Is This Like my Dr said - Worthless Exercise!?

I mentioned to my doctor that I was walking to work (it is a 12 minute walk for me) and back for exercise. For me, this is a HUGE improvement from my usual doing NOTHING, daily (I always mean to, but never end up doing it. I work nights, so it's hard).

My doctor shook his head and told me to just get OUT there and make it a point to give it at least a half hour to an hour. That my walks to and from work weren't worth anything.

I was feeling good about what I was doing. Believe me, when I pass my car on my way out, it takes effort not to just sit down and turn the ignition and RIDE to work.

So... is this true?! Is my walking to work silly?

I am, as an aside, planning to do more than that on days that I can (roughly 1-3 days/week), but ... !?!?!?


  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    If you haven't been consistent with any type of activity, I think this is a great start. Work up to more walking as you can, and while you walk try to walk a little faster, not just a leisurely stroll. We have to start somewhere, and just developing the habit tomove more in general is a good one. Good for you, for making a change!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    No movement is worthless (except shake weights. :bigsmile:). A lot of people start by just parking farther from the entrance of work/school/shopping. Just build up to more.
  • It may not be worthy of much, except IF it makes you feel better, I think it is great. They say it is all in your mindset. So get out there and do what make you smile :smile: . When you are smiling, you are in a better mood :happy: , and when in a better mood you are more apt to move more. Moving more = exercise.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    Your doctor is a wanker. That's not to say he/she isn't right that you can always do more, as above poster said, it's a great start and anything is better than nothing! It's all in the delivery of the message. His/her "bedside" manner is obviously lacking.
  • Hi, At work I have to do rounds. I walk sometimes30 minutes on a round and sometimes 15 minutes and I do about 6 rounds a shift. MFP says I burned about 50 calories doing the 15 min walk. Eventually try to walk more. I have alreadly lost 8 pounds in one month. I do zumba and cardio on my days off. Start slow and work your way up.
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    Any exercise is good! We had a health campaign over here for people to find at least 30minutes of exercise a day to stay healthy and included things like walking to work instead of driving. Maybe your doctor was just trying to encourage you to do something more but you've got to start somewhere!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Well worthless is not a very tactful word to use.

    Mentally, your two walks a day are reminders that you are changing your life to be healthier and happier, and that is not worthless.

    As far as fitness goes, it is still better than nothing. However, if you only need to lose 45 lbs, those two walks will not do much to improve your overall health. Morbidly obese and injured people will start out walking about 10-30 minutes. You are probably capable of pushing yourself much more than you know.

    Can you lose weight walking half an hour a day? Yes, but you can also lose weight doing no exercise at all. I work out for two reasons - so I can eat more that day and so I can improve my overall fitness.

    So, while I believe that mentally these walks can be great to get you into a healthy mindset, I do not believe that they will greatly increase your overall health. Does that make sense?
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    The fact that you are getting up, walking past your car and walking to and from work is awesome. He/she said it had to be at least 30min walk, if it is 12min to and from you are only 6min away from that goal. I think they should acknowledge the fact that you are making an effort to walking and healthier choices.

    Pat yourself on the back and if you feel one day doing more than the 12 min walk then try, if not the good for you for at least doing the 12 min.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    If I were you, I'd aim for something that gets that HR up. Make that heart work. Try adding a jog here and there every so often? But yea, I suppose walking is better than nothing.
  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    It is said a couple of times already, but I think it's always nice to get another positive reaction :)
    I think it's great you are walking instead of driving! You might not burn that many calories, but being active makes you feel so much better! I ride my bike to work most days. It only burns 90 calories, but I feel so much better and healthier when I get there. It is also really nice to just get some fresh air.

    Like someone else said: they advertise for everyone to do 30 minutes every day.. by walking to and from work you already got 24 done! Those little things is what this life style change is all about!
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    it's not worthless. Eat less, move more. Any strides in that direction aren't worthless...maybe they aren't as effective as your doctor thinks you can be, but that doesn't make them worthless. Work up to doing more, but stick to where you are. Don't get discouraged.
  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    Healthier for you and the environment! Not to mention your wallet, saving a little gas money here and there always helps. Don't seen any downside to it other than possibly having to find another doctor.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I mentioned to my doctor that I was walking to work (it is a 12 minute walk for me) and back for exercise. For me, this is a HUGE improvement from my usual doing NOTHING, daily (I always mean to, but never end up doing it. I work nights, so it's hard).

    My doctor shook his head and told me to just get OUT there and make it a point to give it at least a half hour to an hour. That my walks to and from work weren't worth anything.

    I was feeling good about what I was doing. Believe me, when I pass my car on my way out, it takes effort not to just sit down and turn the ignition and RIDE to work.

    So... is this true?! Is my walking to work silly?

    I am, as an aside, planning to do more than that on days that I can (roughly 1-3 days/week), but ... !?!?!?

    Bad Bad Doctor, keep up the walking..I'm guessing doc thinking if it ain't 20-30 minutes it's no good..Any is good..
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    yes!!! kieep it up!!! the walking is great!

    and you should do more. the doc is right. *Some* is great. *More* is what you really need.
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    what a terrible thing for the doctor to say......

    to be brutally honest with you, doctors know jack squat about weightloss, obesity, exercise and nutrition. people seem to think they are the all mighty source of information, however in their training and education very little time is dedicated to this area, most doctors know far less about weightloss and exercise than the many people on here,

    thats not to say that they are not useful, they have in depth knowledge of other co-existing issues, but they are not a good source of information for weight related issues.

    the majority of your weightloss will come from your nutrition. activity, any level of activity has fantastic benifits to your health. your walk to and from work is a fantastic addition to your day and has some very important benifits. daily walks like this protect you against disease, amoung other things.

    would you see results faster with increased activity.....probably, but in no way should you be discouraged about making such a positive step. your simple walks to work could have huge effects on your health, good for you! keep it up
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    You do need a better doctor though. There is no excuse for him peeing all over your good work and motivation. If he looks smug when he says it, he likely needs a swift kick up the backside on your way out the door too.

    Doctors often have no idea what you're going through. The term "lifestyle choice" is a facile cliche. This is hard freaking work and you should be getting credit for it. As you get stronger you do more, of course, but I bet if that doc had to go for a 30 minute walk with a 30 pound bag of kitty litter on his shoulders, he might be more supportive.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Your doctor must ride to work and plays golf using a golf cart. Quit paying to be able to rent a golf cart.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    Definitely not worthless!! 24minutes of exercise a day is better than none! I agree that more would be better, but walking to work isn't silly and is far from worthless. That doctor really shouldn't have said its worthless, he should have told you good job for making an improvement, but strive for more.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Better than nothing. More would be even better. Just keep it up and see if you can take a longer route home.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Wow, how insensitive of your doctor! It is WORTHWHILE! BTW invest in a HRM (heart rate monitor) so you can mark your calorie counts here. The one at MFP is general and I think everyone needs a HRM to show correct cals. If you get one, trust me, it WILL make you feel good. Heck, housework and folding clothes counts on your HRM! :)