suggestions out there for food ideas for someone who hates fruits and veggies and meat?
    Gotta hate being overweight more than eating nutritious vegetables and fruits. That's the reality.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Gotta hate being overweight more than eating nutritious vegetables and fruits. That's the reality.

    .. speaks the truth.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I have a texture problem too! Because of this, I don't eat meat at all because it feels chewy and gross!

    I too, was once a veggie hater. I AM NOW A VEGGIE LOVER! lol. You just have to know how to work the fruits and veggies.
    Here are some ideas:


    ---Apples: I don't eat skin, peel/core them and dip in peanut butter. Or if you have a sweet tooth sprinkle small amt of sugar/cinnamon on top! Delish.
    ---Bananas: slice them and sprinkle with I tbs. of chocolate chips on top!
    ---Strawberries/blueberries with chocolate chips or sprinkle with sugar! Or splenda, but I don't use that stuff lol
    ---Pomegranates although messy, are naturally sweet!
    ---Sweet potatoes with brown sugar on top ahhhhhhh:love:

    FREEZE YOUR FRUIT! Raspberries and grapes are great frozen. :)


    ---Celery with peanut butter
    ---Carrots with dip or peanuty sauce (search allrecipes.com)
    ---Steamed Broccoli (or carrots, cauliflower, zucchini) with shredded cheese on top
    ---Asian style steamed veggies with less sodium soy sauce
    ---Lettuce and hummus. There are so many kinds!
    ---Sauteed veggies: I.E. Broccoli and Asparagus. Put in pan with small amt. of butter/garlic...YUM!
    ---Grilled bell peppers with spices.
    ---I like shredded cheese on my salad ^_^

    I have a lot of texture issues, and I'm still learning about new healthy foods everyday. Spices are your best friend and can make a veggie taste 1000 times better lol! If you need anymore ideas feel free to ask.

  • There is a Shake that will satisfy your cravings, and give you all the Veggies you need for a day in one shake. The CEO of the Company Hates Veggies, and had his wife make up a Good Tasting Shake so he would take his Veggies that way. For about $4 a day which is one shake you have a Great Tasting Shake and a meal replacement all in one.
    MY younger brother is the Same way. I went o visit him recently, and took my own packets for this Shake, and made one for him as our after Dinner Snack of 140 Calories. I made the "Butterfinger" Flavored Shake, He Loved it! He even recommended it to others that have the same problem. ;)
  • V8 Fusion is one way to quickly get fruits & veggies into you and there is no texture to it. I believe each small bottle has 1 serving of fruit and 1 serving of vegtables.

    Something to try to replace your pasta is try replacing spaghetti squash for regular spaghetti - there is a bit of a taste diffrence but atleast has a similar texture once lathered in spaghetti sauce.