Too few calories? Really?!?



  • rulaborelli
    I was eating my 1200 calories, excercising, and eating back most of thosse calories without much weight loss (1 pound every 2-3 weeks!) for several months. So I figured that for me, 1200 was too high, and I started eating 100-200 less per day, with high protein and low fat and carbs, and weight is coming off much easier now. I did do a protein shake cleanse (shakes, lean protein and veggies for one week), for a few days that helped jump start my diet and now that I see some results, I feel like I can keep doing it. Due to surgery and illness, I have not been to the gym in over a month :(
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I have been adding shakes into my daily routine to get some easier to process calories in my system. It seems to help me a lot, and luckily my milk allergy is calming down so I can get away with it. I am going to start adding protein shakes into the mix as well. I noticed when I was only on 1200 cal a day not only was I not losing weight, but I was hungry and cranky all the time. Kick it up to 1400-1600 and I felt much better and dropped a bunch of weight pretty quickly.

    Keep in mind that everyone is different, and it's best to just try things for a week or 2 and see if it makes a difference. If you gain back a pound or 2, then readjust and don't sweat it! :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Yes - it worked for me. Last September, I didn't loose any weight at all. I was keeping my calorie intake around 1600, if I remember right. After the advise of a friend to "eat more for a few days" I did just that. I didn't count calories, just ate my fill of healthy foods for three days. Then I started tracking calories again, but ate closer to 1750 a day. It worked! I began loosing a pound a week again.

    Lately, I've tried the "zig-zag" method, but it's too new to know if it works, and I'm honestly not really doing it right. Trying to do it did get me loosing again after a plateau in March, though.

    My friend, who is 5'6" and 160 lbs recently had her BMI professionally done. Turns out she has lots of muscle mass, and it was recommended that she eat 2000 cals a day to loose a pound a week. Previously, she had been on a 1200 cal diet for months and doing lots of exercise and the weight just wouldn't budge. I hope the 2000 cals a day works for her!
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I am dealing with trying to eat enough calories. Last month I was trying to eat less calories to lose weight now I'm trying to eat enough. I'm not hungry, I ate a big lunch and now it's 8pm. still not hungry and I don't want to eat dinner at 9pm. I know about the starvation mode my body will do and I'm not sure how to force food into me when not hungry. This is such a frustrating process to lose weight. I didn't think I would ever have to force myself to eat more. But, I think I might have to try.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Just this past month I've been plateau-ing. I kept fluctuating 2-3 pounds. Then the other day I started reading this website and learned about eating your workout calories back and starvation mode. Since then, I've been making sure to meet my 1200 calorie goal, making sure I wasn't under (I've been under a lot previously, didn't know it was counterproductive) and eating my workout calories. Just in the past few days of eating more, I've lost 3 pounds and they've stayed off.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Well, I started using MFP about a month ago, and I lost about 6 pounds then last week, I came in well under my calories every day (enough that I got the message almost every day last week), increased my cardio and circuit training, and I only lost 0.2 pounds. Now, I don't know if that means I went into starvation mode, or if my body is just adjusting to the change in routine, but I am going to try and make darn sure I don't get the message anymore this week after today.

    My net numbers after exercise were about 1000 every day and MFP said that was too low. During the preceding three weeks, I hit about 1200-1300 calories net per day and I lost weight every week - 4 lbs the first week, .8 the next and 1.0 the third. So I am not as experienced as a lot of you, but that has been my experience. I think this starvation mode theory has some legs.

    Good Health to You
  • alglines
    Your post helps answer the question I had today. I'm thinking that my calorie goal is too low. I'm on my 8th day and have come in just under 1200 all but one day, and that one was 200 over. I know there's that danger of starvation mode but I figured since I'm so sedentary I'd be okay (weighed in this morning and have lost an ounce). I woke up unbelievably cranky and weepy today (partly PMS, I think) and didn't feel better until about now at the 746 calorie point. There are still 10 hours left in my day (and I'm still hungry), so I think I'm going to have to go significantly past 1200 today.

    I haven't done any exercising yet (sad with a gym in my building) but I was almost worried to because I knew it would make me hungrier and probably send me over my limit. I think what I'm reading is that if I work out I can eat back those calories I burn, so I feel like I should run upstairs and kick my own butt, then come back down here and go to town on some healthy calories until I'm full.

