Lady weight fluctuations

Newbie here just starting out and looking to lose a few pounds.

My weight fluctuates quite a bit during that time of the month. Now that I am logging what I eat and weighing myself, I'm having a hard time telling the difference between "that time" and actual weight gain/loss.

For all the women out there, how much do you fluctuate? At what point do you see it as weight gain or loss?


  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Ugh..that time of the month!!!
    I gain about 5 lbs and then my weight doesn't budge at all until its over.

    For example, last week I exercised 4 days with cardio workouts lasting 1 hour burning anywhere between 600-800 calories. I was under my calorie goal each day. I lost 0 lbs. FRUSTRATING!

    Hopefully this week I will see a substantial loss! I have just realized that this is whats happening so I'm unsure when exactly I'll see myself come back down...if at all!

    Hope this helped.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I gain 2-3 lbs but lose it after TOM is over.
  • I definately weigh more during my *time of the month*. So, I don't weigh myself until it's done. That way, I know the water weight and bloating has subsided.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    I see the same things sometimes.. one thing I started doing to help was to measure myself as well as weight myself.. I just started doing this so I can't say how often you should measure or anything but a few weeks ago I was totally defeated becasue I thought I should have lost and in fact gained... well in a fit of desperations I was like I'm gonna measure myself and found that I had lost a total of 5 inches since the last time I had measured myself, which was about 2 months earlier.. so now I track my measurements on MFP too. Those are what really matters anyway!
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i will weigh myself a week before, even two weeks, and after i'm done, weigh tmyself after its cycled out. but...i'm starting to only weigh myself once every two weeks since we can flucuate in weight. its depressing to weigh yourself during that time lol it can go good or bad...usually bad from the water weight.
  • CrystalCrossan
    CrystalCrossan Posts: 8 Member
    I'll fluctuate between 5-7 pounds during "that time." I read somewhere that you naturally burn through more calories during menstruation, so don't feel awful if you don't seem to budge for a week. Keep at the diet and once the water comes off you'll be lower. We also crave more salt and sugar (must be like a natural pain killer, or at least a consolation for all our suffering), so bear that in mind as you make your food choices. Drink an extra glass of water and enjoy more protein rich / lower carb foods.
    All the best!
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    I HATE TOM WITH A PASSION!!!! Without fail, 5-6 pounds weight gain every freaking month! I used to get so down thinking that I was failing at my goal however, I quickly discovered that TOM was the culprit.....evil SOB, so I decided to not weigh myself during that time anymore. :)
  • iluvmycats
    iluvmycats Posts: 29 Member
    My wgt fluctuation is about 3 to 5 lbs. I weighed myself last sunday and it said I had gained 4 lbs and the next day the cramps started! So i know that cant be right! Of course now that its here, I am ready to eat everything in my sight..i do well until 3pm and my cravings have kicked in..i have had enough water to open an aquarium in my kidneys but I just want to eat..luckily im not over eating and for that Im proud of myself. On the other hand while I am not over eating till im sick, im grazing!

    Any tips or ideas on what people are doing to take care of those cravings, that obviously do not include salads and apples!!??