Should I do cardio? I'm losing weight....

To do cardio or not do cardio? I was doing 4 miles a day then I injured my foot over Thanksgiving and have not done cardio since. During that time period my weight loss has increased. All I do now is lift weights 2 or 3 times a week. Now I'm afraid to start my cardio routine. I think I'll wait to restart my cardio until my weight loss slows/stops. I have been able to workout for a few weeks now, but have chosen not to. What do you think?


  • tamaranash
    tamaranash Posts: 37 Member
    My husband has lost 65lbs in 6 months. He lifted weights basically only.. He started cardio recently as his weight loss slowed. He did do a bit of cardio in his weights.. I would do that for now.. as in do high leg raises between sets or lunges, or squats minus weight for a bit of cardio to ease back in.. I am not an expert, but I added lifting weights to my routine by suggestion of my husband and noted more consistent weight loss.. I think your plan sounds good!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    To do cardio or not do cardio? I was doing 4 miles a day then I injured my foot over Thanksgiving and have not done cardio since. During that time period my weight loss has increased. All I do now is lift weights 2 or 3 times a week. Now I'm afraid to start my cardio routine. I think I'll wait to restart my cardio until my weight loss slows/stops. I have been able to workout for a few weeks now, but have chosen not to. What do you think?
    The answer is always YES!

    At the end of the day our real journey is about health.
    Cardio increases health.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I never really did any cardio and lost weight.
    Only thing its good for is cardiovascular health and the last 10lbs!

    youll come to learn that cardio is good for certain people...not I!

    Weights is where its at!

  • SmallerBecky
    I would. Just do like 30-45 mins three or four days a week, along with your strength days. You probably weren't losing so much when you were running 4 miles a day because you weren't eating enough to account for all those calories burned. So if and when you start cardio back up, make sure you eat enough on those days. Sometimes it does feel like it makes no sense to do cardio if you're just going to need to eat more but like MaximaLife said, cardio is very good for your health (heart, lungs, circulatory system, immune system)!
  • lilbec1
    Agreed you should start up cardio again-easing into it. Weights tend to build muscle mass which burns off more calories even when you are not actively working out which is why the weight loss has increased. However cardio is good for exactly what it says-your heart and vessels. You can be skinny and muscular and still not fit from a cardiovascular point of view. Best idea is to do both. Maybe weights 3 day a week and running another 3 days and a rest day. Don't forget your rest day. It is important to allow your soft tissues to recover.
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    just do both