


  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    i've loved working at a pre-k in an integrated classroom with kids with special needs, including kids on the autism spectrum. It can be really hard sometimes to engage them and keep them on track, but being able to see the progress they made was one of the most rewarding things i've ever experienced.
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    My son is 11 and was diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum at 2. It's a rough road sometimes, but I love the person he is. He's all the good parts of my wife and I in one little body.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    I have a 10 year old brother who has Autism. There is a 9 year gap between me and my brother. He got diagnosed with Autism at the age of 5, (so quite early), he also has ADHD, soo copeing with his behaviour is super hard sometimes. He's on medication though to help, which does help a little. He finds it quite hard to communicate in school with other children, he does have alot of close friends who understand the special need that he has got, and they are all very supportitive. Its really hard work for my mum to cope aswell, as she is a single mother to me and my brother, so she has an awful lot on her plate. He is starting high school September 2012 and therefor he will have to travel to a high school that cater's for his needs, where as the high school in town is a mainstream school and he wont cope there.

    Its very upsetting, for both me and my mum. But we are getting through it, and hes getting all the help he can possibly get. x
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    I am Mother to two boys. Oldest is 13 and diagnosed ADHD and the younger is 6 and diagnosed with PDD-NOS also known as "atypical autism" . I knew at a very young age with him (a year old) that he had issues that my older son, or other children I had been around, did not have. I mentioned it to his pediatrician and there our story begins! With the Indiana First Steps program , he was provided with DT, ST and OT from a year old until he was 3. Then we transitioned him onto a developmental preschool here at our local elementary school. Now he is in Kindergarten, doing full days partially in a regular classroom and partially in a special education classroom. He has come SOOOO far and continues to amaze me every day. He is still partially non-verbal. He speaks to request his needs or wants. Conversation-wise he struggles bad. He does a lot of repeating what he's asked and/or replying with responses he's heard others use. Knowledge-wise, incredible! That boy knows things I have know idea HOW he knows. Reads, and really excels with letters and numbers. And his memory....INSANE!! We're talking he recites entire movies word for word. Yes, we have the odd bad day but who doesn't?! He has opened my eyes to the world in a whole new light.♥ Please feel free to add me if you're traveling a path similar to mine. Please include a message as to why you're adding me. I know it helps me to feel like I have someone to relate to....the journey of autism can be a long and lonely one if you don't reach out.