1 day of spiked calories?



  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I may be a pretty bad example to go by, but I spike once a week, and I've steadily lost weight. I reached my goal weight about a month ago, and still spike once a week. And when I say spike, I mean I eat like double my calories. Its totally sickening I know! BUT, it has not seemed to hinder my weight loss in the slightest. I'm very dedicated to healthy eating and exercise for the rest of my week, but on Fridays- WATCH OUT, I CHOW down!
  • rtmitch88
    rtmitch88 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you, Guardien, that sounds exactly like what I was looking for!

    I just used the 200-300 spike as an example. Sometimes I like to chow down, too! :wink:
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Spikes can get nasty. 2-300 won't cut it. Spike that. Double it
    listen to my man russell, hes the guru

    I have done 4000 cal spikes which is double my caloric intake for the day and lost 1 lb per week every week I did it
  • ChocChipMuffin
    This thread has made me feel so much better about the Chinese I am going to for a friends birthday in a couple of weeks! :D
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I think now that the first 25 pounds has come off fairly quickly, I'm going to try out having a higher calorie day each week too. I know that the last 25 pounds is going to be much harder to get rid of than the first 25 were. I want to head off the slowdown at the pass. I really hope I can keep losing!

    I also think having 1 higher calorie day a week is going to help me feel more normal. Like, I'm not on a diet all the time. If this is really going to be a lifestyle change then I wanna leave room for the "life" part!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I think now that the first 25 pounds has come off fairly quickly, I'm going to try out having a higher calorie day each week too. I know that the last 25 pounds is going to be much harder to get rid of than the first 25 were. I want to head off the slowdown at the pass. I really hope I can keep losing!

    I also think having 1 higher calorie day a week is going to help me feel more normal. Like, I'm not on a diet all the time. If this is really going to be a lifestyle change then I wanna leave room for the "life" part!

    Exactly, I call this the Spike Life!
    I try and plan my Spike Day's around my social gatherings so I can be "normal"
    It's makes dieting much more doable and less evil.
  • LeCitron
    Wow, this post has really opened my eyes to something I should be doing. I have been super frustrated because I'm just stagnating (and oftentimes gaining) around the 155 mark. I am generally under by 300-500 calories per day (I know, bad me, but I really like to exercise and I'm also at university, so unless I want to eat the cafeteria's version of health-problems-on-a-plate I'm forced to stick to low-calorie soups and salads). But this afternoon I am going to go buy some calorie-packed almonds, an avocado or two, and dig into the peanut butter to make sure that I meet my allotted calorie goal AND have something set aside for a spike day. I'm thinking vanilla ice cream sounds good...

    Thank you all for your thoughtful comments! THESE are the posts I appreciate reading. :smile:
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    I am allowed 1500-1700 a day for maitenance..... and I eat whatever I want on Saturday night (have a few drinks too) and Sunday morning. I've done this for years, and always stayed around 110 lbs (im only 5'1)
    I don't know if it works for everybody but definitely does for me :happy: Life is too short not to enjoy 'bad' foods once in a while lol
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    Spikes can get nasty. 2-300 won't cut it. Spike that. Double it
    listen to my man russell, hes the guru

    I have done 4000 cal spikes which is double my caloric intake for the day and lost 1 lb per week every week I did it

    Did you increase your deficit the other days of the week to make up for the spike day? Meaning that if your goal was 200 calories per day, you'd do six days at around 1650 and then one day at 4000?
  • abetterliv
    abetterliv Posts: 50 Member
    Well for the past 10ish weeks i was losing 1-2 pounds steadily and every week I had one day where I ate a lot and then did well the rest of the week (I lost 2 pounds the week after christmas). Last week I didnt spike at all and I only lost .4 lbs. So, yesterday I had a very caloric meal, so I will see how much I lose this week.