Does anyone else just...NOT get hungry?



  • dapst3r
    dapst3r Posts: 20
    I have had days where I don't eat my full calorie count, and then there are days I go over. I have even had days of not being hungry but I eat something because without eating I get headaches and get lethargic. I can understand where you are coming from, but you do need to eat busy or not.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    if your not hungry and your on here to lose weight you have to ask yourself... is your metabolism dying on you? not eating cannot be working for you otherwise there would be no need to be here to lose weight or get healthier. try kick starting your metabolism in the morning with some food or a shake even if its something small and make yourself eat small balanced meals that fit in with ur cal count, add in some exercise and you will get hungry! if not u need to go the doctors lol something seriously wrong!
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    Being on MFP since October has FORCED me to eat. You would think that for someone so large I would be eating everything in sight. Not the case. I had absolutely no appetite.. or I'd eat nothing all day long and then finally right before bed I'd eat and all it did was tack on weight.

    What I learned from being on here is that my metabolism WAS DEAD when I started. If you aren't getting hungry than you are NOT eating enough. Force yourself to eat. That is what I've had to do and now I *do* feel hunger again. If I start noticing that I'm not getting hungry I make sure to up my calories a bit. You will find that you will lose weight by eating more once you wake up your hibernating metabolism <3


    Have the same problem and been working on it, somedays I dont go eat my calories but am working on it and finally after being on here for 7 weeks the weight is starting to move, I had been trying to lose weight for months before I joined this site. Now just changing things slowly, lots of exercise and eating more.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I'm not trying to be funny, but I do want to be real with you. You had to eat to gain weight initially. If your appetite has totally left, then something might be wrong. You might not want to eat a whole bunch of lettuce and grapes, but you mean to tell me you never want a milkshake? Maybe your appetite isn't being stimulated by what you are eating.


    I actually gained weight because of medication I was on for Bipolar Disorder, not because of overeating. And no, I don't ever want a milkshake, lol, I don't like them. I'd actually prefer the lettuce and grapes.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Oh, I feel like I should clarify to everyone. It's not that I'm forgetting to eat. It's that I'm honestly not hungry. I fully understand that I HAVE to eat. And I don't go days without eating anymore, but a couple years ago I did because I never got hungry. I eat at least once a day now, but because I have to put something in my body, not because of an actual hunger.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I'm not trying to be funny, but I do want to be real with you. You had to eat to gain weight initially. If your appetite has totally left, then something might be wrong. You might not want to eat a whole bunch of lettuce and grapes, but you mean to tell me you never want a milkshake? Maybe your appetite isn't being stimulated by what you are eating.


    I actually gained weight because of medication I was on for Bipolar Disorder, not because of overeating. And no, I don't ever want a milkshake, lol, I don't like them. I'd actually prefer the lettuce and grapes.

    Therapist, and have Bipolar D/O and take the meds. The meds themselves don't make you gain weight. They overstimulate your appetite which makes you eat. That, paired with inactivity, causes the weight gain. No matter what medicine you are taking, you still have to eat above maintenance to gain weight. That being said, even if the medications are what caused you to have an increased appetite, you had to eat something at a high enough calorie level to gain weight. That would take A LOT of lettuce- grapes, maybe not so much because of the natural sugar content. Basically, it doesn't matter what your food preferences were and why you were eating, you ate to get to around 250.

    Most people, with the exception of those with ED or histories of ED, get hungry. Hunger is a biological mechanism that our body developed to make sure we survive. It physically works in everyone, but sometimes, as in the case of ED, cognitive distortions block the signals. Also happens in some physical conditions.

    Not saying you have an ED, but not getting hungry is abnormal. If it is a routine thing for you, you should see a professional and figure out what's up. If you don't figure out how to jumpstart your appetite, I believe you will find weight loss to be a futile effort. Your body isn't going to give up its stored energy (fat) if you aren't giving it more (calories).
  • Well, when you do eat, consume high calorie nutrient dense things.
  • NEVER have I "forgotten to eat"...I've been too busy to have a proper meal but it's so important that I just don't allow it to happen. maybe you should just restructure your life to make eating a priority. It is not good for your health to go days without eating. I'd also see a doctor.

