Supplement/Workout Question

I'm trying to gain more insight on tightening up my stomach and thighs. When I am working out and eating right, I have no problem losing my extra weight. I can get down to my goal weight, and I look great, but I still don't feel "toned." Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be a competitive bodybuilder, but a little definition would be fantastic!

I have never taken supplements while working out. I am attempting to use them this time around to see what kind of difference it makes. I have whey powder, multi-vitamin, BCAA's, a mix of CLA, GLA and Fatty Acid complex. I am starting a 12 week training program tonight. My question is, will these supplements assist in tightening?

Does anyone have any suggestions on other ways I can rectify this situation? Any advice and constructive criticism is welcomed :) Thanks so much!


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Heavy strength training, and a mild calorie surplus. If the diet is balanced, you won't need the supps.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    Toning is a myth, it is impossible to "tone" a muscle.

    Your supplements will help you in your diet, but you need to be lifting heavy weight in order to see a muscle tissue change.

    With your 12 weeks training program be sure to include the following: Squats (ATG) Dead-Lifts, Bench, Bent Row
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    The only way to "tighten" or "tone" your body is to reduce body fat. If you're still saggy or loose you either have an abundance of skin from being vastly over weight, or your body fat percentage is still quite high. Supplements won't do anything for you other than /supplement/ your diet with the nutrients you're not getting from the foods you're eating. Some supplements are fantastic, like Protein powder, BCAA's, or Fish Oil, but you shouldn't need any to complete your goals.
  • If you eat the right food and a balanced diet you should not need any supps. If your going to take anything, take Whey Protein. Make sure you do not purchase something that has a lot of fillers (extra ingredients to look like more product). Try to find something that has Whey Protein Isolate as the first ingredient. Also, you do not have to take BCAA's. BCAA's are just a few extra amino acids which claim to help build muscle, however they are the same amino acids that make up one protein. With all that being said, a balanced diet with excercise 4-5 times a week should do the job. For the "tightening" look you will just need to do high reps of a lighter weight. You can not physically tighten your skin, but you can help increase your basalar metabolism rate by increasing your heart rate during physical activity. This will eventually lead to a higher amount of calories burned through out your daily activities.
  • LovinLife96
    LovinLife96 Posts: 11 Member
    Great info so far, thanks guys!

    What does (ATG) mean for the squats? I will make sure I incorporate those exercises in my program, thanks for the ideas!

    My body seems to dispurse my body fat pretty evenly. When I lose weight, I lose it all over, and I get "skinny" like bean pole lol... I will try extra weight to see if I can get more definition. Thanks so much!
  • LovinLife96
    LovinLife96 Posts: 11 Member
    If you eat the right food and a balanced diet you should not need any supps. If your going to take anything, take Whey Protein. Make sure you do not purchase something that has a lot of fillers (extra ingredients to look like more product). Try to find something that has Whey Protein Isolate as the first ingredient. Also, you do not have to take BCAA's. BCAA's are just a few extra amino acids which claim to help build muscle, however they are the same amino acids that make up one protein. With all that being said, a balanced diet with excercise 4-5 times a week should do the job.

    Thanks so much! I'll use what I have, and just buy more whey powder when I run out! I really appeciate the info :)
  • LovinLife96
    LovinLife96 Posts: 11 Member

    As you can see, I don't have "a lot" of extra skin in these pictures, just no definition... is this still an extra body fat issue??

    ***Don't think I can do HTML on here... so if you are interested, just copy and paste into url bar***
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    ATG- *kitten* to grass, meaning full range.
  • LovinLife96
    LovinLife96 Posts: 11 Member
    hahahha! Awesome... thanks :)
  • Yes, you are right, you do not have much "lose skin." You are at the hardest point of your weight lose journey. You look good right now, but you are really going to have to eat a balanced diet and hit the gym hard. Once your body is under 10% body fat it becomes very difficult to lose fat. Make sure you stay away from the junk food and eat foods that will keep your metabolism high.
  • LovinLife96
    LovinLife96 Posts: 11 Member
    You rock, thanks so much :)
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    She wont be getting below 10% or under.

    Lift weights and eat clean. You'll be fine. ;)
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    She wont be getting below 10% or under.

    Lift weights and eat clean. You'll be fine. ;)
