It gets lonely with no friends



  • Hi Everyone - I've been off and on this site for the past few months...

    It's a New Year and I have so much more determination to get back on track. I'm getting married this October and I want to look good for myself, my soon-to-be Hubby and look good in my dress! But I know I won't be able to do it myself. I need a strong support system and I'm hoping I'll be able to find some really nice people on here.

    Don't be shy to add me! I'm always looking forward to meeting new people. ^_^
  • I am right there with you! Its really hard for me and I too and really doing this for myself and my daughter! I have 0 support at home and it makes it really hard on me. I am just starting this site and I hope it works! Good Luck WE CAN DO IT! :)
  • SassyMom23
    SassyMom23 Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome!!! This is a great site with great people. Support is great to have when trying to get/stay healthy, and you will get plenty of that here. Feel free to add me (open to everyone)!
  • alymuir
    alymuir Posts: 50
    Hi..i joined last week, anyone feel free to add me as today has been tough...i really need some support! x
  • welcome!! feel free to add me!
  • Hi!

    I need support I will add you!! :smile:
  • TinaS70
    TinaS70 Posts: 52 Member
    I started in October 2011 so I am fairly new here also...I need to lose about 60 more...feel free to add me..could always use the support
  • rkeffer
    rkeffer Posts: 30 Member
    you can add me as a friend if you want...i know what its like to try to lose weight on your own ... friends and encouragement help a lot
  • I just strted using mfp and I've really enjoyed the social component ...having little notes of encouragment from people going through what your going through is super helpful . Feel free to add me and we can support eachother! <3
  • joined couple of months ago, but been lazy to use the page. Going to start tomorrow so may be considered as a beginner. Very talkative beginner, by the way, so would love to make friends - the more the better (but unfortunately English isn't my native language, so please dont be strict judges reading this...). Feel free to add me! =^.^=
  • Hello everyone! :)
    I'm a new member to my fitness pal!
    Im stacey, im sixteen years old.. it says im 18 but im not old enough to join this so i told i little fib :)
    Im a down to earth girl, i can easily talk to people and i like helping people through their problems
    and i would ask you for some help and support through my diet because im finding it very difficult
    Help would be highly appreciated.
    Please add me as a friend
    Thanks! :D
  • bghere
    bghere Posts: 42
    If you like piña colada's and gettin caught in the rain.... Wait sorry I got caught up in your intro. Welcome, best of luck.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I've been on here for 5 months and have seen success so if you want some motivation...I've been told I'm motivating....feel free to add me. I have an almost 6 year old and a 20 month old and when she was 15 months and people were asking if I was expecting again I knew I needed to do something!!! You can do this!!!
  • Reesa32
    Reesa32 Posts: 35
    Feel frEe to add me I'm new 1 week in and the MFP has been a great community!!
  • trishl2011
    trishl2011 Posts: 138 Member
    feel free to add me..I could use some extra support too:smile:
  • add me!
  • add me :)
  • Add me!! The more the merrier! I myself haven't implemented the whole exercise piece and I think I'm scared to! :smile:
  • hi am new too would love to have some friends xxmarymoo xx:love:add me as frienddnt think i can do it on my own xxx
  • AAM217
    AAM217 Posts: 1
    hey! i completely agree! i'd love to get my roomies to join me on this thing, but they won't. it's difficult to stay on track when i live with people who aren't challenging themselves like i am. i'm just starting the use of mfp, but i've been on a roller coaster of losing and gaining for a couple of years. my mom is very helpful and supportive of losing weight, but other than that, friends and family tend to "get in the way" so to speak. having a social life (at least as a 21 year-old) means lots of going out, drinking, eating junk, guzzling mountain dew to stay up late. as i'm sure you know, we women tend to bond over chocolate and wine and "splurges." we know it's bad, but when we do it together, we feel like it's okay. this is where i get in trouble.

    i could use the support, as well :)