Newby: Anyone doing this for fertility reasons?



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    I have a 21 month old son. Breastfeeding is natures miracle diet and I lost about 35 pounds when I only gained 16 the whole pregnancy. I few months ago I was back at my 9 month pregnant weight (which was my heaviest). I've lost 14 pounds and just started here with a friend. I need to lose that last 65 to get into a good BMI and hope I can get pregnant on my own this next time. Friend me if you'd like...sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat!

    Ok honestly I wish that were the case for me - I have not lost a single lbs due to breastfeeding! You are one lucky lady :) I am still breastfeeding (she is now 17 months)
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    Well, I have not been diagnosed with PCOS, and I have two children, but we've been trying for abotu 22 months to have another one and so far, no luck. I did get pregnant back in May and had a miscarriage early on. At that point I had lost about 20 pounds, so it made me wonder if losing the weight had helped me get pregnant.

    When I got pregnant with my first baby I was 169 pounds... I got up to 200, and then lost weight before getting pregnant with my 2nd at 184 pounds. I got up to 206 with her and it kept climbing after she was born. Eventally got to 220, and lost 20 pounds and that's when I got pregnant and miscarried. Now I'm back up to 219.... and this time, working to lose the weight for good. The doctor hasn't been able to find anything wrong with me, so I'm just hoping that my weight going down again will help us to get pregnant once more.
  • cherylrmw
    cherylrmw Posts: 8 Member
    I do not have PCOS, however I have had two miscarriages in the past. This coming spring, my husband and I are going to start trying to have children. And after our previous experiences, we're going to try to make this as easy on ourselves and our marriage as possible. We've agreed to lose the weight together and cheer one another on. Because having children is one thing we both have wanted for so very long, and our parents are looking forward to grandbabies.
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I am not, but I can say that the two times I lost weight I got pregnant. I am trying to watch out for that now. Blessings to all who are desiring a lovely bundle of joy.
  • kellykelz86
    kellykelz86 Posts: 23 Member
    I have pcos and am also hoping that losing weight will help with the infertility ;) feel free to add me
  • so me and my husband are wanting to have children within the next five years...and i no that at this weight it defently would delay my chances and i wouldnt be the 100% mom i would need to be! so this sorta counts?
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    As someone who struggled with infertility (endometriosis) I wanted to say hello. Good luck with your weigh loss and TTC journeys.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    I have pcos. My hubby and I have been ttc for over a year. I decide it was time to take responsibility for my part in this and start putting a honest effort into loosing weight. Add me if you would like support
  • I don't have any fertility issues (that I know of) and have never been pregnant, nor really tried for it. But my husband and I have been married nearly 6 years and I know soon enough we will want to have kids. I do want to lose weight for the sake of becoming pregnant because I should. I would like to make becoming pregnant as optimal as possible and I just don't think being obese and pregnant would be fun. I absolutely can't wait to be pregnant and I want to be healthy and "cute". I want to look back at pictures and be proud and not embarrassed about how "huge" I am. Plus, I am young and am already hypertensive. I think about how there is a possibility that I could develop pre-eclampsia and/or gestational diabetes. I don't want that at all.
  • msech
    msech Posts: 32
    I was just recently diagonsed with PCOS. I went in for my itnital visit because I wasn't haveing a period, which in all honest was not an unsuall thing for me (I have had unsuall periods ever since I have started). When I went in I had been exercising and counting my calories using this site. I had lost 10lbs at the time of my visit. When the doctor came in she asked me if I had had any problems losing weight or gaining it. I told her I had lost 10lbs in about three months and she was shocked. She told me she was suprised that I even lost that. Well like most people I asked her why and she explained to me I had PCOS. She said that explained the bad acne I had when I was "supposed" to start my period and that most people with PCOS have an extermaly hard time losing weight. She put me on medician to start my period and when I had my period I lost an additional 5lbs. Now it's been awhile since I have been to the docs and it's been awhile since I have been on this site so I have gained back everything I had lost and than some. Needles to say I am exteramly upset but I am not going to let my PCOS be the reason. I told myself I a overweight because of my lifestyle not because of some medical diagons that the doctor said I have. It would be great to have a support group to help out. :smile: Feel free to add me. Support, in my opinion, is the best thing to have when trying to lose weight.
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    I was never officially diagnosed with pcos, but was given metformin after a miscarriage in 2006, I now have a 4 year old and a 10 month old that were both conceived after losing about 10% of my weight each time and tedious tracking on fertilityfriend. I also used my temperature and an ovuscope to key into the fertility friend. Good luck to you all!
  • I'm not in that boat, luckily for me, but one of my motivators for losing weight and now keeping it down is my family history of pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure. My mother nearly died with the severe pre-eclampsia that she had having me - I was born 3 months prem weighing a whole 670 grams and am lucky to be alive. I believe my aunt also had problems with pre-eclampsia. I am an only child because of pre-eclampsia.

    My mother's whole family has a very strong tendency towards obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes, heart disease, early death from heart disease...none of these precisely help with pre-eclampsia risk.

    So I'm probably over-aware of pregnancy risk factors, and eating well, exercising and keeping my weight down are the only things that I can really control to reduce my risk of pregnancy issues. We're probably going to start trying this year and I'm determined to keep my weight down and have healthy habits through pregnancy.

    So not in the same boat, but also motivated by being as healthy as possible for a future pregnancy.

