What do you think of froze diet foods?



  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    I agree they are not the best choice, but for me, if I have one on hand for lunch plus some fruit, it can mean the difference between a low calorie lunch and a lunch from a fast food joint, ~1500 calories plus all that sodium. If it helps me achieve my goal, I use it. I use them in moderation. And yes, got to drink plenty of water to go with them.
  • angiecakes82
    angiecakes82 Posts: 28 Member
    I eat them 2-3 times a week for lunch at work. a lot more economical & quick when you only have a 1/2 hour lunch break. it is definatly not enough food, i usually eat a banana or apple or yogurt with it. like PP said, if you don't have health problems (kidney, high blood pressure, etc) its not that big a deal to eat so much sodium. I wouldnt recommend having them 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, but in a pinch they are fine.
  • camillehardeman
    Like everyone else has said...sodium hell! The calories/time you would save isn't worth the bloating and water retention from all that sodium!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Absolutely NOT!
    Filled with sodium.
    The portions are never the same, nor what they advertise.
    Preservatives and chemicals added..

    If I wanted a salt-lick, Ill eat my mother's cooking. If I wanted preprocessed garbage food, Ill eat my mother-in-law's cooking. LOL!

    Fresh foods are the only things consumed in my home..... I work as a chef (who has a medical background also) who firmly believes fresher the better...

    I was going to say something similar.

    Just cook extras and have left overs!!
  • angiecakes82
    angiecakes82 Posts: 28 Member
    Absolutely NOT!
    Filled with sodium.
    The portions are never the same, nor what they advertise.
    Preservatives and chemicals added..

    If I wanted a salt-lick, Ill eat my mother's cooking. If I wanted preprocessed garbage food, Ill eat my mother-in-law's cooking. LOL!

    Fresh foods are the only things consumed in my home..... I work as a chef (who has a medical background also) who firmly believes fresher the better...

    I was going to say something similar.

    Just cook extras and have left overs!!

    there is no such thing as left overs in my house. anything left over from dinner my husband will eat it after work. (he works 2nds) i hate it that he eats so late, but i can only control myself, not him.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Absolutely NOT!
    Filled with sodium.
    The portions are never the same, nor what they advertise.
    Preservatives and chemicals added..

    If I wanted a salt-lick, Ill eat my mother's cooking. If I wanted preprocessed garbage food, Ill eat my mother-in-law's cooking. LOL!

    Fresh foods are the only things consumed in my home..... I work as a chef (who has a medical background also) who firmly believes fresher the better...

    I was going to say something similar.

    Just cook extras and have left overs!!

    there is no such thing as left overs in my house. anything left over from dinner my husband will eat it after work. (he works 2nds) i hate it that he eats so late, but i can only control myself, not him.

    My husband is kind of the same way. I cook extra, take and portioni my meal out into a container and he can have the rest.

    And it makes no difference when someone eats during any period of the day. My husband woke up at 3 am this morning and ate some leftover chicken and vegetables that we ate last night for supper.
  • seehawkmomma
    I use the Steamers by Healthy Choice. I know it not the best choice but I think compared to how I used to eat this is good change for me. And the General Tso which is 300 calories and tastes delish is better than the General Tso's from Panda Express which is more.
  • AmyB2011
    The only thing I have are the Weight Watchers frozen desserts. Had an iced strawberry swirl today... 74 calories and absolutely gorgeous!
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I eat them once every couple of weeks.. I NEVER eat leftovers (except for homemade soup). The way i look at it... It's better than skipping a meal :) As long as you aren't eating them for every meal you should be ok :)
  • ginareejoy
    ginareejoy Posts: 54 Member
    My husband and I both have these during the week at work, usually about 2-3 times a week. My favorites are the Healthy Choice meals with side & dessert, and the Steamers. We both enjoy them, and I don't obsess about the sodium amount on those since they're not very high and I don't overdo it.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Not worried about sodium. I'd just rather eat cardboard.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Well I'm guilty of eating them. I use Lean Cuisine for my pizza fix and I used Healthy Choice complete meals for dinner at times. When cooking for my partner she wouldnt dare eat the healthy foods that I fix for myself so I get tired of doing complete meals, one for her full of calories but she weighs 105. Actually last nite she ate a whole chocolate pie for dinner 1800 calories. So I do use them for convenience if we arent eating the same food that day. i drink a lot of water so the sodium usually isnt an issue for me as I also take a prescription diuretic with my blood pressure meds.

