New here! Looking for friends!

Hello, I just joined the site about 5 days ago. I am 200 pounds and looking to get down to 140-150. I am looking for some friends so we can support each other along the way! Add me :)


  • Hey I'm in the same boat as you, I've been told its easier with friends so I'll add you and we can encourage each other! Anyone else that needs some words of encouragement add me too :)
  • mnjohnson79
    mnjohnson79 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat as both of you. I added you both as friends, hope you don't mind. I need all the motivation and encouraging that I can get. :smile:
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 995 Member
    Me too. I hope u all don't mind that I added you.
  • me three!
  • No of course not, keep the adds coming, there's nothing worse than going it alone, and you wouldn't believe how motivated you get by reading how well other people are doing :)
  • Mommyof3CrazyBoys
    Mommyof3CrazyBoys Posts: 42 Member
    Motivation = Continuous success. I'll add you.
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm new as well and quite friend-less, so I've added you all as well!

  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    Me too!! Created this profile in 2008 and forgot about it, lol!! So, I'm a newbie looking for support and inspiration! Add me :-)
  • shutch19
    shutch19 Posts: 13 Member
    just joined today and need the help and motivation too as i'm usually the one who thinks this is a great idea then loose all enthusiasm about it... need people around me to help me stick to this time... so looking for friends to help me do so :)
  • SLT4273
    SLT4273 Posts: 56
    Welcome. I'm fairly new myself...always welcome new friends so feel free to add me.
  • SnuggleXPuff
    SnuggleXPuff Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome! I wish you the best with your weight loss goals. You can feel free to add me, I'm always looking for new friends.
  • I'm new too! I'll start adding you guys :)
  • amersj
    amersj Posts: 6
    I just joined a week ago and am also about 200 looking to get down to 140-150 Will definitely add you. I've done this before and it works much better with friends! Good Luck, we can do it!
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Welcome! I'm looking to drop about 15-20 lbs! Add me!!!
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    Anyone can add me :) I was doing this for a while and took a "vacation" lol but I'm back for good now :)
  • I've been on this site for almost a year but started over with a new page. I love this site and everything it has done for me. Add me if youre serious about losing weight and will be just as supportive as I am. Once the friends start to abondon ship its harder to stay focused.
  • Hey everyone. I have been on here for about 3 days now and I love it. My name is Morgan and i weight 258lbs. I am working along with my doctor to lost a total of 100-125lbs over the next few years. I dont have health issues because of being over weight(YET) but I want to keep it that way.I am just looking to meet some new friends who are also on a serious weight loss journey. Feel free to add me :D
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm semi-new and already discovery the benefit of having people out there supporting me, will add you guys as well :-)
  • tammi42
    tammi42 Posts: 62 Member
    I am new to this too! I have tried other sites but found that I lose interest very quickly. I am at 220lbs and would love to be at 150 eventually. Please feel free to add me also.

    A quote I heard from a friend the other day ' There is someone busier than you exercising right now'. It really motivates me to get my butt on my treadmill!
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    y I have been here 5 weeks or so and love the support and tools . Feel free to add me!