How many calories a day do you shoot for?

Hi there! I am new here and I am 5'8, 27 years old, and aiming for 1200 calories a day, for days I don't work out.

I follow the myfitnesspal program and when I work out, that affords me more calories for the day. So, on work out days, I will eat more calories to make up for the calories burned.

Anyway, I am just curious to know what everyone's calorie goal is. I just want to ensure my goal is a safe goal.

The only weight loss program that has truly worked for me has been calorie counting. Because, if I don't record what I eat, it adds up really too easily. I honestly think I could have been easily eating 3500 calories a day before I got back on track a couple weeks ago. I was up to 150 and now I am at 144.5. My ideal weight has always been 130 but I had breast augmentation surgery last year so those weight a few pounds.... I supposed now I'd be happy at 133 :)

Please post your height / age / daily calorie goal here!


  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    im 5'6, 27 years old and i shoot for about 1520 on rest days, and that + whatever i exercise.. i think i eat around 2150 on workout days
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    I'm 43, 5'8" 136lbs (1lb from goal)

    My BMR (from BodPod) is 1327 per day. I aim to eat 15-1700 calories per (non-workout) days, and I eat back at least 1/2 my exercise calories when I workout.

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:

    On average implants are less than 1lb - unless you are a DDD or larger.
  • Mine are just over a pound each, silicone gel, my bra size is 30 F... but my freakish sounding bra size is equivalent to a 34 DD :)

    I gained a lot of weight after the augmentation because I stopped exercising for some time and just never got back into it. And being less active, I ate more. The boobies could only account for 2-3 pounds of extra weight, as much as it would be fun to blame them on all 15-20 lbs I wound up gaining lol!

    But I am excited to get back into shape now... it's about damn time! :)

    Thanks everyone for the replies so far!
  • cmodde
    cmodde Posts: 6
    do you have to eat the extra calories on the work out days. my goal is 1200 calories a day without working out, but i have been eating about 1100 and then working out. i do not eat anymore calories on my workout days. is this not a good thing? as much as i have watched what i have eaten and worked out i would think i would have lost more.
  • redfl
    redfl Posts: 3

    You're not eating enough. Anything less than 1200 calories a day puts your body into starvation mode, making it hoard and slowing down your weight loss. You should be shooting for a net of at least 1200 calories, meaning that on non-workout days you eat 1200 and on workout days, you eat more, equal to the calories burned during workout.
  • do you have to eat the extra calories on the work out days. my goal is 1200 calories a day without working out, but i have been eating about 1100 and then working out. i do not eat anymore calories on my workout days. is this not a good thing? as much as i have watched what i have eaten and worked out i would think i would have lost more.

    Well I don't think you "have" to do anything but I think when your goal is so low (1200 calories/day), it may be important. From what I know, if your body has too few calories, it thinks it's starving and will actually hold on to fat. It goes into starvation mode, which is not good. It depends though. I mean if you are 5'0, maybe 1200 calories on days where you are working out is okay?

    I am 5'8 and if I work out, I can feel my body telling me I need more food, so I will feed it more :)
  • cmodde
    cmodde Posts: 6
    i am 5'4 so i should be eating the calories that i burn on the work out days? i would feel like i am stuffing myself
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Please post your height / age / daily calorie goal here!

    I'm 5'1" currently weighing in at 137. I'm 37 and my goal is 1200-1440 depending on if it's a workout day or not. I generally eat around 1300. When I was strickly following MFP their guidelines had me at 1200 and I wasn't losing because when you figured in my exercise, I was under 1000 calories most days, but when I bumped up my calories I did! I talked to a nutritionist who guided me towards upping my calories through protein. I aim to eat at least 100g of protein a day. I don't often reach it, but I get really close.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i am 5'4 so i should be eating the calories that i burn on the work out days? i would feel like i am stuffing myself
    personally, i think you should. i dont think it has so much to do with your height, as your deficit.
    it doesnt have to be a lot of food either. use a bit more oil when cooking, use full fat mayo or salad dressing, peanut butter or nuts.. high cals for little amounts.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    5'7, 41, "just try to make it more than 2000 a day, please" - hoping to stop around 160 lb which is about 120 lb less than where I started
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I'm 34, 5'5"
    CW 173.8
    GW 135

    I shoot for 1200 on days I don't workout. However I'm starting a new exercise regimen this week so I plan to up it to 1500 on workout days.
  • Thank you so much for all your replies! I get so excited and motivated hearing all your goals and stories :)
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    I shoot for the amount it takes me to get full :P