*PICS* I have trouble spots :( and a few Qs!



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    The last thing I have to say is, I am a firm believer in the effects of our mental state on our bodies. From what you wrote, it seems like you are pretty focused on your lack of success and how things aren't working. I feel like in order to fix that and start seeing results, take every pound, every inch, every extra minute of working out as a victory. Be proud of yourself, though you haven't yet gotten the results you want, you will get them if you keep on your path, it's inevitable. Be proud and happy that you have stuck to something for so long, many many people cannot do this. You are doing amazing, focus on that and it will all start happening, I promise. :)

    I can't agree more.
  • glennam1
    glennam1 Posts: 172 Member
    I don't know what your calories are supposed to be (or listed on here), but try upping them by about 100 that really got me moving and the low fat stuff is ok once in awhile, but stick to the normal stuff....feel free to add me as a friend I am 5'4" and 168 lbs (have lost 20 lbs on this site since Sept) trying to get to at least 140 :smile:
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Alright, you can't spot reduce. You can either lose fat or gain muscle and very, very few people can do both at the same time. Alot of people like to focus on fat loss first and then focus on a clean bulk to add muscle. Either way, start pumping some iron - lots of it.

    You want to eat lots of protein to help conserve muscle mass as you shed pounds (you want lost weight to be mostly fat, not fat AND muscle).

    I recommend 40% carbs, 30% healthy fats, and 30% protein.

    Do yourself the biggest favor ever of your life and go spend $10-$12 on a book called, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler. Do it. Do it. Do it. Then read this book. Then do the workouts in it which will take you roughly 45 minutes about 3x a week. Then just be persistent and patient and YOU. WILL. GET. THE. RESULTS. YOU. WANT.

    Clean diet is so important too. If you aren't familiar with eating clean, this is how I got started:


    Best of luck to you.

    Remember if you treat your body right, give it the right nutrition, it has NO CHOICE but to respond with the body of your dreams... it's only a matter of time before you get there!
  • ActorGirl1476
    ActorGirl1476 Posts: 221 Member
    The last thing I have to say is, I am a firm believer in the effects of our mental state on our bodies. From what you wrote, it seems like you are pretty focused on your lack of success and how things aren't working. I feel like in order to fix that and start seeing results, take every pound, every inch, every extra minute of working out as a victory. Be proud of yourself, though you haven't yet gotten the results you want, you will get them if you keep on your path, it's inevitable. Be proud and happy that you have stuck to something for so long, many many people cannot do this. You are doing amazing, focus on that and it will all start happening, I promise. :)

    I can't agree more.

    Thanks. :)
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I agree with everyone who said you are brave for sharing... Also agree with those who said talk to your doctor... about your nutrition as well as what exercises would be appropriate considering your back issues. Exercise is definitely necessary to lose weight as well as keep it off. I am an avid fan of hula hooping if you can do it... you can get a weighed hoop for about $20 and once you get the hang of it, it is wonderful exercise. If you have access to a pool in your area, walking in water provides a great calorie burn but supports your body so that there is less strain on your back, legs, knees, etc. Try to be more positive that you are choosing a healthier lifestyle whether or not the scale cooperates or not. I am just starting to lose weight after a frustrating 9 months since I had thyroid surgery. It was a long road of working my butt off but seeing no progress on the scale ... however, I felt better because I was not eating crap food and I have noticed the increase in my stamina with the exercise. Take your measurements because you may have some physical changes that don't necessarily show up on the scale - once you start exercising you will build muscle mass - 1 pound of muscle takes less space than 1 pound of fat .

    I live in NC .. feel free to add me if you need support.
  • Suralynn05
    Suralynn05 Posts: 2 Member
    As a mom of two, I always recommend 30 Day Shred! It's the most effective workout that you can do in a short period of time, I don't know about you but with a toddler and infant I only have about 30 minutes to squeeze in a workout before someone needs something from me! lol. After my son was born I weighed 188 lbs but with 30ds, walking and a once every two weeks kickboxing class, I was down to 124lbs in just over a year. Also, you can find 30ds on amazon for pretty cheap...check it out, it's a great REAL workout...old school jumping jacks and all :) Good luck with everything and keep up the good work- watch those portions and you'll see fantastic results
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    i just started to lift heavier weights. I have been on for 6 months and lost threee pounds then gained it back and could not lose, I do cardio alot. I did some striength training but not heavey i started trying to not eat at night, lift heavy and ate more protien so far i lost three pounds in two weeks...

