What do you think about my diet plan?

xplicitxtc Posts: 2
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Honestly I think its crap.
Maybe because this is my first time being overweight.
But will you please look this over and give me a few tips and advice?

I'm 18 ; Female ; 5'2" ; and 140 Lbs. (embarrassing).

Every single day for the next 3 months

Morning (6:00 AM) :

30 crunches (2 sets)
30 push ups (2 sets)
30 squats (2 sets)
30 lunges (2 sets)
15 reps (10 pounds dumbbells 2 sets)
WITH a bowl of special K + banana + milk

Lunch : (11:50 AM)

2 oatmeal cookies - 2 granola bars or spicy chicken *
(supposedly the healthiest thing they sell in school.)
&& water.

Walk Home 2.5 miles. (2:00 P.M)

Dinner : (5:00 AM)

Rice with eggs (no yolk) + water
(i dont know anything else.)

One hour before bed (8:00 AM) :

30 crunches (1 set)
30 push ups (1 set)
15 squats (1 sets)
15 lunges (1 sets)
15 reps (10 pounds dumbbells 2 sets)

I'm aiming to lose about at least 20 lbs for the next 3 months.
Any advice + fix? :(
I would like to get this started when I get back to school after tomorrow (memorial day)
I would also like to lose my breast fat, or at least tighten my breast tissues to make them smaller.


  • i like you set up! for dinner if you want to try something new you could make a salad or a piece of grilled chicken i know that fills me up. you could also make a grilled chicken salad! :happy:
  • Lillybelle1889
    Lillybelle1889 Posts: 19 Member
    I would suggest bring a lunch to school because I'm sure nothing they sell there is very healthy. You also should add a lot more fruits and veggies.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Get some heatlhy snacks in there so you're not starving by lunch time, preferrably fruits and veggies and I agree bring your own lunch. Also, increase your workout routine as time goes by (number of sets or weight).
  • callalily
    callalily Posts: 3
    I think its good you made a plan, but you will probably get bored with it quickly variety is good. You don't need to be embarassed by your weight there are a lot of people on here who need to lose more weight then you do including myself. Good Luck :smile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I agree with Emily on the fruits and veggies.

    Speaking as someone who has fought their weight all their life, in order to be successful, you have to LIKE what you are eating and there is no human being alive who can LIKE eating the same thing every day.:grumble:

    Also, you will lose faster by eating more often. Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, dinner. If your schedule is such that you have to move things around a bit, maybe have 2 snacks in the morning because your schedule means a late lunch, no problem. Ditto for if you prefer to have one of your snacks after dinner instead.

    The food purists will probably not agree with me, but one of the fastest and most filling routines I have found for breakfast is to do a shake, a Slim Fast Optima type(make sure it is this variety as the original Slim Fast type is much higher in carbs and sugar and won't keep you satisfied for as long). Kroger and Walmart have their own brands that have the same basic nutritional values.

    About 2-3 hours after I have the shake ,I have a banana, or a 6 oz. container of low fat yogurt. I also have about 8 shelled unsalted almonds. (You can buy them in bulk at your grocery store.) Yoplait Light or the Dannon Light and Fit are the two I prefer, because they are relatively low in sugar, so your blood sugar won't spike up and down and leave you feeling hungry. (If you do some label reading you may find store brands that will work as well, but watch the sugar content.)

    If you have access to a microwave at school, you can choose a Healthy Choice, or Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine entree for lunch. Just keep your eye on the sodium content. It would be better yet if you can put together your own healthy lunches, but I know that isn't always possible.

    Dinners at home leave lots of possibilities. Check out the recipe section of this website for dinner and other options.

    A good snack is a mix of protein, fat a carbs to keep your blood sugar from bouncing up and down, which prevents you from feeling dragged out and from becoming ravenous.

    Among my favorites, in addition to the yogurt and almonds mentioned previously are: 8 almonds along with a 100 calorie pack of Craisins (These are dried cranberries, packaged by Ocean Spray. They come in 100 calorie packs (available at Costco, and maybe other stores as well) You can also buy them in bulk package and weigh them to create your own snack size packs. Another of my favorite snacks is an apple, such as fuji or gala, and a single serving of string cheese.

    One last hint I would give you is to get yourself a diet scale. An inexpensive one is available at Walgreens, and I am sure there are other sources as well.

    Become a label reader. You will be amazed at where fat and sodium hide in prepared foods.

    In regard to your exercise, it is good to build muscle but cardio work is what burns fat. The walking you mention is good, but I would try to add some more cardio, maybe another mile or two of walking, or some other aerobic activity.

    Good luck. I hope you will look toward anything you do as a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and an active lifestyle, rather than a "quick fix" to lose a few pounds.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I agree with the fruits and veggies too. You need more healthy snacks and make sure you're eating all of your daily calories EVEN the cals you burn from exercise. You should try eating 4-6 small meals or at least eat a healthy snack in between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    I also agree with everyone else on taking your lunch to school. You'll have a better variety than just eating the same darn thing every single day. Take a pb and jelly sandwich, with a banana, low fat/low cal snack bar, etc.
    It's hard to do the same thing every day for several months. You'll prob plateau if you don't change your exercise and eating patterns. You need to increase your workout routines every week or so. Push yourself just a little bit harder each time.
    I highly recommend that you read these, they should help you:

    good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • xplicitxtc
    xplicitxtc Posts: 2
    thank you everyone, so far im doing well. its takes hard work to stay off the fatties :(
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    I think its good you made a plan, but you will probably get bored with it quickly variety is good. You don't need to be embarassed by your weight there are a lot of people on here who need to lose more weight then you do including myself. Good Luck :smile:

    I agree, you gotta change up your foods a little or you'll get really bored.

