Realistically - How much weight could I lose by end of May?



  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    16 - 20lbs would be a good goal and that would be 1lb a week loss. Anymore would be a bonus! :)
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Would you rather be thinner for a vacation, or healthier for life? Extreme dieting might do for the holiday, but you'll just be starting over when the vacation is passed..

    I've re-edited by post - I meant to say I want to lose 50-60lbs total, but how much off that could I lose my end of May. I know it's totally unrealistic and unhealthy to lose 50lbs in 3 months. Good advice though for anyone who did think of that. sorry. x
  • they say the slower you take off your wieght is healthier, 1-2 lbs a week is good....this way you can maintain it also.....
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    As they say, 2lbs a week is a good weight to lose - so aim for that!!

    Have you had any ideas of what you are going to do to lose the weight? I do a lot of gym classes - Body Combat, Body Attack, Boxercise, Zumba etc - they are all a LOT more fun than just going to the gym!

    Tiffani x

    During the week is a bit difficult for me to get to classes etc, although I'm going to start walking more. I do go to Zumba on a Saturday and Bokwa on a Sunday, both are 1 hour class. I love it. they are so much fun. x

    Walking is good for you! Try to do that a lot more then!! I definitely prefer classes to anything else!

    Keep us updated :-) x
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Be careful not to fall into the trap of not fueling your body for the exercise you are doing. It usually backfires on you. This is a tip I want to share with you because when I was new, I didn't listen. Don't try to create an overly huge caloric deficit.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    #1 rule of weight loss Auticus-style -> don't set goals that are near impossible to reach. You will get discouraged and give up.

    50 lbs by May is not very realistic unless you are independently wealthy and are spending 3-4 hours a day in the gym with a personal trainer who is also watching what you eat 24/7.

    20 lbs is easily attainable. 30 lbs would be pushing it by May but possible, IF you are strict with your diet and working out quite a bit.

    Good luck.

    EDIT: I also stress that you need to be exercising in conjunction with dieting.

    I'd made a mistake in my first post. I want to lose 50-60lbs total. I just wonder how much of that could I lose by the end of May. I totally understand that it would be unrealistic and unhealthy to even try and attempt losing 50-60lbs in such a short space of time. Thanks for the advice though. x
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    i have lost 29 lb in 17 weeks, a good portion of that is attributed to large 'newbie' losses in the first few weeks.
    i can't say that in the next 17 weeks i'd lose the same amount, because it is a pretty aggressive loss, the average equaling to -1.7/week.
    all you can do is what your body can do, so treat it right, make good choices most of the time and put in a lot of hard work, and you will see results!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Hi. I'm 5ft 8" and currently weight 216lbs (I know, a lot!!) I'll be turning 40 mid Feb and to celebrate I'm going on a girly holiday at the end of May. I would love to lose 50-60lbs total (possibly a bit more). How much do you think is realistic to lose by the end of May? And roughly how many dress sizes would that be? Would love support, advice, tips etc and will do the same in return. If you are genuine feel free to add me. Thanks. x
    Based on a safe percentage of 1-2% of total body weight, about 25lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Girl I totally understand your sentiment! We are taking the kids to Disney World the first weekend in June and I am thinking hmmmm how much will I have lost by then? LOL Though I have a lot further to go than you, I can completely understand what you're thinking :) Really, the best thing you can do is eat really well (cut out processed food, trust me it makes a huge difference. I have failed miserably in the past, but last week I *tried* cutting out everything processed and I lost 11 lbs in 1 week, so now I'm a believer LOL) Do lots of cardio within your target heart-rate (you can find that just by googling), drink lots of water, and hope for the best! I dunno if you can exactly put a number on it, but you can think about that vacation every time you don't feel like working out LOL! I know that's what I do. It's definitely motivating. Good luck!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I lost 32 pounds between April 10th and September 22 (my 40th birthday!). I did that by eating about 2000 calories and exercising most days.

    I'm about your height (5'9") and started out about 20 lbs. lighter than you. My goal was to have a healthy BMI by my 40th birthday.

    I bet you can lose 25-35 pounds in five months!
  • It depends on how dedicated and in control you are. Realistically you could lose 35lbs but since you weigh a little more maybe 40. That is roughly 2lbs a week. Me personally i do not like anything that cost money to lose weight. Maybe I am cheap lol but to each his own and whatever works for the individual. Ok back on topic. So to lose that amount of weight per week is not as difficult as you might think. You weight 210lbs so roughly you burn 2100 calories a day. Knock 500 calories and in 7 days you lost 1lb (3500cal=1lb). Do a little exercise and you are on your way. Also you mentioned in one of your replies that during the week it is a little difficult to go to class? Who says you have to go to class to lose. Do an exercise tape, walk around the block, dance at home. People have incredible routines on facebook. Just remember that this is what you have to want because if you don't want it- you aint getting it!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I think the majority got it that I'm not planning on losing 50-60lbs my the end of May, but just as much as I can. I've put down that I would like to lose 2lbs a week. Last week I lost 1lb but had started mid week, so not a full week. I guess I'll see what happens on Saturday!

    18 weeks till my holiday so 'possibly' 36lbs, to be honest 28lbs (2 stones) would be fab!

    Feel free to add me if your in the same boat (or have been in the past). x
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I wish people used context clues, clearly she meant 60pounds in total, not by May. But yes, I would say 15-20pounds is your best bet. It is not uncommon to lose a lot in the initial phases of weight loss, some people lose more, it depends on how strict your diet is, and what kinds of changes you make.
  • Good luck to you. If you work diligently between now and the end of May you'll be much happier on your trip knowing that you are working toward a healthier lifestyle.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I wish people used context clues, clearly she meant 60pounds in total, not by May. But yes, I would say 15-20pounds is your best bet. It is not uncommon to lose a lot in the initial phases of weight loss, some people lose more, it depends on how strict your diet is, and what kinds of changes you make.

    Thank you. I was beginning to feel that some people didn't understand me. Ha. x
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Good luck to you. If you work diligently between now and the end of May you'll be much happier on your trip knowing that you are working toward a healthier lifestyle.

    Thanks. That is true. I guess as long a I am true to myself and know that I have worked hard. At the end of the day it's down to me. Appreciate the support though. x
  • Gorger
    Gorger Posts: 100 Member
    As much as you desire:) Read the Atkins diet book. I lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks and kept it off.
  • I did Ideal Protein. On that plan, the average is 3 to 7 lbs per week (for me it was 3 lbs per week on average). Therefore, you could pretty easily lose 48 lbs (or more) by sticking to it.

    Through regular healthy eating and exercise, I would bank on about 30 lbs (that is 2 lbs per week) if you stick to it!

    Good luck!
  • kimistry35
    kimistry35 Posts: 203 Member
    Good morn u could lose whatever u put ur mind an time to. Me myself I'm working toward a goal an also have an annuel girl friends trip to jamaica in april so I tell u what lets do this u an I work out and check back in every monday with out loss. If that's ok with u just let me know what our weight lose check in time will be. If not good luck on ur goal any way and have fun and enjoy ur trip in may.
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    Everyone's body is different. There are ways to lose an excessive amount of weight by then, but it's not likely to be long term weight loss. You have plenty of time to do it the right way and still lose a significant amount of weight. You could make a big change in 18 weeks....go for it!