Question for those who are consistantly on target

I was wondering what you found your average weight loss to be if you were very consistant with being close to "0" at then end of the day. Has anyone determined if the site's prediction, after finishing logging for the day, and it says "If every day was like today you'd weigh ... in 5 weeks" seems accurate? I know average weight loss varies from person to person, but have those who are consistant with a "0" had steady loss of weight?


  • laurae
    laurae Posts: 115 Member
    I was wondering what you found your average weight loss to be if you were very consistant with being close to "0" at then end of the day. Has anyone determined if the site's prediction, after finishing logging for the day, and it says "If every day was like today you'd weigh ... in 5 weeks" seems accurate? I know average weight loss varies from person to person, but have those who are consistant with a "0" had steady loss of weight?
  • christyrodriguez
    Hi, I'm new to this site today and I'm also wondering the same thing. I would love to know...:smile:
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    I'm not sure how accurate this website is about guessing what you will weigh in 5 weeks.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Actually, it's a very individualistic thing. Personally, that goal was always less than my actual results, but I know for others it hasn't worked out as well. There are so many factors to each human body that accurately predicting something like your average weight loss is going to be an educated guess at best. If you take into account your metabolism (different for everyone), how efficiently your body burns and processes energy, how high of a priority your body puts on building muscle, how fast your body converts carbs to fat, How deep your fat tissue goes, your specific body chemistry...etc, these things all factor into weight loss, so results can be all over the map. Really, all you can do is put forth your best effort, and after a few months, sit down and really take a long look at your results and be honest about how close you have stuck to the plan. At that point you should be able to know much more accurately then this site will be able to tell you.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    I would be so excited to actually have my numbers hit zeros ! That has never happened to me! Tell me how to do that??

    OR - to stop eating for the day before midnight so I could actually use the "end day" feature and have the little, "If every day were like today......" message pop up.
  • janagraham
    Where do the zeros come in? I'm new but I think I'm missing something!!
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    i just think that if it's near 0, (you're talking about your cals remaining, i think, right?) that it's just what your projected weight loss is, like 1 lb a week. mine is always right around 5 lbs less than what i weigh now and my goal is 1 lb a week. hope that makes sense cause i'm typing tired lol :tongue: :yawn:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    i just think that if it's near 0, (you're talking about your cals remaining, i think, right?) that it's just what your projected weight loss is, like 1 lb a week. mine is always right around 5 lbs less than what i weigh now and my goal is 1 lb a week. hope that makes sense cause i'm typing tired lol :tongue: :yawn:

    nite soph :yawn:
  • laurae
    laurae Posts: 115 Member
    I would be so excited to actually have my numbers hit zeros ! That has never happened to me! Tell me how to do that??

    OR - to stop eating for the day before midnight so I could actually use the "end day" feature and have the little, "If every day were like today......" message pop up.

    What I did yesterday was check my food number near the end of the day, and if it was a fairly good size negative (@ 100 or more), I either take the dog on another walk or got on my eliptical, which counts calories burned for me, and worked the negative calorie number back to zero.

    I actually dropped another pound as of this morning! :happy: I even had gone to Carlos Okelley's for luinch yesterday! I must be burning more calories than I think I am. Perhaps I won't worry if my calorie count numbers go to -200. I seem to be losing more rapidly than I should.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I've lost about 19 pounds since I've been here...I'm a computer dunce, but you guys are welcome to check my numbers/info etc
    I was supposed to loose the average 1-2 pounds per week, but some weeks I lost 3 pounds (rare) and others only a was never consistent...

  • laurae
    laurae Posts: 115 Member
    That's great!! You've lost 19 pounds since January - about 2 months. Were you often left with a negative? In other words, did you eat all your allotted calories?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi again

    Actually when I came to this site, i was told 1290 was my cal goal...I felt that wasn't realistic for me...I set a goal of 1400 per day and I make sure to eat 1400 each day..LOL
    I only had maybe 3 cheat days and really kept the cheating to a limit (b-day etc)

    Anything else...ask away
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    I follow the web site very religiously (though I have had a few slip ups). I set my goals to 2 lbs per week and on average, I am losing 2.33 lbs per week. One week I lost 5 lbs but I had been sick and another week I lost 1.5 lbs. I did gain 1 lb one week but that was from poor eating.

    I don't use the FINISH LOGGING button because I rarely log all my food in each day, I usually carry it on to the next day but I do keep an Excel spreadsheet and have set my 2lbs per week goal on there and where I should be at if I lost consistently and I am 3 lbs ahead of where I should be.