Hi, 10 days in and I'm starving. Any tips please?



  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I agree with everyone else on this. You are a guy and only get 1200 calories?!?!?? I think you need to readjust the calories by either talking to a doctor or reading up on some trainers tips on setting a calorie goal. I clipped an article about that from a Biggest Loser Prevention magazine, but it had the calorie guidelines for pounds, not kgs...but I am sure you can find those somewhere. MFP has my calories WAY lower than what is suggested by the article (still haven't changed them yet though!). If you are uncomfortable, like I am, about upping the calories, do it gradually or make SURE to eat all of you exercise calories you earn.

    Peanut butter helps me...I also snack on turkey pepperoni along with my carrots. The protein def helps!!
    A lot of people tell me a glass of milk works for them, but I do not like to drink calories.
    Hope you find something that works!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    This is my first post as I've been mostly using the Android app. So far in the last 10 days I've managed to shed 3.2kg by sticking (almost) to the 1200 calories a day regime. I've also bought myself an exercise bike and rowing machine so that's actually doing some good too.

    My problem is I'm constantly feeling hungry and carrots and apples as snacks just ain't working to stave off the hunger pangs. I've also tried eating Riveta and such things and drinking water, all to no avail. Does anybody have any tips I can use that will stop me feeling like I need a large Donor kebab and chips?

    Thanks in advance


    I can't see your diary, so I can't give you informed advice. My filling go to's are 99% lean turkey or trimmed chicken, and veggies. I started last March on 1200 calories and quickly figured out that 1) I needed to earn extra calories to not be hungry and 2) it took about a month of strict clean eating to get used to proper portions. If you want my diary is open, I wouldn't look at my more recent diaries as I've pushed into maintenance, but March - maybe June or July of 2011 might have some decent ideas.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    1200 is a very low intake for a man. You may want to revise your calorie goals and eat more. Especially if you're at all active.
  • Maagrie
    Maagrie Posts: 49 Member
    I like to have a good protein breakfast. I use eggbeaters because they are lower in calories, fat and cholesterol. I've also learned to eat smaller meals all through the day. 3 meals and 3 good snacks, so I'm eating like every two hours. You should maybe double check the 1200 calorie calculation. If you are still hungry then I would say the calculation is not right. We are all different and sometimes the general calculation on MFP can be wrong. Best of luck to you!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I suggest your evaluate your calorie goal and macros. It's unlikely that 1,200 calories is sufficient, and the MFP macro base settings are wrong.


    Use the harris benedict equation to determine what your calorie intake should be.

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I suggest your evaluate your calorie goal and macros. It's unlikely that 1,200 calories is sufficient, and the MFP macro base settings are wrong.

    This also good advice. I find it difficult to think that, unless you are a shorter man, 1200 calories is sufficient. As a 5'3" woman I found this goal pretty aggresive. Also, are you eating your exercise calories? Again, it's difficult to give real advice without seeing your diary.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    You're not eating enough. Period.

    Without knowing more about you there's no way to make a worth while recommendation but you're starving for a reason. And if you add exercise to it you'll probably stop losing weight at 1200 cals/ day

  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    As a bloke, you should be on a minimum 1400 per day, but a lot depends on your BMR and Activity level. Starving your body now is only going to hinder you later on, it's the mistake I made last year.

    As for feeling hungry, put a high-protein snack in there mid-morning and mid-afternoon. ( I find 100g of smoked salmon is about right, 20g protein, no carbs, next to no fat), if you are getting sweet craving, have a banana, it helps.
  • I've managed to shed 3.2kg by sticking (almost) to the 1200 calories a day regime. I've also bought myself an exercise bike and rowing machine so that's actually doing some good too.

    Hi Brad.

    You are a guy, so first off I think 1200 calories is too little for you. Guys need to eat more than girls do. I would check out your settings again and make sure you have everything filled in right. I had to fix my husbands account because he had his set as 'female' which will effect MFP suggestion for calorie intake.

    If you are exercising you need to be eating back the calories you burned. Try oatmeal for breakfast, it's very filling and will stick with you for a while so you don't feel so hungry.

    I'm on day two of my new eating plan, and I haven't been hungry yet. I eat 3 good meals and have healthy snacks in between. Carrots, rice cakes, walnuts, apples. I feel like I'm eating all day long.

    Best wishes!
  • anchorageb2
    anchorageb2 Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with willpower. YOu are not really telling us enough to know why you are hungry.

    Here is a list of really low cal foods you can pretty much eat until you are full with most of these ( except the dairy) and still be really low calorie however your goal is to get down to a portion of meat which is the size of a kitchen sponge. There is more than this but this is what I found right now. I have also been meaning to research the 300 cal meals but have not done it yet.It would be a good idea for you too. Then you could have 4 of those a day which would be awesome for those who get full really fast but is hungry an hour or two later.

