What Inspires you? ps. helloow

Im just curious what drives people to do what they do? for example, When I see or saw (this guy retired 2 weeks back) Brock Lesnars training videos/fights, it made me want to emulate that, one of my main goals is to become a serious MMA fighter, I dont just want to be on the amature circuits I want to push my boundries and go far as possible, so anything related to MMA and fitness related music and videos really pumps me up to go to the gym or for a jog, or even puts me of any temptation (I hope this makes sense)also my overall goals are printed into mini posters witch I have up on my fridge, my room and in my car to remind me to keep going, im just wondering what gives you that extra push?

also, Helloow, Im carlie, Ive used this site for around 2 weeks, Im really impressed by the support from other members and the actual site itself, I wish I had found this site this time last year when my journey began, feel free to add me? or friend me? not quite sure how it works on here just yet lol.

good luck with all your goals and other people, your sucsess is another inspiration in it self :-)


  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I guess what inspires me most is my son and husband. My hubby is pretty active and I was at the point last year that walking through the zoo was too much for me so I had to sit down and let him and my son walk through and just wait. I don't want to be like that again!! I also don't want my son to grow seeing me so unhappy (cause let's face it, no one is happy if they can't even walk around the zoo without being in pain). It showed outwardly in how I took care of myself and my house. I just didn't care.

    But all that has changed, I care about myself and how I look, and feel! I am a much happier person already, my goal isn't just weight loss. It's a serious life overhaul!
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    The number 1 is dancing. I'm good at it. & as I get in shape & shed the fat, I'll look good doing it. Watching people dance it's just.. amazing. The moves a single persons body can make. If I can feel the music, it makes me want to work out & get fit. If I watch a movie with dancing or a dancing show.. or even a music video. I'm ready to go. haha.

    & hello! (:
    I'm not a big fan of sending people requests.. It's a mental thing. Sometimes I'll over think that small action of sending it & it sends me in to a panic.
    Good luck to you! (:
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I am a goal driven person. I like to draw a line in the sand or set a bar really high, then demolish it. I need to move toward a goal, something to overcome. That's what motivates me to improve my workouts every day, every week.. I'm shooting for a competition. Last year it was a 5k, then a half marathon.. Now it's a Warrior Dash. I also used to be a competitive powerlifter, and the competitions I'd sign up for were very motivating.

    But, in truth, the very core thing that gets me working out at all is a look down the road.. You see, I have two handicapped children, and odds are very good I'll be caring for at least one of them for a very long time. I need to be around to do that. I need to be fit to keep up with the demand. Plus, being a very physical person, the exertion I spend in the gym or on the road or on the treadmill is my stress release. I tend to hold onto my stress, and tense my muscles. By working them, I'm forcing release. It always feels like a million pounds has been lifted from my shoulders after a good, exhausting workout.
  • @ yoshi I think that is very good, your son and Husband will be very proud, sometimes it takes an awful feeling or memory to make the best ones happen and you have millions of haooy ones to make :-)

    @lyssa thats great, I wish I could dance, ive tried, sadly I end up looking like shrek on some bad stuff lol, good on you, you can achieve it I totally understand that as Im the same, youtube i couldnt live without anymore lol, good luck im sure ill see you in a music video one day :)
  • @ladymuscles, I think your determination is a inspiration in itself, alot of people give up in those situations and you thrive on it, I understand what your saying, I dont have the same stresses but I can relate to how you release that stress as Im exacly the same, I treat the gym as my spa, it relaxes me. keep up all your dedication and I hope you reach that goal and furthermore :)
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Hey Carlie! I'm Carrie. Loved your "chicken" posting on another message - made me laugh (I have about a thousand chicken recipes!). I too have been using MFP for about two weeks. I used FitDay.com for about 18 mos. - successfully for about a year, then it became too cumbersome. I'm liking this format, and that I can use it on my Droid and Kindle as well.

    Oh, what inspires me? Most of it is from the outside (though I am quite happy with my progress). My husband tells people that I'm even more attractive than when we got married 20 years ago (melt!). My doctor is thrilled that I'm doing this without drastic dieting or medications. Coworkers stop me and tell me how great I look. My skinny sister is wowed by my progress. I can out-hike my teenaged sons who are in awesome shape. Clothes I couldn't even try on now hang on me. I've completed three 50-mile walks in the last 5 years. And now I am learning how to rollerblade without killing myself (or getting tangled up with our dogs!). The whole journey has been inspiring, I think.
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    I bet you don't look that bad dancing.
    I sure hope so! It would be even better if it was MY music video haha :P
  • hey @carrio, what can I say, You must be the coolest mum in the world lol, wow youve done alot you should be incredibly proud :) I think compliments like the ones you have recieved must be the best feeling in the world, I hope you learn to rollerblade very soon. thats awesome, I hope in a years time youll let me know how you can summersault on rollerblades :D haha thanks, I really do love chicken, abit to much as you saw lol, so many things you can do as you said so please do spread the word of the way of the chicken :D good luck with everything :)

    @lyssa I really do, Im so awful, once upon a time ago I was a proper little dancer would have danced circles round gaga.....ok im lying about that but i did dance lol. now Im like that uncle you cringe at a wedding for his super bad style lol. well I do now hope you make a music video and let me know, id like to tell everyone i know you and over exagirate about how well i know you, cos its cool to know someone famous right lol
  • dragginwood
    dragginwood Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Campers! I am still looking for my inspiration.. will let you know when it arrives! Am seriously jealous right now of a casual friend, who has dropped 60 (yes SIXTY) pounds... Her and I both are/were the same size and we both quit smoking around the same time. Which has a small part with my subsequent weight gain.

    Anyway, I am status post about 1 week doing a low-carb thing. Have rejoined the Y with a vengeance and working on reasonable plan of exercising there every other day.

    This chicka is 48yrs with 2 kids; an 11yr and a 9yr old, one hubby and a dog... Here's hoping the "Stella gets her Groove back"! Nice joining in... Hope to follow you all a bit more as time goes on...