    I really hope all of you who are struggling with fertility have your dreams come true!!!! I can't imagine how hard it must be emotionally and what you have to put your body through with fertility treatment sounds awful, so I really hope it works out for all of you!!
  • Do any of you want to adopt my children. I called the adoption agency but they dropped off a baby instead. Im pushing 21 i cant tell how many there are anymore they are kind indoor-outdoor children. Please help. There names are


    ....and I think the last one is named L-A. (Ladasha)
    908 894 guess
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    I was married for 7 years (still am technically, just separated). I tried almost the whole time to get pregnant, to no avail. My Rather than husband didn't seem to think it was a big deal that we weren't getting pregnant, but my biggest desire in life is to be a mother, so I was crushed. In January 2009, after having my period for 45 days straight, I visited my ob/gyn. He did not seem concerned about my fertility, or my prolonged period. He told me that I was fat and would not be able to conceive. He told me that the only way for me to lose wight was to have bariatric surgery. He then sent me for some tests. He did not tell me what these tests were for. I went and had a glucose tolerance test. He called me and told me (based on this one test) that I had diabetes, hypo-thyroidism, and PCOS. While I know I have ovarian cysts (have had since I started menstruating), my cysts have always been large. I had on removed a few years prior that was 18cm in diameter.

    Bariatric surgery was not an option that I wanted to take. I don't believe that just because I'm fat that I can't conceive. I believe there are deeper issues here, but he was unwilling to even discuss my fertility due to my size. I went to my PCP, and he looked at my test results and said that I was only borderline diabetic and my thyroid was just a little slow. Both of which, he said, could be controlled by diet and exercise. I have read that PCOS cannot be diagnosed without an ultrasound, which he did not do. He was simply looking at the fact that I am slightly glucose resistant.

    I was soooo angry to be treated this way simply because I am overweight. I have known several large women who have conceived and had healthy babies. I feel like he just wrote me off. Well, my husband and I aren't together anymore, but I do still want so badly to be a mother. I am going to lose the weight partly because I believe that it will help me to conceive (if we ever get back together, or if I remarry). But I'm going to do it MY way, not the way he wanted me to. And I will not allow myself to be bullied by the medical community again!
  • sweetpea0727
    sweetpea0727 Posts: 11 Member
    yes, we have been ttc for over 4 years now... a year and a half ago i found out i had 7 large cysts (turned into a tumor) on my right ovary. ovary couldnt be salvaged so the entire thing had to be removed. on the good side, it wasnt cancerous yet or anything like that. but to add to being overweight, i now only have 1 ovary.
    my starting weight was 324 three months ago. so far ive lost 45 pounds in 2 months (im only weighing in once a month) and the next weigh in will be the 11th to see if ive lost anymore. ive got a LONG way to go but im willing to do anything i can to up my chances of conceiving!
    glad to hear theres other women going thru the same thing and would love for anyone to add me and we can get thru this together!

    did i mention it makes me aggravated that EVERYONE i went to school with is on their 2nd or 3rd child now? haha..
    but it is a great thing to fuel my motivation and work that much harder to achieve my goal.

    sending everyone lots of healthy baby dust!
  • msech
    msech Posts: 32
    I too saw a male OBGYN who said I was to fat to have a child. Well I guess he was wrong because I have a healthy 4 year old son. Only sad part is I have been trying to have another baby for over two years and to my suprise I found out a few months ago I had PCOS. The pills to make me have a period are working but the pills to make me ovulate have not been successful.
  • I am new here and am glad to see so many others that could support me in trying to lose weight for a baby. I was married for 5 1/2 years before we finally got pregnant (had been trying almost that whole time!) I got pregnant about a year after we stopped doing all fertility treatments. Just thought we'd take a break because it is stressful trying to get pregnant and it was taking it's toll on my marriage. During that year I was exercising and working at a physical labor job so I got in pretty good shape (for me), and felt pretty healthy. It was a huge surprise to find out I was pregnant since we weren't doing any kind of treatments. Just the old fashioned way! YAY! I had a great pregnancy and recovery, but I quit my job to stay home with my son, and got out of the habit of exercising and have now gained 80 pounds since my pre-pregnancy weight. My son is 2 1/2 now and we haven't been able to get pregnant, and I'm thinking that I only got pregnant last time because I was pretty healthy. I definitely don't feel healthy like last time.

    I have always struggled with weight, but I really want another baby and sibling for my first miracle baby. I need all the help I can get. Please add me. I need encouragement and want to help encourage you!
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    There's a PCOS group here:

    Best of luck to you
  • carrie0210
    carrie0210 Posts: 42 Member
    I also have PCOS and was prescribed Metformin. We had tried getting pregnant for 2 years before I went to the Dr. to find out why it wasn't happening. I would only get my period once every 4 months and it would last 10-18 days each time. I was told with the Metformin it should aid in weight loss along with cause ovulation each month. I track my month cycle on an app called "My Day's". I love the app and it's been right on each month. Some times I am overly surprised at how accurate it is.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can fight this battle together.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I don't have any infertility problems (I have a just turned 2 year old son and a 9 month old daughter), but I just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you and all the other women who shared their struggles.
    My husband and I are wanting more children at some point but I told him I didn't want more until I lost all the baby fat, hence the reason I'm on here :)
    All the best in your weight loss and God bless!