
PA21 Posts: 95 Member
Hi everyone! I'm on holiday right now and my big goal is to go to gym 5 days a week. I woke up this morning at 7am, and checked the gym schedule on my phone because if I'm getting up this early- I better use my time wisely! Well I saw that Nia was on at 8 and I have been very curious about it. I am trying to push my cardio to the limit, so I was concerned about it not being "intense" enough. At the end of 1 hour, I burned 626 calories, which is VERY decent!

Here is a description:
"Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that leads to health, wellness and fitness. It empowers people of all shapes and sizes by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Classes are taken barefoot to soul-stirring music in more than 45 countries. Trainings are designed for those seeking personal enrichment and professional development. Every experience can be adapted to individual needs and abilities. Step into your own joyful journey with Nia, and positively shape the way you feel, look, think and live."

I can tell you I was very stiff and sore before class (and a tad bit grumpy because I woke up at 7am on a day off!) after I felt amazing, like a yoga class only more "glowy" (yoga people know what I'm talking about). It's about moving your joints through all planes and also has a bit of "free styling" to it.

Anyway, I didn't see much about it in the message boards and I encourage everyone who wants to start aerobics or want to try something different to give it a go. It feels so good! The ladies in my class ranged from early 20's to 80's and everyone was rockin'! I think you can make it as calorie sufficient as possible, I REALLY went for the movement so I could burn up some calories.

Has anyone else tried it? What did you think?


  • dandy_mandy
    Thanks so much for the information, it sounds great!
  • loventea
    I love Nia! I took a class at school and I've finally found in my city!
  • Pihjin
    Pihjin Posts: 63
    I love, love, LOVE Nia!

    It's an awesome low impact workout and I come out of it feeling so much more energised and pumped than I go in. A workout that makes me sweat, tones me and makes me feel great afterwards - YEAY!