new to forum

Hi everyone hope everyone had a great holiday with friends and family !I know I did and I am paying for every bite and every drink that went by these lips lol !!!!! ok maybe that was the problem nothing went BY these lips just through them :( ! So I need to focus on a healthier lifestyle for me and my family ! I would apprecaitte any support or ideas please I am looking forward to meeting supportive positive people !!! thank you


  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    welcome! =) you can add me if you need friends
  • hls4me
    hls4me Posts: 7
    thank you Rebekah I really apprecaitte that ! how long have you been on here and how is it going for you ?
  • pixieakabigd
    You're very welcome! I also only joined yesterday :)
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    welcome and feel free to add me. I am always lookin for supportive people.
  • chipka
    chipka Posts: 3
    Welcome nmerley! I'm new here too. It will be 1 week on Wednesday. I don't know about everybody else but so far the thing that is helping me stay on track is the phone app. Every little thing I eat or drink I put right into my diary. That's the think that is keeping me in my calorie target and excercising. Good luck! and add me if you need any friends.
  • cherridawnn
    Hi! I'm pretty new to MFP, too. You can feel free to add me also, if you would like.
  • mojomg
    mojomg Posts: 2
    Hi! Im new also. Good luck to you and feel free to add me too. Need all the supportive friends I can get!!
  • mommaneas
    Hello, I joined this last week. I have found I eat a whole lot healthier if I keep track of what I eat. Anyone wanna give me a crash course on who the friends thing works on here?
  • mojomg
    mojomg Posts: 2
    Hi there! How do you get your weight loss ticker to appear after your post? I'm new to the site and can use all the help I can get! Thanks so much!!
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    Hello, I just joined today. Friend request sent.
  • greg1713
    Hi I'm new here too! I've been up and down (mainly up) with my weight for years! 3-4 years ago I got a hold of it and got down to 14 stone (I've always been a larger type of guy) but now i'm tipping 18 stone! (I've already lost a little) So looking for people in similar situations that are as determined as i am now ;-)
  • NomNomCupcakes
    NomNomCupcakes Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome to the community!! As you can tell everyone is super friendly and always supportive :D hope you make lots of friends and reach your goals!! Feel free to add me if you wish!
  • hicklepickle59
    You and me both, lets hope we get tonnes of support ! Good luck.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    thank you Rebekah I really apprecaitte that ! how long have you been on here and how is it going for you ?
    i found this site in dec, i have been working on my journey for a bit longer then that tho.. abt a yr and a half.. mainly trying to slim down some, get better at my racing times and be more fit all the way around.. =)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I joined last night, but started using the program today. We'll see how it goes, but this seems to be a very easy site to use, so I'm hopeful and excited! Logged my breakfast, then went to the gym....and exercized the exact number of calories of my breakfast...not on purpose! LOL! Feeling good about my day so far, I hope you are the same!
  • hls4me
    hls4me Posts: 7
    sooo nice to meet you I am over whelmed on how nice everyone is and how helpful !!!! Thank you sooo much I apprecaitte your aupport and encouragement good to see others joinned the same time as I did too .I have no idea how to add my ticker lol I dont know if I want to see it right now lol !!! how many times a week do any of you weigh yourself in ? and do you wiegh yourself in and measure ?
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    To add a ticker u go to tools and click on ticker then it guides u thru to make your ticker to your wants. Hope this helps all u. EVERYONE feel free to add me. I have been with MFP since I do believe may and totally love it. Great group of people and tons of support.
  • ljb82
    ljb82 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to MFP :) Hope you enjoy the site

    I sent you a friend request