looking for friends to help motivate each other:)

First day and I must say im excited! I hope that I can keep this up and find the inner strength..I know I will need it!


  • may2go
    may2go Posts: 31
    Best of luck on your journey. I'm on week two and loving it here. The success board really helps when your having a bad day,to remind you how far you can go! Feel free to add me.:happy:
  • sunny_tiger13
    sunny_tiger13 Posts: 13 Member
    It is my first week. I just started Friday. So far I have only had one day that wasn`t great and that is because I already had lunch and dinner plans I didn`t want to break. I have found it is helpful because I think about what I am eating because I have to be accountable for it and write it down. Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to chat at any time or need some motivation. I know we could all use it!
  • today is also my first day and i still have 352 calories to eat for today. didnt have breakfast and had no money for lunch so i was able to stay under. i had steak salad and green beans for supper so at least i wont go to bed hungry not i am off to go bowling which will be a little bit of a work out . good luck to you
  • Hi I'm Claire this is my first day got a long way 2 go but I'm in the right frame of mind xxx
  • rlore4
    rlore4 Posts: 4 Member
    HI, ya'll its not my first day but if feels like it is, I joined months ago, but don't seem to keep focus, I keep falling off my food tracking and desperately need motivation too, would love to join that group to get motivated. I'm ready to Start today, I already finished my day with the right amount of calories, so any encouragement its welcome. thanks Lore
  • dyellz
    dyellz Posts: 76 Member
    Hi its day one for me and im feeling pretty good. Looking for friends in the same boat as me:) 33 year old female with about 20-30 pounds to lose:)
  • Hi there my names Tanya i started my weight loss journey back in October 2011. In 9 weeks i lost 20 kilos but i have found that int he last 3 weeks i have hit a weight loss Plato. Been told to drop carbs and higher protiens ,,,,,, hmmmm not sure:frown:
  • Hi! welcome, this site is great. I have been on this site for a while now but did not take it seriously, until of course after the holiday season. I stepped on the scale and wanted to cry :( but I joined a gym and am staying motivated with the help of "work out buddies" and of course MFP :) So if you would like you can add me and we can keep each other motivated. The more the merrier :0)
  • barbierik
    barbierik Posts: 4 Member
    I know the feeling - it gets hard to keep up the motivation sometimes. Feel free to add me for support!
  • barbierik
    barbierik Posts: 4 Member
    In response to rlore: That's awesome!! Keep it up & feel free to add me for support!!
  • rlore4
    rlore4 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, Barbierik,
  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you with the same demons to chase (20-30) pounds to lose. I started last week and I'm likeing this app. Good luck to you:smile:
  • nenabubbles
    nenabubbles Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I have been on the website since 12/19/11. I have lost 8 pounds this far. I Love this website! there are alot of people here that are serious about living healthy and will be your best support. I make sure that I log in everyday, because if my thoughts go to a place there not suppose to be (eating bad), coming in here and reading how everyone did, makes me stay focused and want to continue to do good. Add me if you like.