    How did you settle on your revised calorie count? My metabolism has always been high so I think that my gut (pun intended) is right about needing more than the standard 1200.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Ok, so we all know that if we cut our calories too far then our bodies will go into "starvation mode" and we will stop losing weight, right? I mean, I read this everywhere. But what I wanna know is, does anyone here have any actual PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with this phenomenon? Any one ACTUALLY jump start weight loss by increasing calories? And if so how did you structure the increase?

    I feel like my body has NO interest in me losing the last 15 pounds. It's driving me a little nuts, and increasing my calories seems SOOOO counter intuitive. Anyone?

    My mom struggles with losing weight and has for many years. When we logged her for a trial week to see what was going on she was at 900 calories per day (there abouts). As soon as we upped her to 1200 calories she dropped 5 pounds in a month. She gained a little first because her body was used to having to store, but then after a week or 2 her body readjusted and was ready to lose. So I think she went up 2 then down 7 or something like that.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Recent experience (may or may not be relevant): I was losing weight steadily for six or seven weeks, then I had a few days where I didn't eat all my exercise calories and the scale stuck. It stuck for two weeks and then some. I got so upset on Saturday I bought a chocolate cake and some cashews from the grocery store and pigged out on Saturday (you can see my diary, it's open). I didn't exercise for two days, either. I just sulked and drank coffee and sat at my computer yesterday. Then I had a big dinner (100 calories over my daily goal all total).

    Today I got on the scale expecting disaster and instead I dropped two pounds.

    Past experience: After I had my son I dropped weight by starvation and diet pills. When I got into the 130s and then 120s, it required extreme starvation to move the scale. I'm talking 500-ish calories a day even though I worked out regularly and worked a very active warehouse job. I was starving myself to death and the pounds eventually did come off, but it certainly wasn't at a normal rate. Of course as soon as I stopped starving myself I put it all back on and then some.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Yep, yep. It's a little scary at first but it works. I was at 1200 for awhile and quit losing. but I finally went up to 1400 and have been losing every since.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When I joined MFP I was eating around 900 cals per day and my weight loss was totally stalled. I took a leap of faith here and upped my calories to 1200. I gained for two weeks and then lost significantly after that. I upped my calories to 1470 and maintained for awhile without gaining anything. Now I eat around 1300 and am losing again. The only thing with eating so close to 1200 is that you have to be really careful to eat real food (non processed) and get enough nutrients. If you find that you're hungry you should increase your calories. 1200 is not a magic number, but it is considered the minimum safe intake for a reason. I'm not saying *no one* should eat less, but for me personally eating less was not good and I think there are WAY too many people undereating on this site. Starving yourself is not a sustainable or happy lifestyle.
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I started here at 1200 calories; three weeks later I met with a RD and when she reviewed my food diary her first comment was I wasn't eating enough~and upped me to a minimum of 1500 a day. I've been losing steadily every since.
  • Carrie704
    Carrie704 Posts: 176
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I started at 135 and lost 15 pounds in 2 months. Then I stayed at 120 pounds for SEVEN WEEKS! I increased my strength training and I upped my calories from 1200 to 1450. Ou la la, ive been steadily losing since.
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    When I was losing my initial 89 pounds, I hit three major plateaus. All three times, what got me off that plateau was increasing my calorie intake.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    When I first started I didn't get it. Then I DID eat back my calories and I lost the weight. People were saying "But you eat all day long". Yes, I did. I ate/eat 5 "meals" a day. But I was burning off the fuel my body needed. Also, what has helped me this time around (started getting back into having a food and exercise routine the past couple of months).... is cutting CARBS and SODIUM. This has helped me personally. It's more about the carbs for me I think. If I'm over in calories a little, so what. I gotta watch the starch. :tongue:
  • spazzticaunt
    I can honestly say that I have experienced this. There are times I go stretches without eating at least 3 times a day and usually that is when I stop losing and start gaining a lot of weight. But every time I start eating at least 3 times a day the pounds start falling off. I told my doctor and she had said that its because my body goes into starvation mode and hangs on to the foods that I do eat when I eat because it never knows when it will get more nutrients. So I believe it whole heatedly.
  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
    BUMP! I have been stuck losing and gaining back weight for almost 2 months now and being too scared to eat exercise cals. Now I'll make sure I net 1530 every day after all this info!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Good responses!
  • cmodde
    cmodde Posts: 6
    if you are eating 1200 calories a day with exercise. do you have to eat the calories you have burned in exercise or is the 1200 enough?