Exercise in the morning, feel full longer...?

So recently I've been either walking or biking early in the morning to get it out of the way.

A surprising change I've noticed is that I'm feeling full way longer into the day. Has anyone else experienced this too?



  • ginagp06
    ginagp06 Posts: 6 Member
    When I exercise in the mornings, I actually get hungrier a lot more quickly throughout the day. But that's just me.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    I do find that I dont feel as if I need to eat for much longer, but this is probably due to the water intake during exercising in the morning.

    You may hate getting up and hour and a half early to exercise, but at least its out of the way and you can go through the rest of your day feeling MUCH better that you've done some exercise!

  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member
    I do find that I dont feel as if I need to eat for much longer, but this is probably due to the water intake during exercising in the morning.

    You may hate getting up and hour and a half early to exercise, but at least its out of the way and you can go through the rest of your day feeling MUCH better that you've done some exercise!


    You know...it probably is the water. haha. I went from maybe 8-16oz to 80-120oz a day. hahaha. :P
    Drink your water everyone! hahah