    Freshly prepared foods are always best but I keep these in my freezer for times I need them.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    They have a lot of sodium and make me retain water. However, I do keep a couple in the freezer for lunch at work for times when I'm too busy to do anything else and want to eat something low cal. But I dont eat more than one or two in one week and rarely eat any in a given month.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Absolutely NOT!
    Filled with sodium.
    The portions are never the same, nor what they advertise.
    Preservatives and chemicals added..

    If I wanted a salt-lick, Ill eat my mother's cooking. If I wanted preprocessed garbage food, Ill eat my mother-in-law's cooking. LOL!

    Fresh foods are the only things consumed in my home..... I work as a chef (who has a medical background also) who firmly believes fresher the better...

    I was going to say something similar.

    Just cook extras and have left overs!!

    there is no such thing as left overs in my house. anything left over from dinner my husband will eat it after work. (he works 2nds) i hate it that he eats so late, but i can only control myself, not him.

    My husband is kind of the same way. I cook extra, take and portioni my meal out into a container and he can have the rest.

    And it makes no difference when someone eats during any period of the day. My husband woke up at 3 am this morning and ate some leftover chicken and vegetables that we ate last night for supper.

    There are only a few things I will eat the next day as leftovers, but in general... I only make enough for three servings: One for me, two for my husband.

    I do alot of bulk cooking as well to make individual frozen meals ahead of time. When I get up on Saturday morning, I just yank two days worth of food then one each day from that point on, because it needs a two-day thaw in the fridge... Home-cooked, made-from-scratch using only fresh foods, meals that can be reheated. If I have a day off, I dont take any of my made-ahead meals out, I cook fresh that day...
  • idaretodream
    Frozen Diet Foods = BAD

    freshly prepared food = GOOD

    Freshly prepared foods frozen then taken out when needed.....just fine

    I cut chicken up cook it and bag it in 6 oz bags then put into the freezer...pull them out and use them in anything from salads to fajitas to just alone. Quick and easy.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Every now and then I get stuck in the office, without leftovers or appropriate snacks. When I find a LC in the freezer that I left in there a couple months ago, I am very grateful for it. Other than that, I don't use them to assist in portion control or calorie minding ... they're just a reasonable convenience food when I'm stuck in an especially rough spot.

    And yeah, I buy them and throw them in the freezer at home and work, for just in case times.
  • candiada
    candiada Posts: 11 Member
    I have to say I bought some lean cuisines this morning, they were on sale. I don't think they should be consumed on a regular basis. I am currently in the middle of a kitchen renovation. Literally the middle. I am hoping it doesn't take as long to finish the second half as it has taken to get this far. Once It is done I am going to make healthy meals and freeze portion sized leftover, for lunches and quick meals. But mean while I am not going to be cutting any raw meat in my dining room. :smile:
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    They absolutely help you lose weight, but they are loaded with garbage! I think it's a good starting point if portion control is your problem.

    I dropped 26 lbs in ONE month by switching 2 meals a day to Lean Cuisines.

    I've completely cut out frozen/processed foods from my diet to actually get healthy, but Lean Cuisine meals definitely helped me in the beginning!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I have them in the freezer, just so that if I come in and CBA cooking anything, I go for them instead of a take away or other convenience food. Don't eat them every day, they're just there for those days. Yknow. THOSE DAYS. Better than other ready meals/take away food.
    Weight watchers spaghetti bolognese is DELICIOUS, I eat that for a treat sometimes :L
  • Chrisborro
    I eat them about 2 times a week but only when i make my hubby a steak that is loaded with fat or one of his philipino dishes he loves.. Hes philipino.. Im not.. So i like to keep them on hand and just account for the extra salt in it and drink more water that day