How Do You Deal?



  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I just don't have very good will power.
    This is a cop-out. If you label yourself as someone with no willpower, then how do you ever expect to reach your goal? Is it magically going to happen some other way without you putting on your big-girl panties & doing the work?

    What would happen if you started thinking of yourself as someone who CAN figure out what to eat to stay satisfied & still lose weight & has the willpower to do it?
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Sounds like the story of my life - I am trying this time with a different attitude - NO PRESSURE. I just want to get healthy - if I screw up from time to time, I screw up. If I deprive myself completely - I will fall off the wagon and not want to get back on. I have joined a gym which helps a lot - after working out for 30-45 minutes I don't want to undo all that hard work by eating junk - but if I do decide I want junk or want to go to dinner with Hubby then at least I can have it without blowing my diet out the window. Good Luck!!

  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I had a hard time staying on track the past week or two as well because of the holidays. You first have to be really ready to make the change. My co-worker told me this one. When she see's something that she likes she just thinks to herself, "I've had this before, I know what it tastes like. It's not worth it". Once you see some weight come off you will be more motivated. It's hard to get started at first. I plan my meals ahead of time.. and I don't just mean before I eat it, DAYS in advance. I even log it on here days in advance. I've started to also make freezer meals. I make a large batch of almost whatever and then I freeze half. Helps on those days where you just can't find the time.

    Good luck!
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Allow yourself one daily treat, work it in. Then you won't feel deprived. I sooo look forward to my skinny cow chocolate ice cream bar at the end of the day.
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you everyone for such great advice!! I love all of the different ways you deal with cravings or what you tell yourself to avoid binging! It's good to know that there are others that are going through the same thing.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    The best thing you could do is to remove the chocolate, or make sure you only allow yourself so many a day. I LOVE
    chocolate, so I have to stay away from it totally. There is NO WAY that I can stop myself from eating a bag full of chocolate
    if it's sitting right there in front of me. Keep some crunchy snack foods on hand. My biggest snack food is animal crackers,
    because they are crunch, but also because they are dry and they force me to drink more water. Good luck. I know you can
    do it.
  • loseweightjames
    fish and salads

    canned calms, tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc, all of those are relatively cheap and fill me up fast

    giant salads are obviously low cal and filling when combine with the fish

    that's how I've been surviving.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    You might not be eating enough... try to eat things with protein to keep you feeling full longer - also, i just bought these snacks at Aldi's from their Active and Fit line of food products - smores (they are rice cakes in individual packets) that kill the longing for chocolate at 90 cals...
  • Angierae81
    Angierae81 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you, I'm only 5'3" and at 170lbs currently I've been working at this since 11/19/11, My wedding is in May. I have to lose at least 15 lbs to get into the dress that I already bought.
    Dont treat your self...find the blog about treating yourself like a dog, its real eye opener. You are not a dog!!!
    The best advice i can give is Its all mental.. You want this, You CAN do this, You WILL do this, dont let anything stop you, YOU are the one in controll. If high fiber foods, lots of water, and lots of veggies, Today if you check my diary I'm not doing so good, but still.
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I don't know how you're going to work it, but you need to find some way of working it. Any way. Can you be good all week and hold out for some chocolate on the weekend? Or could you be good all day for a small chocolate treat in the evening (worked into your calories?)

    At the moment I'm really struggling. I've lost 41lbs and now my body is fighting back, it does not want to lose any more and I have to really up the effort but I often caved. Today I started holding myself accountable by exercising more when I eat too much. Maybe this is something you could try.

    If 3 days is all you can do before wanting to eat more - then schedule it in, have 3 low days and one high day. Maybe increase the low days to 4 or 5 before the high day. Maybe you are just going to low for your body to cope with, increase the calories a little or lower them gradually.

    Weight loss is hard work, but its not impossible - if it feels impossible it might be that you need to take some responsibility and rethink what you are doing, there's nothing wrong with admitting that something is too difficult - its called being realistic and responsible - make it easier on yourself, take gradual steps to your goal so you stay on track not huge leaps that make you stumble and fall.
  • s_waser
    s_waser Posts: 92
    It helps to break your calories up throughout the day. Eating 5 to 6 times a day helps and speeds up your metabolism.
    Breakfast- Eggs and yogurt
    Snack- Almonds and craisins
    Lunch- Protein like chicken or fish and veggies
    Snack- Protein shake or low-fat cheese stick and wheat thins
    Dinner- Protein like Chicken or fish and veggies
    Snack-Protein shake or apple and peanut butter

    Something like that. When I first started eating like this I felt stuffed all the time but ate any ways because I knew it would speed up my metabolism. Now I am hunger every 2 1/2 to 3 hours because my body has used all that energy and is ready for more.
    Good luck!!