I wake up at 4 am to train..anyone else?



  • going2losebig
    going2losebig Posts: 26 Member
    I'm up at 4:45am and at the gym by 5:30am then I shower and dress there and go to work. I have a full time day job Mon-Fri and work part-time on Wed, Fri, and the weekend. I have two kids. So if I want to work out I have to do it in the morning to fit it into my day. I'm a morning person anyway, so I feel better working out in the AM. :smile:
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    I have a crazy busy life. With 7 children, a career and little time to breathe, I find that waking up at 4 to start my training for 4:30energizes me, and gives me a sense of control over the remainder of my day. Am I the only nut on here to train this early in the a.m?

    wow! i think thats amazing! i wish i could do that
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I am an early riser also...my day begins at 5am....and I go to sleep early, too...

    I am a busy mom of 6, plus a grandson....

    You look amazing! Very inspirational!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    4:15 here. The only time of the day when the house is totally quiet and I have it to myself.
  • newsboys
    Up at 4:30 to catch the GO bus downtown at 5:10, and in my gym by 5:45 to work out for an hour before I go to work. Only way to fit it into my day!

    Good for you!
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    That's when I get up to workout. I feel better throughout the day. I have more energy, I drink more water and I make better food choices.

    When you're up making a difference, so am I! =]
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Wow.... I tend to believe time doesn't exist before 6am!!!
  • slimmerme2012
    I have a 10 month old baby and would love to wake up early like that to workout but since he still gets up during the night, thats impossible for me to do...as soon as he starts sleeping through the night my butt will be up at 4:30!
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Monday - Friday, rise at 4:30 - change, stretch, then on the elliptical a little before 5 for 35. Saturday and Sunday I'm not up quite as early and usually go for a longer time on the elliptical. Also try to get in outdoor exercise whenever possible. :flowerforyou:
  • TwtyMami35
    The morning is the best time for me, but I have been able to accommodate my busy days with working out during the evenings. The fitness studio I attend has morning and evening spin classes, as well as other programs. It's exciting to see so many people on the road to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    I usually work out in the mornings, 3-5 times a week around 6'ish. I find I need about a 1/2 hour to wake up and have a cup of tea before I am ready to work out. Do you work out immediately after getting up? I can do that, but find my performance is not as great if I don't give myself that buffer.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    I'm normally up at 4:30 M-F to hit the gym. I either sleep in a little or take a rest day on the weekend.
  • Georganna1962
    I am up at 4:30 and start training in the pool at 5. I love it! My life is busy and that is the only way I can get in 2 hours of training a day.
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    Impossible for me. I need sleep just as much! I only have 2 kids.
    I need get up, at least have 1litre of water in my before exercise otherwise i get killer headache which will knock me all day, i wont do much else.

    Wish i could get up that early though.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I work at 5 AM so on my days off, I still get up at 4 and hit the gym. For my work days, it depends if I manage to fall asleep early enough because I have to get up at 2:30 to have time to work out and shower before work. Usually I'll just wait until I'm done.

    My biggest thing is, I HAVE To do it before I sit down or the lazy sets in.
  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    During the week I am up by 4:30, leave the house before 5, get to gym about 5:45 to start the workout. Unfortunately I have to drive 45 minutes to the gym near my job...more convenient.
  • Hopingforchange
    I usually get up at 5, have coffee and a piece of toast and do 30DS before getting ready for work. I have 2 kids that are pretty self sufficient as far as getting ready (5 and 8). I then walk or run on my lunch hour. By the time I get home at 5:30 there is little time with homework, dinner, etc.
    Gotta do it when you can.
  • chicklidell
    I usually work out in the mornings, 3-5 times a week around 6'ish. I find I need about a 1/2 hour to wake up and have a cup of tea before I am ready to work out. Do you work out immediately after getting up? I can do that, but find my performance is not as great if I don't give myself that buffer.

    I do workout on an empty stomach, that in itself is a huge debate topic..lol It works for me, I log 45 mins of cardio, I have half a protein shake, then I hit my weight segment with my coach, usually 75 minutes then finish off with 30 minutes of swimming laps or rowing.