Spaghetti Squash



  • LeiaBeekley
    LeiaBeekley Posts: 26 Member
    I wanted to give everyone an update on how the crockpot idea worked. The directions said to cook it in 2 cups of water for 8-9 hours. After a long day at work and then going straight to the gym the squash was way over done. I assumed it be like any crockpot meal (set it and forget it) but the squash was very mooshy. It still tasted good but instead of it being like noodles it was more like mashed potatos. All in all I will try this again but next time I'll follow the directions :)

    If anyone else tries it in the crockpot please share.

  • mew623
    mew623 Posts: 3 Member
    Salt and pepper and a little butter, but being we are trying to lose weght, a substitute for butter would be better. It is yummy.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'm planning on cooking mine with red sauce but wasn't sure if I should still season it. Thank you all for your replies :)
    I don't think you have to season it with anything if you are going to add sauce.

    If you want to really enhance the flavor of that sauce, you can lightly season the spaghetti squash.

    kosher salt
    black pepper
    pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
    olive oil (if you are baking it)

    the spaghetti squash is really a vessel... how you season it should depend upon what sauce you are planning on using it with...