Ripped in 30 - January



  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Hey guys! I bought RI30 this past fall but after doing 3 days my muscles were dead. I took a "break" for one day, but never ended up picking it back up. I'd love to join you in doing this, but I don't think my body can handle doing it every day. I'm going to make it part of my routine though so hopefully we can all help each other through. My first day is scheduled for tomorrow...already nervous about it. We can do it!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Ive just finshed day 7 of level one!

    Who else is moving on to the next level tomorrow?
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    My personal plan is for 5 days a week..each level one week. Because I was not home Friday I will be doing the 5th day of level 2 Monday and starting level 3 Tuesday.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi ladies

    Day 4 done today! I took yesterday as my second rest day as I wanted to give my knee a break. I felt it a tiny bit today but all good. I really pushed myself today and I feel great :smile:

    Today I received Jillian Michaels book "Winning By Losing". I am already nearly half way through. I really love it! I really recommend it to everyone who has struggled to lose weight in the past. It's split in 3 parts. Self, Science and Sweat. I really enjoyed the Self part as it looks at the reason why you might overeat etc. I especially liked how she helps you to think positive about your weight loss journey and about yourself. I tend to put myself down and it really helped me to focus on a positive mindset...

    Anyway! Sorry about going on about it. I just wanted to recommend it :blushing:

    It is great to see how well everyone is doing!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Did day 1 today! I'm a little behind all of you, so I hope that is ok. I was SO nervous, but it wasn't THAT bad. It was very hard, don't get me wrong, and I had to take a few breaks, but I lived. We will see how I feel tomorrow. Hopefully I can stick with it this time!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Did day 1 today! I'm a little behind all of you, so I hope that is ok. I was SO nervous, but it wasn't THAT bad. It was very hard, don't get me wrong, and I had to take a few breaks, but I lived. We will see how I feel tomorrow. Hopefully I can stick with it this time!

    Well done on getting started :smile: Just stick with it and it will get easier by the day. Before you know it the end of the week has come and it's time to move on....What really helps me is to do extra stretching on my legs after. Otherwise I get really sore and stiff.

    Just keep checking in here and we can all keep each other company :drinker:
  • mszimmerman76
    Yeah! Just finished Day 5 of Level 1! Onto Level 2 tomorrow! I've made it through my first full week! I really had a tough time getting my butt going but am really glad I did. Glad to see so many of you guys still going. It really helps! :)
  • mcchap
    mcchap Posts: 26 Member
    Hi All, I am late to the party!! I just finished Day 5 of level 1. My initial plan was to complete another day of level 1, but I am excited (and scared) to see what level 2 is like. I am ready!!!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    As today is a week of doing ripped I thought I'd post my results so ...

    SW Weight: 118.2 CW Weight: 115.4 (-2.8lb)

    SW Waist: 27 inches CW Waist: 26.5 inches. (-1.5")
    SW Hips: 33.5 inches CW Hips: 32 inches. (-1.5")
    SW Thighs: 21 inches CW Thighs: 20 inches. (-1")
    SW Chest: 29.6 inches CW Chest: 28 inches. (-1.6")
    SW Arms: 10 inches CW Arms: 10 inches. (same)

    THIS DVD IS AMAZING! I'm excited to do week two as I want to see what happens next week, I can understand that I may have lost a lot of the Xmas bloat but still I'm impressed!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Oops! I mean on my waist I lost 0.5 inches, oops, must of been my excitement and it being early by getting my maths wrong!

    Also just finished level 2, day one.


    It's not to hard but it's the funny moves, I'm struggling to get them right.
    Also where the cardio is all on your arms/plank position it kills me haha not my legs but my arms!
  • lrm0076
    Today I just completed wk 2 day 3. I also did blast fat boost metabolism after and was actually able to complete the entire thing! Before beginning Ripped in 30 I could barely get through 4 circuits of BFBM but now my endurance is so much better! I'm going to continue trying to do BFBM 2-3 times a week with Rin30. :-)
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    Sorry I've been away! It's been a busy weekend!

    I did my first day of level 2 this, I found it pretty intense but it was nice to switch it up. The time just flew by, I'm sure that will change in a few days once I get used to it.

    I think I'm going to have to get a mat, I'm getting carpet burn on my hands from all the planks!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great!
  • mcchap
    mcchap Posts: 26 Member
    Level 2 is intense! Love it, but I am sure my poor, out of shape triceps will be feeling this tomorrow.
    Irm0076 - Did you go BFFM right after Ripper in 30? If so, you are amazing!! I find that to be her hardest video.
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Grats on those losses, helloburger! That's fantastic!

    Today will be Week 2 Day 3 for me. The whole workout does definitely feel quicker than workout 1. Nice work on doing BFBM, Irm0076. That's not an easy DVD. It kills me. I think I might attempt it again later this week.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 5 done! It was a great workout today! I like the last day of the week as I feel I want to give my all as it is the last time I am doing the workout :smile:

    It is amazing how well everyone is doing!

    Keep it up and here is to another successful week :drinker:
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Day 2 Level 2 DONE!

    Im finding all the plank positions hard on the cardio, I have to keep having breaks as it absolutely kills my arms! Im thinking about having a rest day on thursday just due to being so busy and I dont want to get up at 5 to work out especially as I have uni that day at 10:30... (it takes me an hour and half to travel there)

    Hope your all doing well.
  • Spoomsister
    Spoomsister Posts: 7 Member
    Yesterday was my third day of RI30. I did MUCH better than I did the first day, even though I still had to pause a couple (well more like five) times. I'm excited to do todays workout. Good luck all!
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    I did my first day of level 3 today and man was it tough! The duck walk killed my quads! More plyometrics in level 3 for cardio so that wore me out also..great burn all the way around!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi ladies

    Day 1 of level 2 today. I now know why I was quite glad to move on from level 2 last time around. All this plank work is just insane. I find it really hard. I did feel great afterwards though. I was really sweating but could really feel my muscles have been worked!
    I felt really energized after so decided to do a bit more. I just got a Zumba set of a mate so I did the beginner workout. Not sure how it is called but the one where you learn the move. I only did 25min of it but it was quite good fun and I can image that the workouts are pretty good to burn calories in a fun way. As anyone of you tried it? Would love to hear thoughts and opinions :smile:
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    Im finding all the plank positions hard on the cardio, I have to keep having breaks as it absolutely kills my arms! Im thinking about having a rest day on thursday just due to being so busy and I dont want to get up at 5 to work out especially as I have uni that day at 10:30... (it takes me an hour and half to travel there)

    Me too! I hate planks, I don't like how they are back to back during the first circuit. I'm tempted to just do jumping jacks during one of them, but I know I'll be mad at myself if I don't do all the moves.

    I can really feel it in my arms today and I might be going crazy but they definately feel more muscular.

    Christina, you're making me scared of level 3! :laugh: Please tell me there aren't as many planks!!