
I can do it!!!!
I can do it!!!! Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I really need to loose weight. I am working on my diet and I have been exercising at curves 3-4 times a week. Any suggestions would be great


  • I really need to loose weight. I am working on my diet and I have been exercising at curves 3-4 times a week. Any suggestions would be great
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ginny,

    Cardio would be my first suggestion. And when I say cardio, I also mean cardio with interval training. For example, if you walk for 3 minutes, jog for 2, and repeat. You don't have to start out at that either.

    The point is to periodically raise your heart rate and then let it come back down...

    This would probably give your workout the little kick start ...

    Best of luck!
  • amandacain1997
    amandacain1997 Posts: 22 Member
    Keep up the least 3 times a week is best for optimum weight loss. You also HAVE to start watching your portion sizes and the types of food you are choosing to eat. A few years ago, I was very dedicated to going to the gym and was doing spinning classes, running on the treadmill, and taking pilates classes. No matter how hard I worked out, I wasn't losing much weight...after a couple of months with no progress, I gave up.

    This time around, not only have I been going to the gym, but I am watching what and how much I eat very carefully. I try to stick around 1200 calories on the days that I don't work out, and around 1500 calories on the days in which I do. I always allow myself one free day to go out to dinner at my favorite restaurant, fix a favorite meal for the family, or splurge on dessert. This helps me stay motivated, and I look forward to that day all week long. It gives me something to strive for.

    So far I have lost 19 pounds since January 7th. I'd like to lose about another 20 more before being at my ultimate weight. I am so confident that I will be able to reach my target weight by mid June because of how dedicated I have been for the last two months.

    Stick with it and really think about your goals and how great it will be to be healthy, fit, and not to mention look great in your clothes! Good luck to you!
  • When I work out at Curves it is some cardio. I usually try to jog a little and walk a little. LOL this is only my second week and I have to get it in my head that the weight just want melt off(Boy I wish it would). I'm just not sure if I am doing it correctly.
  • Thanks for the reply. I need all the help I can get.
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