1 day of spiked calories?

I've read somewhere that having 1 day where your calories are spiked a bit can help with weight loss. I'm not talking about an egg McMuffin for breakfast, 4 slices of pizza for lunch, and baby back ribs for dinner. I'm talking about just spiking your calories for one meal (about 200-300 extra), only ONCE per week, and then the very next day go right back to your strict calorie management. Is this considered helpful to a diet?

Example: Sunday thru Friday I eat 1200 calories. Saturday I go out to dinner and have a 300 calorie dessert (so I'm eating 1500 on that day). The following Sunday, I go back to eating 1200 again.

Any advice is helpful :) Thanks!


  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I do it and it helps me. I think it depends on your body.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    That's a lot of food even for a cheat day.
  • rtmitch88
    rtmitch88 Posts: 12 Member
    I think you read it wrong, dls06, I wasn't talking about eating a bunch of food for a cheat day. Only 200-300 extra (so basically 1500 instead of 1200).
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I do two, sunday cos I love sunday dinner!.. is my spike meal and sometimes I do wed or thurs too, but I don't eat out much as mainly housebound and low carb all week so my 'treat' maybe a small jacket potato with my meal, or a few chips where I don't normally have potato, on sundays its a little yorkshire pudding! .. but I might replace the roasties with carrot & swede mash instead. I also exercise on those days so I still have around a 500cal deficit even with the extra 'treats'.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    At 1500, you'll still be in a calories deficit. I don't think it can be considered as a spike day.
  • Speedtrap
    Speedtrap Posts: 216
    I was stuck for a while, and it did take a spike day to break it, but the spike was 1000 cal over my allowance.
    The next day I started losing again.
    Sit you may want to try the egg McMuffin, Pizza and Ribs. :)
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i do this every week. i've lost 23 lbs since august. it's crucial to me! one day last weekend i had two chili cheese dogs & chili cheese fries with a soda. lost 1.5 lbs this past week. a cheeseburger is usually my spike meal b/c i love them so much and that was the hardest thing for me to give-up. but the great part is, i don't feel deprived b/c i know i will be able to have something once per week. one week was my cousin's bday party, so my spike meal was bday cake & ice cream. i actually came in under calorie that day. LOL
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I eat at maintenance once a week to increase my leptin levels and maintain my sanity. I love this method.
  • oeys
    oeys Posts: 25 Member
    At 1500, you'll still be in a calories deficit. I don't think it can be considered as a spike day.

    I agree.

    Now I don't know much about spiking but I would've thought that to count as a spike day, your cals have to be above maintenance cals, even well above?
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
    i did it this week and still maintained my weight loss from the week, good so far! also, i think it helps with sanity! :happy:
  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
    I find that by allowing myself to have one big meal or one "bad" snack every so often (not sure about how often...maybe twice a week?), I am less tempted to eat poorly the rest of the time and I feel satisfied more of the time. Since I'm okay losing at a normal/slow-ish pace (less than 2 lbs per week), I don't mind being less restrictive if it means I stick with it long term. Friday night I went to a hockey game and had awful (read: delicious) arena food and full-calorie soda, well over my calories for the day. I ate my normal reduced amount the rest of the weekend and weighed in today with a very happy result. If it's working for you and you're getting the results you want (and you're HAPPY...big thing there), then it's a good idea :-)
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    The trick is to have a caloric surplus. The studies show that 12hours of overfeeding spikes leptin levels dramatically.

    I feel like even a very small surplus could do the trick.
    Ex.Your total energy expenditure is 3,000, you could eat 3,001 calories. It's just hard to be really accurate with those numbers so my goal is 2X(BMR).
    I'm never lower than 5,000, but I've been as high as 8,000 calories. Amazingly enough the week I ate 8,000 calories I still lost 2lbs.

    Also it's nearly impossible to gain fat on Spike Day because of depleted glycogen stores.
  • rtmitch88
    rtmitch88 Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like it works for most people :)

    This past Saturday I had an awful day, this is why I'm wondering if what I did will be okay haha.

    I started out awesome, had Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. Did Zumba and the elliptical at the gym and burned like 650 calories. Ate a turkey sub for lunch, peanut butter toast for a snack, then went out to dinner with friends before going to a birthday party. I ate well at dinner - grilled chicken sandwich and farro salad. Then I had a mini-peanut butter cup for dessert and I netted 1287 calories.

    Here is where the cheating came into play. When we got to the party, I had a chocolate covered strawberry martini and about half of an oatmeal cookie martini. Then my supportive friends dragged me to the North End (Boston) for PIZZA at 3am!!! And of course, pizza is my weakness (jerks, lol) and I had 2 slices of cheese. This could've EASILY brought me over 2000 for net.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    This generally happens to me anyways during the week (not intentionally) and I am continuing to lose weight. I also have started to pay attention to my weekly calorie trend on here as well. Good luck:)
  • taramhouston
    taramhouston Posts: 12 Member
    When I was losing weight and eating 1,200 calories a day I always had at least one day a week that I ate 1,500- 2,000 calories. Worked out great for me and I steadily lost 1-2 pounds a week until I hit my goal weight.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I think it accidentally happens to many of us. But it's a good thing!
    Why not plan it out and do it without the guilt next time?
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    You need to take a week of calories... say you burn 2k on maintenance. MFP says eat 1500 calories a day. What you should do is eat like 1300-1400 a day 6 days a week, then make up the difference on your "Spike day".

    MFP says to eat 1500 a day (times 7) which is 10,500 calories per week.
    f you eat 1350 calories (times 6), by the spike day you will have eaten 8100 calories

    10,500 minus 8100 calories leaves you with 2400 calories to eat the 7th day. This is an example of how to fluctuate your calories for your "spike" goal.

    This isn't anything specific. Not saying this is what you should do specifically, but ideally this is an example of how you would set your week up.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I usually stay within 1300-1500 calories and 1-2 days a week I let myself get up over 2000(not counting work out calories which I average 800-1000 per workout day 4-5 times per week). On these days I make sure I drink more water than I usually do(I drink 12-14 cups normally and drink 2-3 cups more on high calorie days). This seems to help me out a bit. I haven;t seen many pauses in weight loss since I've been doing this. I hope this helps.
  • rtmitch88
    rtmitch88 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks so much for your input everyone :)

    And yes, now I won't feel guilty for eating pizza at 3am once in a blue moon :) I was also celebrating my acceptance into grad school plus the birthday party, so I guess I shouldn't have felt guilty! I went right back on track yesterday, so I think I'll be okay!
  • Guardien
    Guardien Posts: 109 Member
    The answer is YES. As an experienced weight lifter, I've gathered all kinds of information on fitness and nutrition. Sure, up until a few months ago, I was more about gaining muscle, 20 years in the gym has taught me a lot.
    Going into a caloric deficit of course does help you lose weight. However, if you stay at (in your case) 1200 constantly, your metabolism will become accustomed to that amount. After a while your body will know you are getting 1200 calories a day, but expending much more, so it will adjust and slow down to conserve energy. Calorie spiking every now and then will confuse your metabolism into thinking the 1200 calories you have been eating is short term, and keep working hard so you don't plateau.
    Adding 200-300 calories in one meal once a week isn't bad. It would be better to add an extra 100 to one meal, and 200 to another meal that same day. That way you are getting the caloric spike, but not overloading in a single meal. I would also recommend that you go with a 500 calorie jump one day a month so your body doesn't adapt to the 6 day 1200/1 day 1500 cycle. Again, you would split that added amount over 2 or 3 meals that day.
    Best of luck as you continue on your journey!