    I couldn't agree more!
  • floweringcurrant
    floweringcurrant Posts: 112 Member
    I can't go days without eating because I will become unfocused an unable to sleep, etc. But yes, I do have days, sometimes a handful of days in a row where I just don't feel that hungry. On these days I will try to eat at least 1200 for my health. Other days I feel very hungry, more hungry than usual. If you can't even hit 1200 something else might be going on? It just depends! The body is pretty crazy!
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    Oh I understand this. I feel SICK if I eat too much. I just feel all blaoted and sick and ew. My suggestion to you is eat smaller foods that are higher in calories! That way you're not eating too much, but you're still meeting your calorie needs. :)
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    OP, I suggest you read and make it a priority to get good, healthy calories in every day. I think you've trashed your metabolism. I think you've broken your hunger signals. This might give you some idea as to how to fix things.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you're not hungry, girl, you are not working out hard enough or right. I'm ALWAYS hungry. You should check your diary and see what you're eating. There are certain foods that can boost your metabolism. Eating every 2-3 hours keeps your metabolism going, as well as working out very hard.

    I do circuit training (strength mixed with cardio) 3-4x a week, 30 minutes or more of cardio immediately following that, and 45-60 minutes of cardio on non-strength days. I only rest one day per week, and I am always hungry. I also try to eat very clean... healthy carbs (whole grains, veggies), lean proteins and fruits and veggies.
  • Ya know when I was thin I ate a lot more, now that I am bigger I don't eat at all really. I love to make food and feed others and I love chocolate and bad things like ice cream, cake and pie but really I am not eating all that much. I also thought that eating when I was pregnant was the reason I gained all the weight. Now I am finding out that yes pregnancy and eating mcdonalds for 3 meals a day will put the weight on but not eating will stop your metabolism!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Maybe you need to be evaluated by a doctor. If you're feeling stuffed and have nausea with small amounts of food, that's probably not normal.
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    I don't feel hunger but I guess it could be for a different reason.
    I'm quite sick so my body just doesn't get hungry anymore, I think it's great that you force yourself to eat. It's really important to eat and give your body great things like energy and love.
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    I used to have that problem, mainly because I was anorexic and totally killed my metabolism. When that was the case and I just started recovering and trying to up my intake, it was hard to get enough calories, but I found that it was WAY easier to just eat a ton of small things throughout the day rather than 3 huge meals. I just planned everything out the night before and brought all the food that I had to eat with me wherever I was for the day, so every time I looked in my bag it reminded me that I had to eat it.

    Now though, I'm ALWAYS hungry!!! Probably a combination of working out a LOT more and not just cardio but weights, and starting off with a largish breakfast. Just start out trying to eat small amounts throughout the day and lift weights!!! I swear nothing has made me hungrier than strength training!!!!
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Just some thoughts (because you know yourself more than anyone else):
    If it's only happened since you started taking your medicine, those pills might be the culprit. I teach multiple kids with A.D.H.D. and A.D.D. I can instantly tell by the kids' behavior/attitude when their medicinal routine has been altered. Every time that I've called their parents, the parents have said that they changed what their kids were supposed to receive because they each lost his/her appetite.
    Judging by your ticker, one of the reasons that you might be on here is to lose weight. Your lack of appetite, which results in a lack of consuming food, might affect your efforts to lose weight. Your body might be in starvation mode—and therefore hanging on to each & every calorie—because it's not getting as much fuel as often as it needs.
    If I were you, I would go to see a doctor first (like a lot of others said). If he/she doesn't have answers, then I'd attempt to eat six mini-meals of around 200 calories that are spaced throughout the day. I'd also up the intensity and duration of my workouts. (The more effort and time that I expend, the hungrier I get.)
    Good luck, though! I'm sure that it's very hard, and I can't imagine what you're going through!
  • koalasue
    koalasue Posts: 52 Member
    I have to agree with you on that one. And also you go girl!
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Don't forget about protein drinks and smooties. You can drink a whole meal and not feel as full. I try to have 6 small meals a day, sometimes I drink one of them. (Also, it's a mental break from eating.)
  • rdpixie
    rdpixie Posts: 93 Member
    I've been feeling this way all week! I won't lie, I was eating terribly before had totally got off the healthy eating track but now I'm back on it I seem to feel the need to eat much MUCH less to the point a couple of days I have struggled to hit 1200kcal!