Losing Weight for Weddings?



  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm getting married August 2013, which I realize is over a year from now but I'm already working at achieving and maintaining my ideal bridal body.
  • jessashcher
    It's not a wedding I am losing weight for but my 25th wedding anniversary is in April and I want to look awesome, Our daughters are throwing us an anniversary bash in Vegas and friends I haven't seen since high school are going to be there. I have 20 lbs. to get to my ultimate goal weight, 15 more lbs. and I will be very happy though. 3 monthes left to get there and I know I can do it and I wish the best of success to all you beautiful people.
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi. I'm getting married in July and need to lose 50 lbs! I'm 4 lbs down already and I just started!
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    I have a wedding in April and I'd like to lose twenty pounds by then! Or lose part of that and tone up the rest! My b/f is the best man so I'm doing this with him and he's trying to lose about 50. We'll see how it goes!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I am looking to see if anyone else is looking to lose weight for a wedding day. And I'm not just talking about brides! I've never been married, but this is my 5th time being a bridesmaid (yes, I'll be just 22 dresses from being the next Katherine Heigel). I want to look my best on the day of my friends wedding and not look back at wedding day photos and regret that I hadn't tried harder.

    So if your a bride, groom, mother/father-of-the-bride, groomsman, bridesmaid, or just an attendee and have a goal date of a wedding in mind, let me know and perhaps we can start a little support group.

    My goal is to lose 25 pounds by August 18th and maintain it (or whichever comes first). I'd also like to decrease my waist by 5 inches.

    Anyone else have goals/dates?
    Okay curious here, but why didn't you keep the weight off after the 2nd time being a bridesmaid? Are you dieting to just look good for pictures or are you really doing it to keep looking good all the time?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I am looking to see if anyone else is looking to lose weight for a wedding day. And I'm not just talking about brides! I've never been married, but this is my 5th time being a bridesmaid (yes, I'll be just 22 dresses from being the next Katherine Heigel). I want to look my best on the day of my friends wedding and not look back at wedding day photos and regret that I hadn't tried harder.

    So if your a bride, groom, mother/father-of-the-bride, groomsman, bridesmaid, or just an attendee and have a goal date of a wedding in mind, let me know and perhaps we can start a little support group.

    My goal is to lose 25 pounds by August 18th and maintain it (or whichever comes first). I'd also like to decrease my waist by 5 inches.

    Anyone else have goals/dates?
    Okay curious here, but why didn't you keep the weight off after the 2nd time being a bridesmaid? Are you dieting to just look good for pictures or are you really doing it to keep looking good all the time?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I don't see where she said she put back on any weight after losing it. And she did say she is wanting to maintain after she loses the weight.
  • alevesque1990
    alevesque1990 Posts: 20 Member
    so when are we starting this group!! definitely need support from other brides and wedding attendees looking to shed the lbs!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I don't see where she said she put back on any weight after losing it. And she did say she is wanting to maintain after she loses the weight.
    She indicated she wanted to lose weight. That's an indication that she probably gained it back. And this is her 5th time, so it doesn't seem like it's been a maintenance lifestyle. Not trying to be an a** here, but I'm always curious why it's just for weddings that most females just want to look their best. Why not look your best all the time and not just for an event?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    My sister is getting married in June and before the proposal she had been working, eating great and looks her absolute BEST! I'm so proud of her! However, I'm her MoH and I have recently discovered that I'm the heaviest I've been in my life. We almost look like twins so I'd love to look just as healthy standing next to her on her wedding day. These are certainly pictures I'd love to be proud to display! Her wedding is just one of the reasons I've decided to change my lifestyle :)
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    I'm the maid of honor for a 2013 wedding in Italy. It's not my main motivation for losing weight and getting healthy, but it definitely factors in. It's my second time being a maid of honor, third time as a bridesmaid. I'm looking forward to looking good in any dress they throw at me and to feeling confident, especially for an overseas adventure!
  • misszim1
    misszim1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am getting married July 28th this year! I bought my dress over the Christmas Holidays... 2 sizes smaller than I am now. :-) So that better be motivation!

    I joined MFP exactly a week ago and have lost 4 lbs. I want to lose 29 more before my dress fitting on May 17th. It's roughly 1.7 pounds a week-- which is challenging, but definitely doable!