    I'm 5'1.5 (very proud of my .5) and when I started MFP I was 148lbs, I've lost about 28 pounds, so it CAN be done, good luck!!!
  • renee22
    renee22 Posts: 33
    its good to plan out your workouts....but don't be afraid to focus on 1 muscle group....the actual strength & building of muscle tissue comes when the muscle is at rest....so you don't want to double on the same exercises every day.

    for example:
    monday: AM = arms & shoulders; PM = abs
    tuesday: AM = legs; PM = xtra cardio (do a 30 min brisk walk around the block)
    wednesday: AM = abs; PM = chest & back muscles
    thursday: AM = rest; PM = xtra cardio
    etc, etc, etc

    You can always find plenty of workouts on YouTube (for free - I like the 8min series) or pick up a DVD that allows you to change up the workout (I'm a fan of the Biggest Loser Yoga - you can modify the workout based on level of skill & time available)....

    Mixing up the exercises along w/ a different # of reps/weights is best for muscle confusion - which is the best way to get into shape (& ultimately lose weight).
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    You will likely want to change up the routine and foods or it will get old quick.
    My suggestion in addition to that would be to add some snacks in there. Adding fuel to the fire every few hours is key.
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I definately think that you need to change up your food. There are sooooo many options! I also think that you should bring your lunch to school. If you aren't the one who makes it you don't really know what is in it. Plus, you and your body will get bored quickly with the same food everyday.

    As for the exercise you HAVE to have cardio to really lose the weight. Cardio is where the fat burning comes in! Also, change it up too. Doing the same routine for so long will get boring and your body will grow immune to it. Try new exercises every few days and trick your body! You'll get a lot out of it.

    Remember...this is not and cannot be a 3 month diet. This is for life. You can't be sooo strict on yourself or it will never last. Trust yourself and change your choices and the weight will come off!

    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I think its good you made a plan, but you will probably get bored with it quickly variety is good. You don't need to be embarassed by your weight there are a lot of people on here who need to lose more weight then you do including myself. Good Luck :smile:

    i agree, you need lots of variety.

    fruits, veggies, and you mentioned chicken, but make friends with fish. fish is so healthyyyyy! haddock, sole, tillapia, it is all good for you stuff that is so easy to cook, and you can make it with baked potato's, rice, a big salad.

    a trick i learned from a magazine, and it acctually works for me. is to make your side dish (your health salad) the main part of the dish, and the main part, the side. so increase the size of the salad, and have a nice piece of fish, and you are good!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I must be nuts, but this looks like a plan to fail!

    You need a healthy variety of foods, veges, fruits, nuts and beans, lean cuts of meat! You will quickly put your body in starvation mode and not lose any weight doing that plan! not to mention serious constipation from lack of fiber.

    I see no Omega 3 fatty acids! To many carbs and where is your antioxidants! There are many healthy weight loss web sites with great menu planning sections. Take your own lunch to school, Banana 7 days a week?, where is the oranges apples and berries? you need balanced nutrition. it is like driving a car with an empty fuel tank! No gas, No go! great exercise plan, wish I could keep up, without fuel you won't either!
  • etandit
    etandit Posts: 35
    :noway: this may work for a short time, you should also take the time to look into a more healtyh way of eating. I have a feeling that you will not develope good habits by doing this, and eventually you will lose intrest and gain back anything you lose. Been there dont that! result was: I made it just that much harder on myself
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hi there,
    This is just my little bit of advice, I am also 5'2 and started out at 158 lbs.

    Cardio will be your friend for weight loss along with a healthy diet. You need variety in this diet and you should be eating every 3 hours, have healthy snacks in between those meals. I always have skim milk with my cereal if you still want to do that. good snack in between your breakfast and lunches are fruit with cottage cheese, bell peppers with hummus, oatmeal, I love oatmeal!!

    Also, take your lunch to school, you can eat the occassional lean cuisine which is what i did, just don't eat too many of them. Turkey sandwiches on whole grain bread are delicious with mustard and I love the Kraft fat free cheese slices. Also, the Arnold Sandwich thins are delicious and very high in fiber, check those out!! Baked Lays chips on the side, usually about 120 calories and 3 grams of fat.

    And dinner eat lean protein and I load up on veggies. Steamfresh makes some excellent ones that you just pop in the microwave. And I usually add a big salad with low fat dressing such as Kraft fat free thousand island or Newman's Own Sesame Ginger, they are both tasty.

    And whenever you are craving something sweet, which is pretty much a lot of the time for me, I am in love with Skinny Cow ice creams!!! :heart:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    It may also be unrealistic to expect to lose 20lbs in 3 months when you are so close to a healthy weight. The last (or in you case 1st) 20lbs are the hardest to lose and you probably won't be able to sustain as weight loss of over 1.5lbs for three months. If you some how manage to, you'll gain the weight right back.

    I would recommend the same as the others. Add more variety and small snacks. Make sure you eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day by logging everything you eat. The plan you have now is setting you up for failure. There is a lot of great posts on this site. They'll help set you on the right path for losing the weight in a healthy way that you can keep off. THis is a good one:

    Good luck!
  • AshBear
    AshBear Posts: 63
    I am also 5'2 and 140 pounds...and I'm 20. I'm so mad at myself for gaining the weight. What's your goal weight? School food definately messed me up in my first year of college!! Good luck!
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough protein, carbs and good fats.
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Ditto what many are saying - eat every 3 hours, and you need more fiber. There are plenty of tasty cereals and cereal bars with good fiber content.
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