30 day shred starting tomorrow.. Join the Group For Jan 9th



  • doingit4mybaby
    Ok Thanks!
  • Specializedbkh
    Specializedbkh Posts: 22 Member
    you do level 1 for 10 days and then level 2 for 10 and then level 3 for 10 :) some people do less or more of each.. but it is up to you.. I am doing the 10 days of each..

    Thank you... Got it! ;o)
  • doingit4mybaby
    Boy was that a challenge!! How did everyone do??

    I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow but itis well worth it!!

    BTW: I searched on here and most say to log it as "circuit training", so that's what i did :)
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    Too late to join? I have the video and haven't started doing it yet, but would love to have a group to do it with! I'm fine with being one day behind! :)
  • mellygates22
    Im so sore! Took the children to the pool today, and walked up the stairs to go down the waterslide - Im not sure Im up to a workout as well - but thats what this is all about right - pushing past the pain? I have really sore legs!
  • dorairwin
    dorairwin Posts: 210
    I just did her workout - OMG! Talk about work up a sweat!:explode:
  • doingit4mybaby
    Never to late ItsAliciaMari, welcome aboard!!

    Yeah, my legs feel tingly ... well I'm off to hit the shower, Good Night everyone!
  • doingit4mybaby
    I just did her workout - OMG! Talk about work up a sweat!:explode:

    LOL, that's the main reason why I hate working out, I HATE sweating ...
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    Good timing. I just finished the level 1 first day and jumped on here. I've done some of it before. Last year I got half way through level two and then was hit with the flu which through me completely off track. Hoping to keep up with it this time but may allow myself some wiggle room if I happen to be doing something else active that day.
  • hkovich
    hkovich Posts: 44
    I started Sunday, so today was my day 2. OMG I was sore today! It was hard to walk up the stairs today at work. Hopefully it won't be so bad tomorrow. I like the burn though!
  • schalka
    schalka Posts: 57
    Just joined, starting tomorrow!!!
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    Done Level 1 Day 2
  • Debrox69
    Debrox69 Posts: 7 Member
    I wanted to start but found the group too late! Thanks for the link and I watched it last night can't wait to start it!!
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    Finished day 1! I forgot how hard this was! Oh well no pain no gain, right?
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    I wanted to start but found the group too late! Thanks for the link and I watched it last night can't wait to start it!!

    I just started today better late than never debrox69! :)