30 day shred updates?

hello has anyone completed their 30 day shred and what were the reults for you? weight lost and inches...
i wanted to start doing it


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    mine wasn't as much as i thought. i just finished mine at the end of dec... i am going to re do the whole thing with NO interruptions... no christmas in the middle to throw me off,lol... I lost 1 inch off my hips and waist and 1.5 off my belly and only 2 lbs :(
  • I did it for 5 days, 1/2 inch off all over areas with diet also. Than I had to take a 4 day break, because of back pain. I just finished 2nd day. I think it is a great way to lose inches in the PRIVACY of my own home. That is what I like best as I don't like to work out in front of people.
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    i just finished the first week yesterday....i lost 3lbs and 6.5 inches total from my waist, arms, hips, and bust!!!
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I've just started doing it for the second time (last time was last May). I didn't see a huge size difference then (less than an inch) but what I did lose has STAYED OFF! And I'm near my goal weight anyway so I always assume nothing will make a *huge* difference. This time I've noticed that even with the long break I can do so much more than I could before (fewer breaks, heavier weights) so the first time really did have a longer lasting impact than I'd realised.

    It really depends on how much hard work you pour into it and just how hard you push yourself - as with everything! Good luck!
  • I am on day 14(level 2), but haven't noticed any significant changes yet(although I didn't weigh myself when I started but do feel like I am more toned and in shape. The last few days I have really started counting my calories on here, and basically just eating better. I am also trying to drink more water. I am hoping if I am now doing that, along with the 30 day shred, that I will start noticing some weight loss. I am only 10-15 pounds over my ideal weight, so I don't have tons to lose. I am suppose to be getting Ripped in 30 today from Amazon, so I am going to try that out too!
  • got2Bdetermined
    got2Bdetermined Posts: 164 Member
    It really depends on how hard you work and how consistent you are, you still need to watch your calorie intake. It tones and helps to lose the inches but you need to be disciplined as with any work out.
  • It really depends on how hard you work and how consistent you are, you still need to watch your calorie intake. It tones and helps to lose the inches but you need to be disciplined as with any work out.

    AGREE!!!! You have to be faithful and consistent with it and it depends on how much effort you put into it. I did it in Nov-December and I lost 5 lbs, a few inches off my waist and hips and toned up. I also felt like I was going to die at the end of each workout, so I was giving it all I had. That is very important. I'm doing Ripped in 30 now and hoping for great results doing this too. Trust me, it works and does an amazing job! If you are still in doubt, look at all the pics people have posted on here showing the before and after. They are fabulous! Very motivational!!!
  • oliviaseward
    oliviaseward Posts: 66 Member
    thank you all for youre great responses i just ordered the dvd and i wanted to know yall intake. i will defiantly push myself with it
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    so what is everyone's thought... do it daily or every other day with cardio on the off days? I was doing it every day but now hear it's supposed to be done every other day? I am starting my 30ds all over starting tomorrow, so i was just wondering what the best route to do it this time should be?