New Food Choices

What are some healthy alternatives other than buying Hot Pockets, Burritos, and other quick microwavable things to eat? I'm going to the store later and want to be able to get healthy foods. This is going to be a lot of work, but I'm ready to change my life once and for all.


  • offutt100kelly
    offutt100kelly Posts: 4 Member
    I'm not too crazy about microwavable meals. The small George Forman grill (cost $20-30) is quick and easy to use. I like grilling fish fillets, especially tilapia and salmon. You can also grill veggies like green beans and slices of squash. The non-stick surface is easy to wipe clean with a damp cloth.

    If I had to go microwavable I prefer Marie Callender meals.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Find a store that is running a sale on Boneless Chicken Breast and buy a lot. Grill or cook it all and cut it up and freeze it for the week. Also Salad greens and what ever other veggies you like to put in your salad. Low calorie bread, Cheese. IF you want something quick, try Lean cuisine meals. Look for the healthier ones. I always add cooked frozen veggies to mine to make them more filling.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    wraps/flavored light tortillas that you can fill with fresh meats, cheeses, and veggies, or even use large lettuce leaves to make a "salad on the go". Fruits, hearty, whole wheat bread for making sandwiches (watch the calorie count on them). Some lean meats - Im a griller which is easy and has no cleanup :) Lots of different veggies - last night I cut up some zucchini, yellow squash, various bell peppers and onions, and threw them in the broiler - super easy and low cal.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I am switching my diet to a more veggie based so for me planning is everything. I like Trader Joes for their prepackaged individual salads & precut veggies. Unfortunately most prepackaged convenience foods such as your Hot Pockets, etc. are full of fat, sugar, and or salt. I am making veggie soups and stews on the days that I cook and put them into individual serving containers that can go with me. I like whole grain breads and raw nut butters for quick sandwiches when all else fails. Pieces of fruit, little baggies of individual servings of whole grain crackers, no salt or oil roasted nuts from home all work for my "fast" foods. LARABARS are very healthy with just fruit and nuts.