New Here

Hello i am new here, i am 30 year old female with almost 100 lbs to lose. I am looking for friends on here with similar goals too add me as friends so we can keep each other motivated! feel free to add me.

A little about me:
from canada
animal person
loves any thing fashion related
needs to lose 100lbs and needs to learn to enjoy working out


  • deblevins
    I have 80 pounds to lose....I added you as a friend. Anyone feel free to add me..
  • Hello, my name is Judy from California and only signed up today. I have never been good with blogging so i hope this will work for me. I need to lose 120 lbs. i don't have any friends that need to lose as much as me. So it is hard to find someone to do this with all the way through. i have added you, pvollans, as a friend. What is your first name?

    i have also added deblevins as a friend.

    i hope this blog will help us motivate each other.
  • colvera59
    colvera59 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello...I'm Cyndi Northern California...I have like 75 lbs to loose...I was over 300 lbs over weight 5 years ago and lost 132lbs.I still have like 60-75lbs to go....I like to be at least 130-140...It would be nice to have a group who has same ideas and weight lose issue as I do that can push me along the my kinda sucks that your body still has an ideas that you shouldn't loose the weight...but I just want to be a little more healthier. hope to hear from you all
  • MMH86
    MMH86 Posts: 120 Member
    welcome!! you will love it here! adding you : )
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    Welcome . I'm sending a friend request. :)