    Also i have osteopnea and i have degenerative disk all over my back I have arthritis as well. The only thing that has helped me is to keep moving at first yes it was painful to walk every day but i did it any way, I was not sore like DOMS I was just hurting period.. my joints and bones. But i kept going then i started jogging a little at a time and listen to my body then i did step aerobics on my non jog days it was lower impact. I now jog for three miles ever other day. I lift heavey and i feel better, My hurts are not like it was before i started my exercise. I use to be in pain it hurt to get out of bed... I really feel if you rest you rust.. So it is important to goa walking and i really like step because it gets the heart up without jumping up and down...
  • mysweetFiona
    thanks all!
    I do measure my body, the measurments are up top at the beginning.
    I am really considering 30 day shred! I also have a toddler and a baby.. well a 3.5 yr and a 13 month old.... so i dont have time for much either haha, the kids are always needing something! :)
    I do see a nutritionist once a month, as well as my back drs but i have a lot of rare issues so they dont really know what to do as of right now. I do know if i lost some weight my back wouldnt hurt as bad for normal aches and pains though! I am hoping to see results soon but i understand it takes a while... How soon is realistic to expect to see a pound or an inch come off, if i exercise 4-5 days a week and eat healthily?
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Your shape is very similar to mine I think, certainly your problem areas in your photos are the same as mine :smile:

    I have found walking to be my most effective workout, I have 3 kids aged 5, 3 and 10 months. When the 5 year old is at school and the 3 year old at pre-school (they offer free sessions of 3 hours at age 3 in the UK) I power walk for just over an hour with baby and can burn around 600 cals doing that. I also try to swim once a week which could work well for you with your back and then DVDs. I have a number of Jilllian Michaels ones, being honest she is kind of annoying but my measurement changes have been FANTASTIC the best one I have for that is banish fat boost metabolism, which says it is 40 mins but is more like 50/ 55 with warm-up and cool down. It is INCREDIBLY effective though.

    You can definitely do this, but be prepared that at the end you will most likely be the same shape, but smaller. I'm still the same shape and I am well within healthy ranges on BMI, waist size, body fat ratio and all that but I'm still an apple and if I wear the wrong things my eyes will go straight to my tum and think :grumble:
  • mysweetFiona
    Aw man!! I would be doing the same thing! i dont think i can stand having wide hips and saggy muffin belly forever, erg! I am wondering if there is anything that can help saggy skin? i know gradually and slowly losing weight the right way with exercise will help tighten skin, but i see success stories with saggy belly skin even though they did it the right way, is the only fix a tummy tuck!?
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    i was actually thinking about 30 day shred! will it be too hard on my back (i have sciatica and nerve issues as well as slipped discs and minor scoliosis), and also will the weight STAY OFF? im concerned about that because of how quickly some lose weight/inches with that... cuz i've always heard if it comes off fast, its coming back fast.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I slipped a disc in my back in July which came with a pinched nerve and have minor scoliosis. I can do 30DS with no back pain.

    The two biggest things you said that stood out is that you haven't been exercising and you weren't watching portions, I think once you really focus on those two things then you'll see a lot more progress in your weight loss.

    Edit to add - the younger you are the less likely you'll have lose skin, you can also use lotion religiously it'll help.
  • mysweetFiona
    i was actually thinking about 30 day shred! will it be too hard on my back (i have sciatica and nerve issues as well as slipped discs and minor scoliosis), and also will the weight STAY OFF? im concerned about that because of how quickly some lose weight/inches with that... cuz i've always heard if it comes off fast, its coming back fast.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I slipped a disc in my back in July which came with a pinched nerve and have minor scoliosis. I can do 30DS with no back pain.

    The two biggest things you said that stood out is that you haven't been exercising and you weren't watching portions, I think once you really focus on those two things then you'll see a lot more progress in your weight loss.

    Edit to add - the younger you are the less likely you'll have lose skin, you can also use lotion religiously it'll help.

    Well im very pleased to hear this! I wasnt sure exactly what type of exercises is on 30ds so if it was a bunch of crunches i wont be able to do but like half of them so i can go slower and try to avoid pain.

    I think portion size and exercise will effect the weightloss too i just wonder how long it will take until it takes effect.

    I am 21 so still young, but i have stretch marks pretty bad from both my pregnancies, they tore up my belly! lol. will this have an effect on how tight my skin will be at the end?
  • mysweetFiona
  • mysweetFiona