Tall women 5'9 or taller



  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'9" and currently weigh 164. My highest weight is 188 and my lowest weight was about three years ago at 152 which I loved. my goal is to be 155 with body fat in the low 20's. When I was at my lowest I was running and eating about 1500 cal a day. I carry the weight in my trunk/thigh area so running really works for me but I tore my hamstring last year and am slowly healing and now working with a trainer to get back to running.

    As far as the pant issue I have to wear 34" inseam and many of the mall stores "tall" pants are 35 or 36. I get all my pants from Victoria's Secret cataloge. I get the "at waist" options and get the 34" inseam - they also do have 36" inseem (i think) for those of you that need it. The last ones I bought for work were the Trouser pants.
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    One thing that changed my life was discovering rowing. Height is a blessing in this sport. If you can't see yourself learning how to row (or don't have a club nearby), get on the rowing machine at the gym. You're not pounding your joints, and you're still getting a great aerobic workout.
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    My shoe size is 9.5 (and has been since I was a teen). My mom is 5'6" and she wears a size 10. However, her feet don't *look* as big as mine. It's very weird.

    My department at work consists entirely of women and they all range from 4'10" to 5'5". Whenever we go out as a group, I feel like Gulliver. I love my height, but I don't like being conspicous and nothing is more conspicuous than being the tallest one in a small group.

    Funny that you mention shoe size. I'm 5'9" and really busty. But my feet are only a UK size 4.5 ....no wonder I fall over a lot hehe
  • Janeta58
    Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 6 feet tall and wear a shoe size 12 AA ... not easy to find. My youngest daughter is 6 feet 4 inches and wears a shoe size 14 ... even harder to find!!! We both have long legs ha ha ... I need a 35-36 inseam so I sew a lot! Forget trying to find a dress that fits properly. Thank goodness I love to sew :happy:
    I just smile when folks who find out my shoe size say 'But your feet don't look that big!' ha ha ..
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    BUMP! :)
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm 5'8" and started at 192, with a goal of 145 as well. I'm currently around 155ish. Did it by sticking with MFP and logging daily, even if I didn't like my total at the end of the day. Also found a workout buddy to work out with 4 days a week, and try to work out about 6 days a week total, varying types of exercises, and including cardio and strength workouts. Once you get on a roll with exercise, it seems to me to become a "good" addiction and you want to keep going. I honestly haven't been eating much healthier, just have been eating much less of the same foods I used to eat. Good luck!
  • sfmathews
    sfmathews Posts: 36 Member
  • Any Tips Or Helpful comments ? 5'9 176 pounds trying to get down to 145 pounds at least by august.

    Are you lifting weights along with cardio?
  • I'm always so thrilled to talk to 5'9" or taller woman
    You hear the 5'1" girl saying 105 lbs!!!

    Ack! No!

    My gw is 130. We'll take it from there

    Slash carbs. Increase fruit and vegetable intake. Lean meats
    Watch the excessive protein (like not beans AND beef)
    Use cheese in moderation if at all

    The more you can eat foods that are found in nature rather than processed
    You're gonna be way better off nutritionally and calorically

    And mix up the workouts. Classes. Elliptical. Stair master.pilates. Run. Way more effective
    Jennifer galardi's 10 min standing abs are the most effective I've found
    Saw a difference in a week

    Good luck!!
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    Im 5'9" ad 168lbs. I would love to get down too 147lbs but first goal is 154lb.

    Ive cut out carbs and have signed up for a 10k. I am also stating kick boxing tonight too. We can do it ladies.
  • Bdosen047
    Bdosen047 Posts: 13 Member
    So glad I was able to find this group!! I am 24 years old and I am 5'11 and weight 187, I was running a couple months ago but I started to fast and got stress fractures in my legs :( so I have been walking for 30 minutes every morning until I can run again! My goal weight is around 150. Feel free to add me as a friend I am always looking for encouragement to get and give!
  • I'm 5'10" and SW226 CW213 my goal is really 160 but if I could get down to my wedding weight of 140 I would be so happy but I think I'll be happy at 150. I just need to lose this. People can't believe I'm over 200lbs since I'm so tall and I'm like no really I'm over 200!
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
  • A_oshel
    A_oshel Posts: 8
    I am 5'9", started at 187 lbs and am now 175 and wearing size 13/14 stil I really want to get to a size 9/10l. I am walking every morning 2- 2.5 miles with friends and then jogging and walking with another friend every evening for a total anywhere from 3.5 miles to 5.5. She lives a mile from my house, so I either ride my bike, walk, or jog there and back which helps add to the distance! I am also trying to each much healthier than I used to! Once I lose more weight, I will add in strength training. Right now my main focus is cardiovascular exercise to burn calories.

    Feel free to add me, I love this website and find it so motivating!
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