    It's been SO fun planning the details for my wedding, and of course I want it to be everything I imagine it will be. My dress is beautiful... and strapless...so I have all the reasons in the world to rock it!

    I have been engaged since July of this year and I'm telling all you brides-to-be with wedding coming up in "awhile"-- like the next year or 2-- time flies when you're having fun!! It has gone by really fast, so don't wait til the last minute! There's not a better reason/motivation for wanting to look and feel your best, on the day that is all about YOU, So let's make it happen!!
  • Pebbles536
    My Wedding! Oct 2013 in Oahu, Hawaii. Goal to lose 100lbs by January 2013 so I can go dress shopping. Then get as close to my ultimate goal weight (150lbs) as I can get by Oct 2013 so I will look stunning not only on my wedding day but on the beach with my then husband and family.
  • princesskel30
    I am a bridesmaid in May and August this year and don't want to feel a frump compared to the other gorgeous bridesmaids! Also have a holiday where I want to wear a bikini instead of hiding in a baggy tshirt! x
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Hello! Soon-to-be Bride here!

    My wedding is on April 21st and it's seems like the SECOND I got engaged, I put on 20 pounds. Now, I'm looking to take that off and then some.

    My ultimate goal is to lose 25 pounds....but wedding goal is to get down another 15-20 before the wedding and I am willing to do what it takes to get there :)
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Not trying to be an a** here, but I'm always curious why it's just for weddings that most females just want to look their best. Why not look your best all the time and not just for an event?

    It's not JUST for weddings that women want to look their best...obviously. BUT, for most women it is one of the most important and most heavily photographed days of their lives. It's a day where all eyes are on them and they want to feel beautiful. I see nothing wrong with using one's wedding as motivation to jump start a fitness routine. Your question is like asking why supermodels want to look pretty for a fashion show, or why celebrities dress up for Award Shows or why body builders want to be big for competitions...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    It's not JUST for weddings that women want to look their best...obviously. BUT, for most women it is one of the most important and most heavily photographed days of their lives. It's a day where all eyes are on them and they want to feel beautiful. I see nothing wrong with using one's wedding as motivation to jump start a fitness routine. Your question is like asking why supermodels want to look pretty for a fashion show, or why celebrities dress up for Award Shows or why body builders want to be big for competitions...
    While I see it as a very big day, the point I was making is that AFTER the wedding or event, everything seems to go out the door. Can't tell you how many females I've met who were married and 2 years later have gained 20 or more pounds without having a child.
    Then I hear "wishes" that they were that size again and look back at the pictures with sadness. So it baffles me that if they are willing to do it for 1 DAY, why not embrace the size for life? That's all I wanted to encourage.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • catundra75
    Hello! I am getting married in April and would also like to lose a few pounds. Actually more like 15-20 pounds. I'm getting married on a cruise ship, so my wedding and honeymoon are combined. I'm working like crazy to get the weight off, but I have to remind myself that no matter what, I'm gonna have a good time!! Good luck everyone!
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    I am the "best man" for my brother's wedding! Since i'm wearing a women's cut suit, i'd like to be in a bit better shape. And yes, i want to look good in the pictures, but that's only my short-term goal.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I don't see where she said she put back on any weight after losing it. And she did say she is wanting to maintain after she loses the weight.
    She indicated she wanted to lose weight. That's an indication that she probably gained it back. And this is her 5th time, so it doesn't seem like it's been a maintenance lifestyle. Not trying to be an a** here, but I'm always curious why it's just for weddings that most females just want to look their best. Why not look your best all the time and not just for an event?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    We've all gained it back, that's why we're here. You're a fitness instructor and somewhere along the way "gained it back" instead of maintaining. Life happens, and people fall off the wagon. I look at my wedding as a motivation...the jump-start I needed to really focus on weight loss and getting healthy, and I am determined to maintain after my wedding day. Sometimes, having a "fun" event to look forward to can help people stay motivated. I know we should all be working to be fit for our health, etc, but having something to do it FOR can be more helpful in the motivation department. Now every time I'm tempted to overeat, I think about how I want to look on my wedding day, instead of just saying "oh, well I've got time to eventually work that off."
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    im getting married on june 1st!!!
    want to loose 10lbs in the next 20 weeks