30 day shredders starting Monday?



  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    I am in! I started this workout yesterday. I completed D2L1 today. I might have to add some cardio to this because I am only burning 200-250 calories.
  • melbraith
    melbraith Posts: 3 Member
    I am in! Just got it, but nervous after reading about others' sore muscles and failed attempts. It must really be an *kitten* kicker.
  • brinak2005
    brinak2005 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm newly active on MFP and would love to join you all with 30DS. I completed Day 1 about 2 hours ago and OMG.....what a workout!!! I'm determined to push through this in 30 days....if my legs don't collapse under me first..lol.
  • brinak2005
    brinak2005 Posts: 36 Member
    I just finished my first day of 30 DS. And my butt hurts bigtime!

    I need to get some light weights. I used soup cans because I had nothing in the house. LOL. But it's better than nothing right? :)

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who had to use canned food for weights :) I started with cans of corn, lol

    I used cans of corn too! LOL
  • Missaprilnichole
    Missaprilnichole Posts: 23 Member
    Just happened to run across this!! I was going to order it on Amazon today but decided im just going to buy it at Walmart tomorrow :) Id love to do this!

    Will the ones tha are doing this friend me so we can motivate one another? Thanks!
  • seb13
    seb13 Posts: 1
    I have been doing the 30 day shred but have been taking it slow since I'm not really looking to lose weight. My muscles seem to have adapted to the level one exercises so I'm about ready to move to level two in a few days, but I'm not feeling any changes in my endurance (still getting way out of breath!), so maybe will have to try running along with the dvd.
  • sheerjay
    sheerjay Posts: 97 Member
    Im at week 7 of C25K training ( 3 weeks to go) and was going to start 30DS after it....but I think Ill start now and try alternate them :)
    Its not that time frame Im worried about, just that Jillian kicking my *kitten* may affect my C25K efforts if my legs turn to jelly :P

    Lets see how we go!!!
  • sheerjay
    sheerjay Posts: 97 Member
    Feel free to add me ....and remember to record your BEFORE MEASUREMENTS!!!! and take photos if you're game :) I will be!
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    :explode: I started 30DS like planned. She kicked my *kitten*! So sore and ready to do it all again tomorrow! Those before pics I took weren't jsut before pics.. they were never again pics!
  • nymphis
    nymphis Posts: 59 Member
    After reading all the reviewes about this workout, I ordered it from Amazon - cheap as well in UK (£5). I am currently waiting to received it so if it's all good and the DvD arrives before Monday I will be able to join in.

    I am nervous as well for the pain but I really need to get my *kitten* kicked into shape.

    I will go for a swim every other day just to top it up and because I love swimming.

    Well done to the ones who already started, and good luck to us who are planning to start! :flowerforyou:
  • KES519
    KES519 Posts: 21 Member
    Workout 1 done! yay!!
  • krista010105
    krista010105 Posts: 149 Member
    i just started yesterday ( monday) she kicked my butt!!!!!! it is a 30 day shred so are we suposed to do it every other day or every day???
  • Im in! Day 2, lets go!
  • CoachKristenSmith
    CoachKristenSmith Posts: 18 Member
    I just started yesterday so I'm a day late but I wanna have a place for accountability too. I did it in October for about 2 weeks and quit, so upset with myself for that!! Going to persevere this time! Probably do it every day for the most part but telling myself I am allowed to do it every other day so I don't get discouraged if I miss one day.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I started Day 1 yesterday and would very much like to find some friends to share the pain with :smile:
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I started on Friday, so today (Saturday) was my second day. Phew! My muscles are sore, but I love that it's only 20 minutes out of my day. There is no excuse for me, that way-- anyone who can't spare 20 minutes for a better body doesn't want it bad enough! Or so I told myself today...:)

    Good luck, ladies!

    Love that! Ill remember This when I'm doing it!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    My video will be here tomorrow! I will join in!
  • Najay
    Najay Posts: 273 Member
    I completed Day 4 today. I will continue with you. My endurance has improved. I am on Level 1, but might increase to Level 2 this weekend to give myself a challenge for muscle confusion.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    I just started this today - and though it's been sitting there scaring me for over two months now, honestly, it wasn't so bad! I found that I could keep up with most of it - I only took a few short pauses at the end of a couple of things. My arms, and legs especially were a bit more jello-y than I'd expected, but overall, I really think I can do this.

    We'll see what I think in a few days, ha ha. It's not the workout, it's the motivation, and the deciding to work out instead of sleep. :-P

    Those cardio bits after the side lunges are killer, though. My legs were all 'gee, I'd love to help you out here, but I got nuthin'.
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Did D1L1 last night and went pretty good. Topped it up with a 15 minute 1 mile walk on the treadmill. I am a little sore today but ready to do it all again tonight. Good Luck Everyone.