    Salmon, canned or fresh
    Canned light tuna (in water)
    Chicken breasts
    Turkey breasts-Ground turkey,
    lean Eggs (2 eggs = 1 serving)-Egg whites (4 egg whites = 1 serving)
    Artichoke-Artichoke hearts
    Bell peppers, green, orange, red, yellow
    Brussels sprouts
    Green beans
    Green leafy vegetables
    beet greens,
    turnip greens,
    collard greens
    all varieties Mushrooms
    all types Grapefruit
    Prickly pear cactus
    Red grapes

    Yogurt, any type,
    Low-fat acidophilus milk
    Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese
    Reduced salt miso dissolved in low-fat, low-sodium broth
    Olive oil
    Flaxseed oil
    low-carb marinara sauce,
    lite soy sauce,
    low-carb ketchup,
    fat-free sour cream,
    low-fat, low-sodium broth,
    sugar-free jams and jellies,
    vegetable cooking spray,
    fat-free cheeses (i.e. Parmesan),
    fat-free salad dressing,
    herbs and spices.
  • Mschornack
    Mschornack Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Brad. Plug in your calories burned under the excercise tab. This will give you additional food allowance. The more you work out, The more you can eat. That has saved me on this diet and I have lost 25lbs+. I should eat more healthy food like you are but pretty much still eat the same old crap! I just eat much less.
    Buy the 1oz bag of chips and diet coke. This has helped me thru the rough times.
    Dont beat yourself up to bad if your over a day here and there.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    your food intake is not very balanced throughout the day. you eat too much at dinner and not enough in between meals. i lost 80lbs by eating six times a day with smaller meals. i also drink a ton of water. i am rarely hungry. if i ramp up the works outs then i eat more . do not be afraid to eat constantly so long as its healthy, planned out and in smaller doses. try different foods too. im looking at your menu and thinking .no wonder you are hungry
  • When I started losing weight what worked for me after finding out where my total calories should be was 30/20/50 split. 30% of my calories came from carbs and I avoided grains. I had read that atleast 2/3 of your carb calories should come from fruits and veggies. 20% was from good fat sources like whole unnatural unsalted nuts, avocados, and olives. The other 50% came from protein. The protein helps you feel fuller longer, takes longer to digest, and helps keep your body's lean muscle while your in this calorie deficit. The muscle will keep your metabolism up and help you burn more calories. A good rule to follow is to try to get protein at every meal and snack. If your not already doing so try eating 5-6 meals a day.
    I hope this helps
  • Hi and thanks to all those that have replied.

    I've opened up my diary so any experts on weight loss out there can take a look.

    I used to do a lot of body building so my body learnt to consume huge amounts of calories, mostly protein. I know exactly how to eat to gain but I must admit I cheated when it came to getting ripped. I'm trying to avoid cheating as at my age and current general fitness i don't feel I'm up to the elevated metabolism techniques I once used.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • ken0625
    ken0625 Posts: 1 Member
    try to fit in 1200 cal in a 5meal a day :) doing this after my first 2 days :) it helps.
  • TheVulcanLover
    TheVulcanLover Posts: 36 Member
    You need to eat more. No way around it.

    You are going by an old mindset about losing weight and it just does not work. You are setting yourself up to fail.

    1200 cal is really too few calories for a thin but active WOMAN let alone a man who works out.

    I am female, mildly active ...my target calories are set at almost 1600 cals per day. When I work out, I earn up to 1000 more cals per day.

    You need to reset your baseline calorie goal AND eat back some of your exercise cals if you are hungry.

    Instead of just fruit for snacks, work in high protein and high fiber.
  • I hit 2227 cals daily, when im on my stripping cycle and i shed weight.

    1200 cals is flirting with starvation. If you train hard your not going to lose.

    raise your calories. eat 5 - 6 times a day.
  • Hi,

    My diary is not that well organized and not everything listed as eaten at dinner was actually eaten at that time. If it's already in my dinner list from a previous day I tend to list it again as dinner even though I may have had it for lunch. It's easier to do it that way on the android app.

    Or maybe I'm just too lazy
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Hi and thanks to all those that have replied.

    I've opened up my diary so any experts on weight loss out there can take a look.

    I used to do a lot of body building so my body learnt to consume huge amounts of calories, mostly protein. I know exactly how to eat to gain but I must admit I cheated when it came to getting ripped. I'm trying to avoid cheating as at my age and current general fitness i don't feel I'm up to the elevated metabolism techniques I once used.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Fair enough, and much more sensible. BUT you still need to eat more. I'm losing weight eating 1600-1800 a day. And I'm a 5 ft 8 moderately active woman. You need to eat more.
  • when doing the diary dont be lazy, if you put them in the right area its easy to see what you need to change when, it also depends on when your eating.
    try to not eat anything 2 hours before sleep.
    when you weigh yourself weigh yourself as soon as you get up.
    if you exercise, try to do some lite cardio before you eat anything.
    for breakfast have 1 real egg mixed with a serving of egg whites, scrambled. to start your day off right.
    look up healthy recipes and make those for lunch or dinner.
    and as more people said then i can count. MORE PROTEIN . better to go over on protein then cals.
    good luck.
    one more thing exercise more to get more cal. if you have your account set to lite activity add in everything that isnt sitting around.