shin splints



  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    I too suffer with shin splints, stress fractures and compartment syndrom. My podiatrist gave me some exercises to do that helped me. Stand on a step with your ankles hanging over the edge, let your ankles drop down and hold that position for 10 seconds then lift your ankles up on your tip toes and hold that for 10 seconds. Repeat ten times. Do this before you go on a run, and after. It stretches your muscles in your calves/ shins and strengthens your ankles too.

    Also as everyone else has been saying, a decent pair of running shoes. I went to shop that filmed me running on a tredmil and they could see how much i pronate when i run. I tried on 5 different pairs of trainers before i found the right pair.

    If you still have pain after you run, freeze some water in a bottle, put a towel on your legs and roll the bottle up and down your shins. its like a lovely cold massage.
  • emilyrosedye
    Ouch shin splints are no fun, I've had them twice now! After three weeks of pain while walking I finally went to the doctor and he told me what I didn't want to hear - that the best treatment is just rest. It took me 6 weeks to fully recover and after I did I improved my running technique in order to avoid them in the future. (If you have a running shop near you, they will most likely have a treadmill with a camera where they look at your running technique and advise you on how to improve it, try to get out without them selling you a paid of £100 shoes though!)
    As for the pain, I found the best was to reduce it was ibuprofen and Deep Freeze spray a couple of times a day.
    I really advise against running while you are still recovering though as you can make the problem worse or even injure your other leg as you try to alter your running step to reduce the pain. Great alternative exercises while you recover are swimming or cycling as they give you the work out you want but there's little to no impact on your lower legs!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    So I started the couch to 5k thing a week ago and today while running my shins started hurting really bad. I'm pretty sure its shin splints ( ive had before) anyway I was wanting to know if anyone had any tips on how to get rid of the pain. I iced and took some motrin after running today but what about while running??? Thanks :)

    It doesn't go, unfortunately :((, in fact, be careful, it get worse. I remember with my own, it used to start off near the end of the training session and then every subsequent session the splints would get painful again, but earlier, until in the end, they were painful from the beginning :((

    If you can run on soft ground (ie grass or dirt track), that will ease it.

    That is why I have to use my treadmill for running, I have always suffered from shinsplints and they are a pain in the butt! The only time I will run on hard ground, is if I were in a road run race or something like that.